Found on of these fuckers on my bed. How fucked am I? Can I kill them by myself?

Found on of these fuckers on my bed. How fucked am I? Can I kill them by myself?

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Pretty fucked

you can't get rid of this. learn to coexist or move.

They hate urine. Piss everywhere in your bedroom and they leave

Father-in-law is an exterminator , bed bug jobs are very costly and can even take 2-4 re-sprays. Start putting all your clothes and belongings in trash bags . This will potentially suffocate the bugs. Also they gather mostly on the corners of the mattress , under the seem flaps. Pour rubbing alcohol on the corners of your bed and edges as well

Get some DDT and make a shake with it. Drink. The bugs will bite you and die off.

No. The only sure way is an exterminator. If you find one who does heat treatments, that's the only way to do it right and well the first time.

About 2k usd a spray plus covers for mattresses

Kek. I'm not hanging out with you anymore..Sorry man


Check the corners of matress and box springs. Look for rust blotches/blood splotches near them. Could've been a random Hitch hiker from elsewhere.

for every 1 bedbug you see, there's probably 30 you didn't.

you're fucked, burn your possessions and move.

I've heard fire is very effective


You have to go full MOPP-4. All fabric into bags until it can be cleaned (Washing kills the bug). Alcohol on every surface (you need to get all the eggs, which is a real bitch). Liberal amounts of KY jelly across some surfaces will stop them from moving, so you can protect "cleaned" areas and contain them. You'll need to find a good exterminator. Heat treatment is decent. I had a guy put down two chemicals - one that disrupts their metabolic system, and another that sticks to their feet so they can't move. I had to wait them out until they starved to death. It was stupid gross, but effective. I got them taken care of in about one month with only two applications. I went full autist on the cleaning and containment though, so don't get lazy.

They won't suffocate. Best option, call an exterminator. If you want to handle it yourself look into getting some bedlam or home Depot brand Ortho bed bug spray. Same ingredients. You can kill them with boiling water also but that would be tricky to pull off.

Just wanted to note that washing won't kill them all but the dryer will kill them at high heat in about an hour


If you're poor, you have to find a dry isolated place to keep your mattress long enough for the last of them to starve to death
If not, then get a new mattress, after you're 100% sure you don't have anymore anywhere else

Just throw everything you can but definitely the mattress. Bug bomb your room multiple times. Spray the carpet with Raid. Vacuum it with those carpet cleaners after. This is your only hope and it might not work. But definitely throw everything.

How do people get these anyway? I've known some nasty ass people. But I've never seen anyone with bedbugs.

buy diatomaceous earth its a fine powder put tha shit everywhere and leave it till you dont see the fuckers any more... take plastic bowls and put them under each leg of every bed and put diatomaceous earth in them..this is your best bet the spray only works if you spray it on them dont waste your money on that stuff..

They don't starve, they go into stasis. Diamotacious earth works 100%

look at the hippie faggot over here covered in bed bugs

im not a hippie u homo... my roomate brought some dirty ass bitch over and gave us bedbugs... i had to figure out a way to get rid of em withot spending a fortune.. so fuck you

Like for real, they can't handle heat at all. If it gets over 100, they all die off. If you want, get you a shit on of space heaters and fill the room with them. Crank up the heat to about 102 in there, hold it for an hour or so and your good.

>diatomaceous earth
This. It comes with the added satisfaction that the bugs will die as horribly as possible.

When you find spiders in your home, relocate them to your bed area. Learn to like spiders.

please note that if you do this there will be various cold spots throughout the room so make sure any areas you find them are sufficiently heated and exposed. A comforter on a bed will shield a bedbug in a heated room

Just had some in my apartment. They were hell to get rid of, but we've been 3 months withouth bites. The trick is to call an exterminator ASAP.

Also, if you're in an apartment it's possible that your landlord may have to pay for the extermination. Mine did.

