I posted the template for people to use but I can't make one right now because I'm on a Chomebook (no MS Paint or anything). So I'll just explain mine. Dad is Vietnamese immigrant, mom is French-Canadian. Both speak fluent French. Mom's family can be traced back entirely to France (Poitou, Brittany, Normandy) and my dad's family is almost entirely ethnic Vietnamese/Kinh from southern Vietnam but has a little bit of Hoa/Chinese-Vietnamese ancestry supposedly. I don't know much about his side really.
Go back to China, shitskin
Lolnah. We're the future milkskin
Yeah, because the Elliot Rogers of the world are so tough
Fuck off mongrel
You seem pretty mad for someone who doesn't feel threatened
Go to reddit with all the other mongrolians, chinky
Every British person I've talked to seems to have some amount of Irish ancestry
It's like you're completely blind to how stupid and butthurt you sound. Stay mad.
It pisses me off that my government allows racial Frankensteins like yourself to live in this country, and pisses me off when said racial Frankensteins come to my board and try to get me to like them.
>try to get me to like them
Are you autistic or something? All your posts reek of autism
one drop/10
Damn right I'm single-mindedly obsessed with sending all you slants back home. You can LARP at being French as much as you want, slope, doesn't make any difference
You're gonna be pretty disappointed, I'm afraid. We're not going anywhere. In fact, ours numbers are only going to increase and you're only going to get more and more frustrated and shitpost about it on Sup Forums in your mom's basement. Stay mad, it's funny.
Don't no if I'd trust ur mum's side but I'd have a drink with you
depends where you live/ what people you spend time with
Sounds like you spread white genes in south america, good work
Look chink, there have always been a shitton of chinks, yet you've always been the bitch of Europeans. Maybe if war involved memorising the answers for a math test you'd be good at it
If the white race is so great why are your population growth rates falling across the board? You can't even get laid let alone win a war.
am i white Sup Forums?
100% Phoenician, confirmed for Aryan
>population growth rates
Ouch, what's your next one, high school graduation rates? Put down that textbook
Projecting much? Let me guess, you never graduated high school? Probably single late teens/early 20's white male, maybe a virgin, incredibly insecure. Maybe you're so mad at interracial marriages because you see immigrants with white women and you think "that should be me". You're pathetic.
Can you come up with an original insult or do you only have what's available in the Oriental hivemind?
Is it actually Japanese ancestry or is that just how 23andMe picked it up?
I don't feel the need to insult you. You're a dying breed
Says the non-sentient automaton
>that feel when Michael Chong or Kevin O'Leary wins the Conservative leadership race and racist canadians won't know what party to vote for anymore
Actual Japanese. My family has been in America since the 60's they just mixed really fast.
Neat. Does your family keep any Japanese traditions or anything? I'm always fascinated when I meet other people with partial asian ancestry
Doesn't matter, the realignment is coming and you'll go home without a fight like the sissy little chink that you are
Alright, live in your little fantasy world, autist. In your heart you know you've already lost
The true Aryan never loses hope, slit-eyes, because he has the power to shape the world
Lol, I don't even have slit-eyes. I'm not Korean or Chinese. My Vietnamese father doesn't really either
I don't care since the opinions of muds have no value
We keep a lot of traditions, more then most people of Asian descent. Some of us still speak Japanese, I'm the only one in my generation that does. It feels like I live in a family of weebs since we all look Mexican or white.