OK Sup Forums this is a strategy thread. Too many people are bored and just want to shitpost. Want into politics IRL? Want to change things in your world? You need a plan, friend. State your dreams and we will develop strategies.
Strategy: Get off your ass and do shit
Other urls found in this thread:
I want a quick painless way to kill myself that won't leave a corpse.
OK. Well as a strategist I might guess you actually want to murder someone. But here's one way: painless is what Heaven's Gate did, basically alcohol and depressants plus plastic bag. No body: cement shoes and a deep body of water. Get an inflatable boat, get blind drunk and take pills, poke a hole in the boat, weigh yourself down, bye cruel world.
Suicide Bombing while chewing on a cyanide capsule. Simple
That will never happen.. They are too busy fucking their ponies while looking at their Milo posters
My only hope is finding a sweet white woman who will be a good mother, so she can care for my children. I want to homestead in rural Texas and have at least 5 kids who are all home schooled.
Probably not gonna happen though, cause women are shit nowadays
Jump into Kilauea
First of all, hope is weak, will is unstoppable.
Secondly, women are not shit, that is defeatist.
Your strategy:
1) Move to Texas
2) Go to Church
3) Volunteer at Church and community activities.
4) Start dating prospectives.
5) Work on yourself. You are a Texan now. Man up.
6) Get engaged.
7) Get married.
8) Kids, homeschool, the lot.
Now, where are the obstacles?
Mainly money and not having an education yet for a job.
All I can do now is finish getting my degree and then get a job.
You should take out as many SJWs as possible and then shoot yourself.
>State your dreams and we will develop strategies.
I need a job, just graduated from university and can't get one in my country due to the massive economical crisis caused by our incopetent female president. I have a degree in Biology and specialize in microbiology and mushroom cultivation, working mainly with oyster mushroom during my graduation.
What can I do? I considered imigration but I would have to abandon my girlfriend behind to go to another country, she refuses to leave Brazil.
My dream is to play videogames all day every day and be a lazy piece of shit
I'm gonna bump cause your /adv/ is pretty based, my fellow Ameri-bro
>state dream
I want to be a strategist and use/understand game theory
I want to design and build robots....to take over the world. Ever since i was little i wanted to be the worlds greatest inventor,i wanted to be famous, and help my community. Now i want to create a robot army to usher in a new robot controled utopia.
I am going back to college in August to study mechatronics. I will get a job at a factory near me that i can make money and aquire resources from.then i will work from home in my free time to achieve my dream.
>get jerb and make enough money for a plane ticket and a few months rent, maybe find a lady in her 30s-40s to fuck and call mummy (unlikely as 90% of limey women are shit ugly)
>move to kaliningrad and find work there, perfect my russian and maybe meet a woman
>get 5 year contract in мopcкaя пeхoтa, man up and possibly fight in ww3 against the eu
>once contract ends, move to vladivostok and buy a big boat, shittons of weapons and building materials
>send out a call to arms on Sup Forums, informing that the happening is nigh and find volunteers
>set sail and travel through micronesia to the southern line islands
>land on malden and plant flag, establish settlement, post images on Sup Forums and lay claim to all five islands
>word gets out and kiribati government is informed, headlines everywhere
>begin long diplomatic battle to stop australia from retaking the islands
>russia notices a potential for a pro-russian proxy in a western-dominated pacific
>mummy (now president) sends thousands of dollars worth of military grade equipment over to prevent islands from being retaken
>settle into new life of political royalty and leading Sup Forums: the country
OP here, I had to reboot.
Thanks soon to be Texan.
Look, I want to to move to Texas NOW. One thing we do, when we are afraid, is to create false obstacles. Finish school in Texas. Make it happen.
When I was 20 I moved from Pennsylvania to California because a friend said UC Berkeley was the best the best the best. Home life was broken so I said when do we leave. I worked my ass off, delivered pizza, food service, you name it, lived in a large closet because cheap.
Hope is weak. Will is unstoppable. Hear me user, there is nothing stopping you from moving to Texas right now.
If that message was received, then this was a success.
Need to make money.
Secondary: Need to be able to focus and persevere enough in uni when it comes to studying things I don't like
Holy shit, are you me?
Well you have a plan my friend, good job!
I happen to have delved into robotics myself.
Arduino is the way to go. The samples directory has many sketches, or programs, you can run, modify, and study. Components are very cheap via ebay. Look into i2c and spi devices like displays and sensors. Also the servo and stepper example sketches will have you making robots in no time at all. And it's fucking fun.