This and centipedes or Reduvius personatus. Release hundreds of them in the room seal the exits. Leave for a week.

your going to have to buy a lump of uranium-236 you can get some from your local nuclear power plant and just leave it on your bed it will kill everything in the room so sleep on the couch for about a week

Had bed bugs. Can confirm that they are a nightmare. They can survive without water, food, or air for weeks.

Heat treatment is the only for sure thing and its expensive.

Take all of your clothes and wash them. Throwing them in the dryer kills them and their eggs. Once they're dry seal your clothes in one of those big plastic vacuum seal bags or get a plastic tote and tape it shut.


You can use diatomaceous earth to prevent them from getting on your bed but they always find a way. Don't breathe in diatomaceous earth. It is terrible for your lungs but its good to keep pests away. It won't stop the eggs though

I'm actually immune to the bites. So I don't even know till my GF gets bit. 1 in 4 of the population gets them so don't listen to people who say it's about dirt, etc. In fact, just like lice, they only live on blood, so why would being dirty have anything to do with it.

>Makes excuses for living like a slob.

Yes, you can kill yourself

You might as well kill yourself because you'll never win

You could literally throw your trash away on the ground and you'd never get bedbugs lolo. Fucking retarded mouthbreathers trying to troll

So the fact that you've had bedbugs means that you are even more nasty than people who throw their trash away on the ground?

You need two things:
1) plastic mattress cover to trap them inside.
2) diatomaceous earth
First is self explanatory. You trap those fuckers inside the bag forever and never open it
Second, you sprinkle the DE, which is a powder, around the feet or other base of your bed. It is a fine sand that abrades the bedbug's respiratory track fatally when they inhale it.
This is the plan if the bugs are actually living in your mattress. Check the rest of your room for colonies, they live in clutter. But for a mattress infestation, this plan will work, combined with laundering fucking everything.

If you have/know someone with a steam cleaner, that also helps. Had to use that for direct on-contact cleansing, that earth junk as a future proof measure, and washed everything.

perfect logic there, einstein

>nasty was people have bed bugs

Check your mattress for more it could be a random bug. Also if you are clean they tend to not like you as much

If you do find some on your mattress throw it and all your clothes away and move. Take nothing with fabric.

Ex-pest control here, they'll charge you $200+ and /or want to come back in a couple weeks at the minimum.

You can get every product we use at - buy bedlam or stuff you mix and save yourself money.

also they won't starve to death, bed bugs have shown to survive for long periods (months) of time and eggs can go dormant for even longer

shit advice, you don't need to throw anything away. it is very possible to control and kill them with correct treatments, also raid won't kill most of them as they're resistant to most pesticides from retail stores.

Heat your whole house up. There's companies that basically hook a big tube to your door and blast it with heat so the whole house gets to a cry high temperature.

Ok, I have battled these before and won, but this is a time consuming fight you have here. It's not as simple as just spraying some pesticide in a corner.

First, you need a shopvac, if they are on your bed, they are probably making nests between the box and the mattress, lift it up and you will see little groups. If you see the groups, they are probably in the corners of the room and they really love edges of carpet. They are probably also living in your couches at this point. Anything that has crevices that you sit or lay on. They can also be in your walls and they really will go the distance at night to feed on you and then dip.

You can use spray pesticide to kill the adults, to at least get the population knocked down first. You want to vacuum up thoroughly everything, especially around the little colonies to remove the eggs and the barely visible babies.

Wash everything on high heat with vinegar as the fabric softener.

Next is future proofing.
Some of my friends used Sevin Dust, it doesnt work that great if fucking terrible for you and will fuck up your pets. (we had an outbreak at a party house then then everyone ended up carrying them back to their own house)

The best product I have used in fighting roaches and bedbugs is Borax powder that you can buy from the laundry aisle. I fucks up their exoskeleton and their ability to respirate. It is comparatively harmless to you and your pets.

You want to put it everywhere, easiest way is get a long straw or tube, place a pile down and then blow it around with the tube. You can essentially fumigate everything with the powder that will kill anything that lives and ones born later from eggs you missed just from them walking on it.

The biggest thing you need to realize is there is a lot of manual effort ahead to win this. You neeeeeed to shopvac everything thoroughly to get the eggs out.

