I'm a pickup artist and my specialty is getting nudes out of women...

I'm a pickup artist and my specialty is getting nudes out of women. Post the Instagram or fb (preferably insta) of a girl you know - I'll start flirting with them and get their nudes, which I'll post here in exactly 3 days. I have nearly a 90% success rate. Only rule is they can't be underage.

Also, advice and AMA.

Other urls found in this thread:



What are your methods? How do you typically start a conversation and what is the one key that draws women to you? And how do you keep them coming back?


>I'm a pickup artist

Usually I can tell within 15-20 minutes of browsing a girl's profile what kind of guy they're into, whether or not they're the daddy issues sort, so I approach accordingly. Interestingly it's easier for girls with BFs cause they already have nudes handy and feel like they're doing something forbidden. Basically, I just play to the girl's ego, say the things she wants to hear, demonstrate confidence by coming on to her directly and just being playful. They're like putty in my hands.

>They're like putty in my hands.

fb maury dobbel


Can you tell what she is like?

Also try ahead if you want, she's got a nice pair of tits

Lmao fag tryna creep on some random chicks profile kek
>I’m a pickup artist
What a cuck.

OP if you are legit give me your email or something and we can discuss this further

otherwise you are a fag

Hey OP,

Should I focus just on one girl or rather text/play with 3-4 of them on regular basis? 2nd option gives me more experience I guess

What are some of your sweetest negs OP?

IG remi_sayre
good luck OP

It's all a numbers game, go with as many as you can, that way you'll get better and detect patterns in the way women think more quickly. If you dont have all your eggs in one basket you're more confidence which women love.

>tips fedora

Gonna get started soon on these.

post previous wins OP

>previous wins

Meh, they're all girls I know firsthand so you'd doxx me. And that's my private collection besides.

Good luck, christain weeb who rarely puts up pictures of herself. Not that devout tho, met her in uni 2 years ago
>pic related she likes this meme

Crop out the faces op :V

lol faggot has nothing

>girls I know firsthand
>And that's my private collection besides.

op is a fag and this is now a get thread

OP is a dumb nigger
heres some OC to make the thread worth something


Checked and OP rekt

Big whoop, you got a picture of an ass - the least valuable of the big 3 - and from a non-white woman at that. I've got pictures in my collection that would make a fool like you salivate. Too bad I can't post them due to my PUA oath.


LMR includes rape but sharing pics is against oath?

check these big 3


Both same girl, just diff accounts

here u crybaby

That's you isn't it?

Good luck OP.

yass plz do this OP

OP do you recommend a fedora or a trilby for day game approaches?


>the more women you annoy the higher the chance you get a pic out of pity
gotta stack these numbers bro!

seen her nudes on Sup Forums before

>pua Oath

Is this actually a thing?
Are betas that sad?
Can someone please link the oath

Who is she? Name?

@saraahbobaraah PLEASE

Wendy Yamada

BASED, got moar? Toasting in epic bread.

either fake or too stupid to blur out private info.



Anxiety does not exist: enjoy the thrill of approaching!

Rejections do not exist: they are only invitations to improvement!

Excuses are not acceptable : one acts when has got alpha male balls!
No “I hope she likes me” only attempts and fuckcloses!

No shit-tests, cockblocks nor bitch shields: only opportunities to have fun and have sex!

No one-itis nor naivety: only hardening by experience!

No soft and premature dick : only hard guys who have read The awesome lover’s manual !
No more invitations to the restaurant or flowers, only creation of attraction, DHV and negs.

No more priority to unknowns just to get laid, prioritize your family and important people.

No more generalizations or “it doesn’t work”, only analysis and work.

No more fatality nor lamentations, only orgasms with sex bombs.

No more handjob or frustration, only threesomes with two chicks
There is no street harassment, only class and respectful pickups!
There is no “I live with my parents”, only baisodromes!
There is no asshole or AFC, only radiant players!
There is no magic pill, only the theory and the field!
There is neither ego nor luck, only logical results of a personal development!
There is no problem, just the game!
Ignorance leads to fear…
Fear leads to frustration…
Frustration leads to a shitty life.
The game leads to value…
Value leads to seduction…
Seduction leads to sex…
Fuck leads to a great girlfriend.

Do not be a loser…

Do not passively accept your fate if the situation doesn’t suit you…

Be interested a bit in the seduction community…
Be a winner.
For a better world !


Fine. I'm not supposed to break my PUA code but since you begged me like a fool...

What's your kik?



That's my PUA website you fool.

>leaving info in corner
youre going to get doxxed op

That's Sasha Grey you mongoloid

Keep em coming boss


I seduced her. She was like putty in my hands. AMA

>Checks the site
Ah, op is so beta he can't even do the fucking himself

Are eating disorders genuine or attention whoring ? eg for a stereotypical upper class petite white blonde girl fed by disney's movies/series

there a dropbox or album with all these? shes hot

@europhiia on IG

How old are you?

keep an eye out on Leakedsauce
the new asiansauce site will be up soon and feature the set

This is so gay LOL

lol go for it op


this is so fucking sad

So? He broke the oath. What's one more cynic in the world?