>Black people attack whites after BLACK child falls into gorilla pen.
Man, niggers really are stupid.
>Black people attack whites after BLACK child falls into gorilla pen.
Man, niggers really are stupid.
Other urls found in this thread:
>niggers blame whitey after one of them gets killed
nothing new here
If blacks could recognize black children, they'd have lot more fathers in their lives.
wasn't it a niglet that fell into the cage, not a white kid?
Harambe din du nuffin. he a good boy
>rip muh dawg
My Sides.
Wasn't the kid black though?
Didn't you make this exact thread yesterday
If you didn't you are stealing it
Fuck you sage
Blacks assumed the kid was white because he was at the zoo with his parents. Black fathers are a myth and black mothers never take their kids anywhere except the bodega to buy Newports.
Nigger here, why am i automatically hated? You know nothing about me as a person
that's great slider.
Ignore obummer broke treaties that were from the 80's to fuck Russia, and think about silverbacks.
Blue pilled bitches.
>Black people attack whites after BLACK child falls into gorilla pen.
Spoiler alert, he was actually at the zoo with his mother. Father no where to be seen.
nigs gonna nog
Nigger is a defining personality trait for niggers.
You are genetically predispositioned to be a blight on society. Turns out that most people would back a thoughtcrime system if it put all the niggers in prison.
Are you a nigger or a black man?
You should go look at the #Roots hashtag on Twitter. More white hate to be found.
>Implying there is a difference.
I'm a law abiding black gentleman, why do vague unverified claims about my genetic predisposition matter?
You refer to yourself as "nigger" enough reason to hate you
There's a difference between Ben Carson and Tyrone at the 711. Doesn't make them equal to other races, but there's still a difference.
There is a difference you fucking autistic nincompoop
>I'm a law abiding black gentleman
Than you're not a nigger
Niggers detected.
Merely to get a reply, if i called myself a blackman most replies would have just said "nigger". Im just trying to understand the mindset here.
Where's the video?
Nigger is not skin.
Nigger is color of heart.
That is true nigger.
So did any of these people retract these? Or delete them? Or were they corrected?
Basically the last 10 years your race has proven itself inferior by its actions and inaction.
Just go to Nairaland. Nobody cares if you are black over there.
I see, thanks ChinkBro. I noticed alot of black guys will refer to our stupider and more degenerate brethren as niggas or coons. So that makes sense.
Not every member of our race.
Saves time.
>Achmed calling other people niggers
Can you think of a worse kind of hell than being a high school teacher for an all black high school?
Name one black person I should care about and tell me why I should care.
Thank you for your eastern wisdom.
> why am i automatically hated?
Because you WILL NOT take responsibility for your own people and use discipline and proper upbringing to fix your society.
You are the problem.
Fellow countrymen, why would i ever want to leave england
Private schools in America are really the only way to go.
also the more rural a town is in America the more appropriate the education. Those public schools tend to be ok.
Blacks are despicable I wish they didn't live in this country.
This is a nigger. Pay attention to this mindset. If you can tell me what's wrong with it, you may be able to avoid being determined automatically as a nigger.
You must remove any nigger from your heart to be different. Most choose the nigger side and many can not help it. Those people should be sent to China or Korea with the other beasts. If you do not act like them then you should be part of society.
True niggers steal and rape and are violent. Even many animals are more better behaved than niggers. One just got loose in Okinawa and murdered a woman. He should die.
Your president you moron
If i have to explain that one than you're a waste of my time
He is half white. So he is as white as he is black.
He is also a lame duck and will not do much more before retiring.
Try again.
My family is perfectly well disciplined and law abiding. Why should i take responsibility for people who live a completely different lifestyle to me and follow completely different morals but happen to be the same colour?
Nip bringing the truth.
My black friend, as an asian, I can assure you that we can be just as nigger as anyone else. It's all about the culture.
Getting beheaded by 'unregistered migrants'.
Stay in school.
What would you do if you went to the Netherlands and saw pic related? Don't lie to us.
Because that what every other successful society does and always has done.
Your inability to understand that proves two things:
- You are at an intellectual disadvantage
- You can only survive by mass uncontrolled pregnancies (ie: muh dick culture)
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist, literally everyone knows who he is. He studies science and speaks about it publicly, promoting discussion rather than elitism.
> Hes a lame duck
> Republicans went into uproar when he reduced healthcare reform bill
> the right constantly cries and his more reasoned foreign policy approach and its negative impact on america
Graduated. Debt free.
NDT is a decent enough guy but he literally does nothing that has anything to do with me.