Youre fucked OP.
Fumigating/heat treatment dont work.
They can burrow into the smallest cracks and survive.
Burn down your house and move

Whatever you do dont spray any bug killer anywhere! Trust me.

The new breeds of these fuckers are very resistant to bug sprays. It will only piss them off and make them move furher away to a harder to get location.

A very efficient way to get rid of them is heat treatment. They die in relatively low heat of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Just to add to this, the Borax isn't like an insecticide where you could just drop a pile on a bug and watch it die over a few minutes. It takes a few days to really kill. But my god it works.

If anyone reading this has an infestation of German Roaches just put borax everywhere, after a few days there will be dead fuckers everywhere.

Not true they just move to a cooler spot

>Be me in elementary
>poor as shit
>had these little bastards
>didn't mind them
>catch one
>secretly lay it on my germ freak teacher's coat
>for a few days didn't notice anything
>she starts missing days
>the days she came she had messy hair and badly worn make up
>one day she goes ham at class
>she gets fired
>2 years later found dead, suicide
>the locals told my dad she was stressed and very crazy about some "bugs"

One hotel visit can spread them to someone who isn't "nasty." They spread so badly now because they're largely resistant to most standard bug sprays and chemicals.

This made me all warm and fuzzy inside :-)

The way they Diatomaceous earth and Borax work they fundamentally can not become resistant to.

New mattress

Get rid of your bedding vacume your whole room top tp bottom every nook crany nail holes everything then fill said cracks with wood putty take a tooth brush and scrub the seems in your bed and vacume them do all of your laundry every day and then rinse and repeat daily and u may get rid of them after a coupple months and don't start sleeping else where they will follow you and infest there too if you have pets get rid of their beds{adtype}&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=301076562&adgroupid=1233652102156664&rlsatarget=pla-4580702880687428&abcId=1129776&merchantid=51291&query=beauvaria%20bassiana%20amazon

Call an exterminator.
Also, grab ALL of you bedding and laundry, take it to your driveway, boil a few pots of water, and pour it onto the bedding. Hot water kills them. I moved out of a place that had them, and after I washed my bedding my retard of a roomate threw my washed clothes onto the floor where the bed had been, so they got reinfested. When I got to my new place, I did the boiling water thing with the affected laundry and it worked.
Also, stop inviting stoners over.

Why the fuck are you asking these stupid ass kids anything about adult stuff? You have to use heat treatments. It is the only thing that is sure to work. Chemicals and the white powder are a temporary fix and will not kill them all because they get into everything, including your electronics which can't go into a dryer. They can live 18 months without feeding. I had to move and put my stuff in storage and the hot temperatures during the summer killed them off. But now I moved into a place that was infected with them so after all that work to get rid of them, I'm back to square one because this landlord is a slumlord. The only guaranteed way to kill them is heat.

Diatomaceous Earth is your only hope. They are mostly immune to the pesticides now. spread that shit everywhere (floor covered etc), put between your mattresses, everywhere they might hide. leave it it everywhere for a few weeks. It abrades their carapaces and they dehydrate.

lol starve them out? they can go months without eating.

I love that most of this thread is an example of random strangers offering genuinely helpful advice on a message board know for being populated only by gaping cocksocks in human form, even given the possibility that this could be a fake topic.

That said, OP, if you're real, my only advice is listen to these guys.

Assuming he did this, when he came back the strongest, most resilient arthropods would remain.

In what a shithole do you fgts live? Ive never had a pest problem in my apartment. You fgts are seriously fucked. CLEAN UP YOUR PLACE FFS!

Wash all your clothing and blankets in hot water any stragglers the dryer will burn out. Once you’ve done that bag them and keep your em bagged till problem no longer exists. For any furniture you’ll want the strongest rubbing alcohol you can buy put into a spray bottle and heavily spray areas that are infested the most. Check everywhere they are really good at hiding so look over everything. Keep vacuums help and in you have a steamer even better. It’ll take a few days but if your persistent you’ll kill em all and not spend a arm and a leg for an exterminator.

