mining monero untill i have enough to buy some dmt off dreammarket. gunna take about 9 months. after that im killing myself. tic tok i cant wait for either. so best way to kill yourself thread why not.
Mining monero untill i have enough to buy some dmt off dreammarket. gunna take about 9 months...
Why do you want to end your life? Why do DMT first? I sincerely hope the DMT lifts you out of whatever dark place you are in and helps you see the value in saving your own life. You matter and your contributions to the world matter, even if they are just passing interactions with a few people now and then. Please look into finding a therapist to talk to. I know it seems dumb but sometimes they can really help if you get the right one. We love you, user. Stay strong.
thats the pussiest shit ive ever read. thought this was a suicide method thread not some reading rainbow fag shit. fuck off wtf
Get a life, dude
How easy is it mining Monero these days?
OP should give himself a chance to live, you on the other hand should probably just kill yourself
easy af using a program called minergate which stores your coins on their website, look into it.
this is op. and yes i will kill myself. most likly by sliding my neck under a slow moving train. literally 100% garanteed death
But y tho?
why not overdose on heroin? at least then u go out with a blast