Is this a chick or a dude Sup Forums? I've been talking to her a couple weeks, and don't wanna get trapped

Is this a chick or a dude Sup Forums? I've been talking to her a couple weeks, and don't wanna get trapped.


Ciswomen don't have Adam's apples

That's a fucking guy user

A sexy dude. More?

Only one way to find out. Hot either way

well first we need more pictures to be able to tell

Probably a guy

Only other I have

This was the first pic she sent me and I just got the other one a few days ago, that one totally set off em all

Not completely true, but this is a good rule of thumb.

Its a girl

Definitely a dude. Narrow hips, broad shoulders, pronounced adams apple and jawline.

lol you've been talking weeks and only have 2 pictures?

nigga you gay

Let me guess, southeast mi? I have the answer you seek lol

Most are sent through Snapchat, I don't save boring pictures

Yeah bro

>And come to think about it he sent me a pic of his ass for two seconds on Snapchat, I tried to screenshot it, but my phone froze... It is a dude. FUCK

Gimme some info Sup Forumsro


Bruh nigga's got a fuckin Adams apple.

Not her is it? Looks to big, when I got the ass pic, it was the actual puss

Damn nigga....this was on fucking Grindr? I got an fucking Grindr pic?? Kek, end me now. I met this "girl" at the bar

Why don't you just ask him?

I'm sure he's still a pretty good fuck

Ewww, well I'm going to now I know she's a he. I'm just going to call him out for the Grindr pic straight up g

Holy shit dude bail now! Abort! Abort!

>Is this a chick or a dude Sup Forums?
If you gotta ask, you should probably KYS instead

Shoulders wider than hips, she got hairy nips.

Kek nice user

I'll save you on the fact that she probably has a bigger dick than you too


It's a girl bro, no worries I've been in too many trap threads to easily figure out what a trap looks like in seconds.

Eh maybe, I'm pretty average

Women do not have broad or square shoulders like this dude. Isay go for it she looks like a chick 2 me

Yeah, definitely happening, especially after sending me a picture from Grindr. It his response is good I'll share with Sup Forums

the shirt literally says "ladyboy"

we all know you're still going to fuck him

It's got an adams apple.

Fiona's let herself go a bit

Yes please share


You gons get buttraped.

its a man but if ur drunk its a woman

nigga you gay

Would still fuck tbh

I don't fucking know user, tell her to send you a picture of her dick.

Jesus Christ.... Does anyone have a gun to lend me? I'm only going to use it once.

That's the asshole I've seen, idk how he hid that large cock tho

Suck her dick if some stuff hits the back of your throat that's her squirting

All humans have them.

definitely a dude

worse...a jew

+1 for Basketball

Would you guys fuck him anyway?


It's a feminazi.


Don't you know you're suppose to ask what their perfered pronouns are, else something about you being a bigot or violent towards trans or something.

+1 for anything created by Matt and Trey