There's quite a lot here so I hope you don't mind if I respond individually to each part.
>Why is it correct?
Because it's doctrine upholds correct positions, what the fuck do you think that's supposed to mean.
> What separates from any of the other thousands of religions that people share an equal if not greater faith in?
The point made earlier, which the others will falter in in various ways.
>What makes you so sure and uncritical of your religion?
Take notice to what you're doing here. I'm speaking with confidence and you're assuming I've been uncritical of my religion. I'm not uncritical at all. I've gotten to the point that I can accept it as true through my own research.
>What Bible do you follow, or more specifically, what aspects?
"What Bible"? Any Catholic Bible, man. Catholics (and likewise all of Apostolic Christianity) understand the Bible to be a collection of books with different genres, structures, and histories with all Apostolic Christianity pretty much agreeing on how the texts should be understood (with exception of a few passages).
>How can any version of the Bible....
Depends on what you mean by an absolute. The Bible is a hard read and I do not intend to defend Sola Scriptura or its interpretations but I would still understand it as inspired. While valuable for inspiration and teaching, I would say there is more than enough historical work to preserve the teachings of the church and understand the scholarship and preservation of scripture to be of high quality within the Catholic Church.
>Have you read the Bible?
I have.
>Do you wear...
Why would I believe such things? What you're quoting (Leviticus 19:19) is part of the law that Paul expounds as part of a completed covenant. The Bible has the explicit ending of the Levitical priesthood in Hebrews 7.
You're coming at me with a very Evangelical grasp of the Bible
>Why do you wear...
Because nobody but modern Evangelicals support prosperity gospel.
Anything else?