Can I get some advice? I don't know what to do about this

Can I get some advice? I don't know what to do about this.
>Be me
>Dated this guy for a while
>Caught him talking to other girls, but forgave him
>He broke up with me to be "just friends"
>hurts, but move on
>Find new relationship
>As soon as in new relationship, he tells me he's in love with me and breaking up was a mistake
>tries to get me to cheat
>I don't, but I still have feelings for him
>break up with new guy mutually
>"get back" with first guy for a while
>suddenly, he isn't in love anymore
>just wants to go back to being friends

Did I fuck something up? Why does he only seem to want me when I'm not available? He's young, so I think that's influencing it (18) but it feels like he's just keeping me around until he's ready. What do I do?

He's been having this "off/on" feeling thing for a while, any time I doubt if he love's me, he tells me he does, but he just "can't be with me right now and needs a friend" when he fought so hard to not be friends?

open bobs or begone thot

tits or fuck off

The first guy is a fagget who doesnt like you enough to be good when youre with him, only enough to get butthurt when hes alone. Dont talk to him.

When I try to say I don't want to talk, he says "I don't know how I feel, we have a connection, I want to be in your life, you didn't do anything wrong" Is he just full of shit?

He should know if you loves you or not, dont be led on again.

tell him you want to be with someone who really appreciates you and you want to feel loved not just friends. also if you really caught him looking at other girls, fuck him he doesnt appreciate you enough

if he really likes you he will try to keep you. you should make it clear what you want

also yes he is young and probably naive/foolish/still figuring everything out

What are your five favorite movies?


That's what he keeps saying. "You're assuming what's going on in my head, I'm trying to do me and just want to be friends." This is the same guy who stopped his car, crying, telling me how in love with me he is and how he'll never stop fighting for me. I think he's just lying about everything, I don't even know how to feel anymore.

It doesnt matter if hes full of shit, hes being a fagget and messing up your life.

I don't know if it feeds his ego or what. Just told him I think he's full of shit and blocked him though

OP, i'll be blunt with you. Either remove him from your life, or risk your own happiness.

Removing sounds like the way to go. It just sucks because he's pretty much the only interaction I have with people. Guess I'll just live on without it though. Thank you for the bluntness.

I will be blunt with you: What are your five favorite movies?

blocking is gonna feel bad but its the best way to go. its better for him too.

I don't watch a lot of anything, so don't really have an answer for that.

I just know he's gonna show up at my house tomorrow because we live in a small town. Just gonna have to ignore him and keep the door locked.

The first five porns I did with my eleventeen year old daughtee Nisha

The five porn vids my dad made with me when I was eleven

What's your 5 favorite movies?

Rape him with a huge strapon

He'd probably like that considering how much of a faggot he's been.

WTF!!!! Has Sup Forums been completely taken over by beta faggots?


Tell me about the time you learned to love yourself

Dude that guy is fucking full of shit. I had a guy who did that to me too, he exactly what to say to manipulate me into getting back to him and then he would kick me back to the curb. It was all for sex and I was too stupid to realize. Grow a pair and tell him to fuck off user and tell him to never do anything like that again to any other woman, you'll thank yourself later. Ain't nothing wake a man up like a woman's fury. Good luck out there.



That hasn't happened, at least I respect myself enough to not let this guy keep being a dick. I don't think anyone ever truly "loves" themselves, I think we just learn to live with ourselves.

Already blocked him, told him he was full of shit and I wasn't gonna get used. He was like "I'll see you tomorrow". Told him if he'son my property I'm calling the cops.


Yo bitch, marry me

You're fuckin cancer.

y tho


Not something an oldfag would post
Thanks for proving my point

Cuz I told her

Girl stfu with all that emo teenage bullshit and post your tits please.

Also oldfags don't go around trying to assert the fact that they're oldfags by calling everyone around them newfags. Stop being an idiot and leave Sup Forums. We already have enough of you dickwads here.

Oldfags wouldn't let bitches cry here without paying with some tits first. Kill yourself faggot.

You might as well unblock him and tell him to come to you so you could axe him


That's not a good enough reason

I believe this user has given you your only real options in this scenario.

fucking newfags ruining a good thread.


Then fuck off. Aint nobody care about your bullshit.

Assholes like you are the reason femanons are always just lurking. Drink bleach an die.

I know he's going to show up at my house, he does it every day even when I tell him not to. I don't think he's taking me seriously, to be fair I've let him walk on me a bit because I genuinely believed him. Just starting to see through the shit more and more.

Who cares. The fact you are arguing for a title with fag in it is hilarious. Keep sucking cock, faggot.

Somebody posta photo of some cute rich boy so she knows what shes missing

You cared enough to comment, and to continue to ask for tits you clearly aren't going to see. You'll probably care enough to respond to this too and sperg out some more. At least give me a good copypasta or something

Anyone who dates for money is a piece of shit.

