Ask a crew chief who is about to be sent to korea to die in a nuclear holocaust anything

Ask a crew chief who is about to be sent to korea to die in a nuclear holocaust anything.

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are you happy about your upcoming sacrafice for israel?

Cpl. Faggot please make sure it happens, I can't live like this anymore

Hell no, israel has no part in my heart.

Godspeed, kill some of them rice niggers for me?

I like to roleplay too :)

They will be fried rice when im done with them

What do you actually think the chance of any action with NK really is?

I asked for questions not statements

Pretty damn high, especially with this current president

Do you have any information you could share with us? For example: is this in anyway connected with the "false missle" threat in hawaii?

Oh youre such a big boi sitting at your mums basement

Rank and mission?

You got a pretty wife

Oh oh there goes again statement be careful the roleplayer wants questions

I have no idea what happened in hawaii
Only that if tentions rise they will be sending a shit load of us there

Thats probably the only room you know about since your weight doesn't let you go elsewhere

Cannot disclose rank and dont know mission yet

That i might not ever see again? Yes

Fucking Korea. Fucking soju. Fucking barracks bunnies.

Says the americunt with more fat population than anywhere else

better post her nudes then commander cuck

This thread is now about nudes

Omg satan have spoken


Ill think about it

o-ok satan


Was this a scheduled or emergency deployment?


Are you a crew chief who is about to be sent to Korea to die in a nuclear holocaust?


>cannot disclose rank.
Mother fucker I served in the navy. If you actually took a picture of a conn you're ass belongs in the fucking brig. Opsec fuck head.

spotted the LARPing nigger

Another roleplayer


I forget this is Sup Forums and everyone is a faggot.

This is op trying to role plsy agen tshh

Op agen tshh

Remember to heil @ hitler.


Yes, yes i am

Why are you so mad

Ill heil him when i see him in hell

The dark lords will cannot be ignored.

Any chance you could "accidentally" drop a bomb on Hawaii?

Nudes it is

Trips of Truth. This Beelzebub is speaking the truth. Bless his soul.

How do you like Mtn Home? And does your line super know you are taking pics in an F15?

Agreed this dude needs to shut his fucking mouth.

Where you go OP?


Just so you know, I already contacted MOCC. Line supes should be out looking for your dumbass in a few minutes.

But Hitler isn't in hell. He's in antarctica or something.

Devil trips demands it

look at that balloon knot

Ex-Navyfag here. If that pic is real and you get caught you won't be going anywhere on any Navy vessel again.

To female satan

I believe you, /n/avyfag.
Where are you at right now? Any idea why they're sending you guys out?
Can you give us any info on whether or not we have the capability or probable cause to bomb north korea?

your penis kinda looks like the alien from starship troopers mate

We'll probably find out about it soon if they are hitting NK.
Makes sense if they are, and a lot of these govt fags probably like the homos on Sup Forums and stuff. They probably don't mind us knowing secrets. We're like the perfect citizens on here anyway, constantly telling people everything that we are doing and putting all our cards on the table.
They know nobody here likes NK.

I think OP is telling the truth.
Check this out
www cnn com/2018/01/16/politics/north-korea-lunatic-trump-b-52-bombers/index.html

He's not Navy. It's also not an F-15.

That's an F-16. Look at the annunciator lights for takeoff/landing configuration warning, and canopy warning. The fan turbine inlet temp and RPM gauges are also a giveaway, to the right of the MFD.

also, you can look at a prog chart for the US and figure out where he is based on the local altimeter setting. 30.31 inches of mercury could likely be Shaw AFB, near Sumter, South Carolina.

Are you still alive, OP? If so, how long until you get close to dropping the goods? I want a live feed of where ever you're going but it being NK I doubt it's easy to find.

Trips has spoken

The only place OP is going is upstairs to scream at mommy for more tendies.
Now post nudes or GTFO

>Comparing fighter jets to bombers
>being this much of a retard
>not knowing the difference

I agree, although he hasn't given us that information, it's an F-16. Perhaps this is a picture during checks and still at home