He isn't curing anything. He hasn't invented anything. He isn't making life better for me.
Are niggers a race or a criminal class chink-san
I was fully insured when that law passed. This literally had no effect on my life.
Say "oh fuck you beta cucks love to cycle"
>Hood Intellect
Do you in that case take responsibility for disciplining ever Japanese man who misbehaves or do you focus on your family and your own future?
I really, really hate Milo
but linking this article instead of explaining why you're such a goddamn moron is pretty convenient
And call me when you take responsibility for the atrocities yoyr race committed in the east of china in the 1930s. Id struggle to find anything more disgusting than that.
Criminal but also culture. Chinese are many niggers because they don't care for any life and only want to fill desires.
He impacts your country, if you care about you country he should cross your mind.
Modern Chinese culture is absolutely morally void i agree.
Your people are an aggregate blight on this earth. Id rather live in a frozen shithole with whites than Paradise with blacks.
Nah you miss out on making friends with top LADS like myself
Australia knows what's up.
I don't give a fuck if some black person is civilized, law-abiding, etc. I'd rather just be on my way with my white wife, white kids, and white neighborhood.
Japanese men? Yes they get reprimanded by bosses, family members (wives mainly) and friends if they do something wrong.
Likewise their children are controlled by members of the local community, school etc when they are no accompanied by their parents. I assume it is the same in Europe.
You really have no clue how successful societies operate, do you?
>I'm not Japanese
>yfw you have resorted to strawmaning to try and avoid agreeing with me
I've done nothing to you, fellow countryman. Why am i a blight upon humanity?
Nip absolutely schooling this nog with every post.
For Level 5, Armagedon nuke is also an option, According to the originals
Oh, so it's ok when they make the comparison.
The same happens to me here in europe. Not every black man is from the same culture. I take responsibility for myself and make sure to build a stable future for me and family.
I see no wrong in that
There's no need to strawman when your claiming i should take responsibility for everyone who shares my skin colour you moron.
Niggers are fucking degerate IQ tier, but still smart enough to be fucking hilarious trying to fit into western society.
Gas the kikes
Keep the niggers for football
I believe is right. Blacks must understand that niggers exist and are bad. They must say so. But they must also stop blaming everything on whites. We did bad to whites and lost many lives. But many of us know that we did bad to many but that was during war.
Slaves still doing in Africa but niggers do not want to talk about what is happen. Only what did happen. And why not go back to Africa if country is so bad?
Your image is grade A kek
I don't think you're very in touch with blacks, because a lot of us do accept what these niggers do is absolutely ridiculous. We do believe most the time they have no one to blame but themselves.
They've come here from twitter!
I love the united kingdom and love living here. I would like to visit japan someday is racism common there?
As long as you do not behave like many niggers. Because you are right a little with . I don't see many blacks but many that I do see act loud and are very disrespect towards Japanese culture and custom. I also see a lot of American media on Internet that shows blacks behaving like niggers.
Just respect culture and Japan if you come but many will be careful of you still.
There is no race who's more self-centered, selfish, evil and racist than the blacks in the US. And I hope this cancer won't spread to the world more than it already has.
>calling me a moron
>can't accept why the society he lives in was greater than the one he came from
I'm not claiming YOU PERSONALLY should take responsibility for every black person. You think that way because you are getting beaten by logic and reasoning.
Black society needs to take responsibility for black people. They don't, and they pay for it dearly.
I do accept the society i live in is better than the one i came from, that's why I'm here.
Why are you so angry?
Nigger stole your bike
Because he was kings n' shieet
He be a good boy
because by and large, a large amount of black people in western countries commit more crime, provide more strain on welfare resources and contribute nothing but being ungrateful, vicious leeches to society, at an increasing rate as more are getting imported from incompatible third world shit holes. Regular law abiding black dudes are fine and to be respected if they uphold the law and enforce good values but you tend to find that as they increase in number and start to group together, they start to act in what people would call nigger behaviour
Sometimes they group together and form a respectful middle class as do the black people i know.
Also what part of the isles are you from
I like your haiku.
Funny how black people primarily get into professions that are of subjective merit and dominated by liberals on the back of threats of violence otherwise.
The societal mentality that lets this happen is called PNSD
> Post nigger stress disorder
They're just defending their ancestors!
>Enters a thread about blacks being absolutely retarded and unable to see reality over the massive fucking chips on their shoulders
>Why everyone hate us?
Here, have a pic of one of your kangz getting a spike hammered into his dome by the real pharaoh.