Recognize your need for rest and rejuvination, and allocate time for that. Get organized, keep a calendar and a todo list. But include fun things in your todo list. Don't kill your motivation with drugs or alcohol. Sometimes we overindulge, say on a message board, when a movie or visiting friends would be a better recharge. Calendars and todos really help here.
I also plan to make more money off of dumb kids by building a student housing complex near a uni.
I joke about taking over the world all the time,and they assume it is just a joke.
I have also stock piled many resources to shut down my entire county an instate a new world order. Many of you will see this and assume i am jokeing as well.
>No user will die
>Many normies will suffer
>the future is mine to control
Game theory is just math and computer science. Really analysis plus teaching computers to play games ad nausium for more analysis.
How To: If rich, university. If not, community college. General math and CS will expose you to statistics and writing programs to do simulations.
Develop a philosophy that this knowledge is actively being kept from you, and you are fighting to get it.
If you are hungry enough, you can go to grad school. Then headhunters will beg you for a resume.
That is a nice looking stratego set. Mine has cheap stickers instead of those boss gold prints.
I don't drink or take drugs, I just don't like doing things I don't like to do. Even with a calendar, I end up putting it off.
Funny how we both have plans and study robotics.
I will take your advice op and use it wisely.
I have a plan, I just need to make connections. Working on a PhD in Economics, angling to get into policy. Im open to suggestions and ideas, though.
I'm a 21 y/o manlet who is slightly overweight. My dream is to be an Army Ranger. What should I do?
I want to stop being a depressed kissless virgin.
Eat less, workout more.
Go to /fit/
Spend all free time to become /fit/
Then apply?
That is all i got.
I wish I could help you more here. My only advice is what my mom told me. Work is called work. It sucks. Do what you can to inure yourself to it.
Or find something you enjoy but even being paid to write programs, it isn't just fun, it's stuff that is more useful than fun, so it is work.
Try to build up, don't oversubscribe, but like try to do say one thing. Pick just the one thing and do it. Success builds on success. Trite but kind of true.
good goyim
Look up Army PT regulations. Train your body till you score a 300 minimal effort. Use a study guide to make sure you can ace the ASVAB. Go to the recruiter and go to MEPS to take the ASVAB. Don't sign a contract that doesn't include option 40. Prepare your body for some serious fucking pain and your mind for levels of fuckery you never knew existed and enjoy life as a honest to God hard ass.
What sneaky flyers can I put up around my campus to redpill people?
Train your body until your PT is above 300. Train your mind to impress on the ASVAB. Only accept a contract with option 40. Prepare for physical and mental abuse beyond what you think you can take, then accept more after that.
If in some group setting, buy donuts on Thursdays. Donuts are cheap but the person who buys donuts gets noticed.
Otherwise just be a helpful citizen. Donuts are practically cheating.
Hypothetically speaking, how does solar powered muderbots released in Africa sound?
> sneaky flyers
Student senate. Run for or just join some campus policy team. Actually state your opinion, don't be a scaredy faggot. You're an adult now. I want to see people get involved and not be smarmy do nothings. Fuck that.
...hmmm now that you mention it. I think i will start there. Imagine chappie mixed with terminator.
I want to run for state representative
Prioritize. Murderbots in Africa will not enhance the remaining seconds of your life ticking away as your read this. This thread is supposed to get people thinking about getting off their asses and acting. And soon, life happens when you are making plans. So get from plan making to doing as fast as possible, comprende?
I just found out how to fix africa and mexico+all the countrys with high murder rates.
Very good, the first political dream.
Contact whatever political party you are affiliated with and ask for volunteer opportunities. There will be many. Start networking and volunteer outside the party to develop connections. If in school, study law. Decided where you want to focus your organizational skills, find needy groups and get them organized and deliver results that make them happy. Bike lanes, books or especially funding for schools, neighborhood beautification, look for things that make people happy and build support. Welcome to politics.
I am currently designing a portable vr suit that i can control them manually with for entertainment purposes... By that i mean personally killing the president of South Africa.
I get what you mean, but I actually enjoy most work. I like doing work and enjoy making progress, there's just a specific section of things I need to do (that I just completely hate) which I have to do in order to progress in my degree.
Perfectionism and paranoia, OP.
What's the stratego?
