How do I get a 4 Chan gold account...

How do I get a 4 Chan gold account ? I looked on Google and asked reddit about it but no one seems to know what I'm talking about but there are these pics or videos that say I need 4 Chan gold to see it . How much does 4 Chan gold cost ? Is it monthly or is it a 1 time fee?

Also how do I do green text ? I wanted to do green text cus it looks cooler but idk how

> be you
> be newfag
> be actual faggot
>be retard
>needs helmet.jpeg

Wow! See how did you do the text thingy ?

>How do I get a 4 Chan gold account ? I looked on Google and asked reddit about it but no one seems to know what I'm talking about but there are these pics or videos that say I need 4 Chan gold to see it . How much does 4 Chan gold cost ? Is it monthly or is it a 1 time fee?
newfagging this hard

Just add a '>' before the text

>Your text here

there it is again the green text ? Do you have to put be infront of it? Imma try .be test post

It doesn’t matter if not those this side satire or not Op was a fag today

Oh thanks .let me try

> be me
> be new also but not retarded
>voila greentext
>> wonders what this does.webm