Maybe you need to lurk more.

Whiteknight faggot.

This is not a place where girls are able to come seeking attention. Take your normie asses back to Instagram if you need attention.

If they aren't posting tits then why would we care what they have to say anyway? I don't see a problem here.

Are you retarded?

Enjoy seeing your wife complaining about being poor on Twitter

Triggered much?

Do you like boys?

Can someone tell me why this bitch hasn't posted tits yet?

Are you the op of the „I’m a lonely virgin and I want to kill myself.“ thread?

You so stupid xD

You need to lurk some more bro. You're obviously new here.

Better retarded than trying to pander to online women who you'll never fucking meet or have any kind of friendship with. How do you even know it's a girl? G.i.r.l. guy in real life. You stupid fuck. It's probably a guy getting off to you faggots defending him. Tits with timestamp exists for a reason you newfag idiot.

Instagram is retarded. Just wanted perspective from an outside source and got it. I'm surprised people are still posting in the thread at all.

Also, can I ask everyone asking for boobs, what's the appeal? I get the whole "makes us on even terms" thing if I was coming onto here saying "pay attention to me." Really, everyone on here wants attention, it's why we post in the first place. Is it the thrill of seeing if it's actually a women on the other end? Don't all boobs look the same past a certain point? Don't you get tired of seeing them? Or do you just really think it's actually going to work?

I would be the wife.

Shit copypasta, can you answer the question above?

In what universe is this post funny or insulting?

very simple

For someone who has a cunt I give you props for throwing a funny joke!!

I've never seen anybody so mad and triggered like this here before. You're a gift.

The problem is that retards ask for boobs but what they really want is a timestamp

I mean, off of I don't care either way if people know my gender or not, I know what I've got going on in my pants. Why does it bug you so much to think a female is talking to you without feeling the need to show cleavage? I think at this point it's almost just a bait attempt to see if people actually post them or not, which most don't, as far as I've seen.

Thanks for proving a point.


Tits with timestamp is the only way we know we're not talking to a guy who is posing as a girl. Why the fuck can't anyone, especially the white knights understand that. No one wants to talk to some faggot who's posing as a chick.

why are you still here then?

Exactly. The proof that it's not a guy.

Ah, so it's more they just want proof it's a female more than anything.

Regardless if I do or not people will continue to ask for tits. Isn't that still talking in a way?

Why are you?

Welcome to the virgin club of Sup Forums.
Some of us have never seen a pair of tits irl, and most of us never will.
You have them, most of us won't have them in their live.

Inb4 you get bamboozled by some moobs

He doesnt want you but doesnt want anyone else to have you either and you are allowing this control over you to happen.

i don't have any better shit to do

Wow this bitch hasn't posted tits yet? Standards here have dropped a whole lot.

So jealousy is a factor too?

That's what I think too. Not gonna let it happen anymore.

Nice, me either.

Ah yes, calling her a bitch will surely get her to expose herself! Seamless plan.


You're his fuck toy, his walking flashlight.

Just post something that proves you are a female before this thread is just tits or leave the chan

OP is probably some dude trolling. If OP won't post tits, then I will salvage this thread by dumping tits of the past.

why are you talking to a brazilian monkey like me instead of timestamping your tits?

It’s a huge chunk of that.
But there is also an huge faction of trolls, and those that want to have their execlusive virgin beta club.
In their eyes your pussy is making you a normie.
And some just want tits to see prove that you are an Atention whore.

And why are all of you so butthurt?

We don't even have sex though, that's why I'm confused.

I don't care if there's tits in the thread. If I was bothered by tits I wouldn't come in here at all.

Might find me in one of these, used to timestamp.

Bordem, don't feel a need, funny to watch people spurg out.

I'm down.

You come to a place with rules and social standards (even though they are unconventional) seeking help/attention, then complain when people try to make you accountable to those rules/social standards.

Are you some SJW feminist or something???

Guys want what they can't have. A lot of them just want the chase, especially in youth. Don't recommend dating anyone before 30.

Send a dick with timestamp. You're probably some poor white fag who watches jake paul


>Bordem, don't feel a need, funny to watch people spurg out.
Kinda like you're doing right now? Nothing funny about it - just cringe.

femanon here

I'm in.....

Blow me

Hm, gotcha. Thanks for the input.

Feminists are generally fucking retarded, women physically can not naturally compare to men in many ways. I just don't seek the need to feel validated by my tits, just wanted male insight on why this guy was being retarded.

Just hard because my age and location. I know a lot of it has to do with his age, just makes it worse in some regards.

How am I spurging out? You're continuing to talk to me.

first time of a brazilian white monkey talking to a girl that's not his mom

Yea lets salvage this cuckfest of a thread.