Excellent advice.... Considering an MBA in the next year. Force is strong with this one
Mang please allow me to set a strategy for you: tripfag uself as "strategy elevator" or something and make these threads periodically, say, once a week. I see a lot of potential innit.
Come to America. Tell her to get with the shit or you'll leave her. If she cares she'll come.
>not surrounding your flag with bombs
My parents will only pay for my education if I study what they want me to study. I don't want to study that. If I decline their money their income will prevent me from getting student aid. I'm trapped. In a macro sense being in college isn't really the worst form of being trapped. But I'm still trapped.
I want my body to become a vessel for weaponized virus's and diseases.
Ill get loaded up with things i know will kill me in the next couple of hours.
>Spend last remaining time alive cumming, spitting, shitting, pissing on everything i can.
I'd prefer to drop speeder shits while someone drive me around in a truck.
maybe go to the park and piss on some kids
go to the walmart and wipe my tongue on all the food.
cucumbers in my anus
Go to every license plate thats from an out of state area
take fat shits and pul in their vehicles or truck beds.
I would become a servant of nurgle
maybe get a blumpkin from an old lady then shit in her mouth
no one is safe
I am your vessel
i want to find cool things on the ground in dark places.
Thank you Brazilbro perhaps I will. Although this is a Sup Forums board I rarely hear about people involved in the community so I thought I'd give a pep talk style thread a shot, the basic message is that we are our own worst enemy, and are much more capable that we give ourselves credit for. If I can jostle people out of their chairs, it would be a great success.
Join therightstuff(dot)biz forums. I have a whole crew of fashy goys I go shooting with now.
Any /WA/ fags out there?
I want to make money without having a boss
That's a bit open, you stated no preference. Contract work is like that. Or you could form your own company, a sole proprietorship, llc or some such. My understanding is that it is a lot more work than a dumb job and also risky, but rewarding if it is something you believe in. But there is no better land than America do do it, so look into forming an LLC or sole proprietorship.
Bro hou have the right idea, not sure if u are infp kind of great counselor but u definitely hav the gift to do it and your approach is right.
Study the best time of the day to do it for maximum impact, while minimizing your effort, keep periodicity and tripfag to build trust, recognition. Lots of people suffering from the same will flock to these threads, remember u speak for the world here.
Fuck "perhaps", just do it.jpg
I myself would ask for strategy if i was not typing on damm phucking phone.
Just immigrate, dont stay for your gf or you'll lose your chance.
And then if she leaves you, you'll just regret not leaving when you had the chance
You never know what could happen and at that point you could be stuck in Brazil forever
For what it's worth I agree.
>Want into politics IRL? Want to change things in your world?
I dont give a fuck about the world, let it burn with the white man.
help me, how do i become rich from picking shit up off the ground?
i already go to night clubs with a little led torch and make around $600 a week. how can i be a treasure hunter?
Thank you very much. I'm actually an ENTJ but these are preferences, not skills. Clearly extrovert, judging like mad. Not ruling the world though, again just preferences, not skills.
Now for my love of Brazil. Margareth Menezes. Tropa De Elite. Crookers Just Can't Get Enough
I recently left my job because I worked around a bunch of girls always stabbing each other in the back.
I have mild to severe social anxiety that meds don't help much. I got blown up in Afghanistan. And have a hard time dealing I think people because it was in a crowded market. Meds make me feel depressed and out of it.
I want to get another job so I can support my wife and kid.
I think my only obstacle is that I have problems around people.
Can we make riots at the DNC in Philadelphia this summer a reality?
Just jump into the Ganges.
If you're still able bodied enough, this might sound counter intuitive but join the police.
Someone I knew faced similar problems, being back into "it" and having duty again made him better.
For what its worth.
never happen. north/east coast niggers are pretty kept in check. even though Philly is like 50% niggers. the police up here are way to strong and to much funding. they are more like military.
what do you do with your little red torch that makes you so rich
I dream to be a philanthropist and travel the country and world funding various things. My problem is the lack of millions in disposable income
led and you just walk around looking at the base of the bar and on the dancefloor. you can find wads of money that people have just dropped. you need to find a relatively fancy yet dark place though. i also find lots of drugs.
how often do you find stuff? and have you ever had any problems with security/venue staff?
hard to explain how often other than a couple of times a night. once or twice i had glassies look at me funny but security doesn't really care and i buy drinks and tip the bartenders pretty well so they and the managers don't mind.