>get bedbugs
>they've been a problem for a year now
>population slowly decreasing as winter arrives
>finding their corpses fucking everywhere now

i dunno what happened. The apartment is a fucking mess and we're slowly cleaning it up, revealing little mass bug graves.

Hot water, steam don't buy old furniture or treat is before installing into your house. 1000 bux to gas them

Diatomaceous Earth

Also, clean your fucking house, you grubby motherfucker...

you mean your father likes to rip people off. You know damn well you cant kill Bed Bugs with sprays. It takes a dehumidifier and then dry heat of at least 153* to kill these. Its going to be costly if you live in a trash hut. Give us a picture of your house you disgusting poor fuck

Alright Sup Forumsto your in luck I'm currently in an exterminator for one of the only companies in my area that actually know what they are doing for bed bugs I'll tell ya all you need to know and what all to get yourself to self treat effectively


After application, plan a vacation... Go somewhere for a week or two, leaving no food source (humans, pets, even house plants) for them... And DON'T bring any luggage or clothes; go buy new shit once you get to your destination, and chuck your old shit as soon as possible, because your clothes can have eggs on them and your luggage etc. most likely has eggs too...


This reads like those bait advertisements for "These three questions will have women begging you for sex" that your see sometimes at the beginning of Internet porn.


Since toxins may not get into every small corner where those buggers hide, a lot of exterminators have started to treat your house by heating it up to around 140°F (60°C) for a period of 24h to 48h. This ensures the death of every bed bug, in every corner of your house including all eggs. They can hide from poison but they can't hide from heat.

Upside: Very easy to administer, since you can leave everything in your house the way it is. And no Toxins.

Downside: Very high electricity bill or very high bill to your exterminator, also all your plants will be kill at 140°F either.

nice google search fucking faggot, ride this dick of knowledge. You're the weasel at the office that tries to take credit for everything everyone else does, arent you?

First and foremost take all clothes bedding and cloth material that can be put into a drier in garbage bags. Next empty all drawers and clutter on the floor around your house. Then from the you'll wanna go online and order a bottle of tempted SC ultra and bed lam plus and a 1 gallon sprayer to mix and spray chemical with. When you get the supplies mix 1 side of the tempted full and mix it to a gallons worth of water to dilute it correctly.

Protip: Dehydrating and smoking bed bugs will get you high...

had this once. Starving / heating / washing clothes doesn't work - unless you boil your stuff I guess. I had to throw out tons of shit mattresses, sofas, clothes. RIP

Bed bugs don't care how clean or filthy you are as long as you have blood for them to nomnom

Just realized phone auto corrected temprid to tempted. But anyway you'll want to treat an area with some of the temprid to place the bags at so that way if they have any bed bugs in it tgey have to go through active chemical to get to you. Then from there you wanna go to the room with the main infestation and treat the top,bottom, and sides of it with temprid. Then you want to take a can of the bedlam plus and spray around all seams and cracks/holes there may be on the mattress because the spray with kill eggs on contact the from there you wanna place the mattress off to the side and treat the box spring the same way. Except when you get to the bottom. You want to take off all the plastic corners and the sustainer on the bottom because they lay eggs in the box spring and behind the corner plastic pieces alot. So spray the liner then proceed to remove it by taking a corner off then rolling it in on itself be careful not to fling bed bugs everywhere. From there you wanna throw that in the garbage then spray the inside of the box spring with bedlam along all boards and under the fabric once done also treat inside with temprid. From there your done with the bed treat the frame with bedlam in all cracks and temprid all the floor under it and all the floor in the room. Then you will bedlam all dresser drawers and insides of the dresser. and treat the backs and underneath of all the furniture with temprid. Then proceed to do the same with all furniture in house and treat rooms and beds the same way. Don't forget to bedlam along baseboards that are at the head of the bed or an area you suspect may have bed bugs. Then onces your done treating take your bags to a laundry mat and throw stuff in at highest heat to kill off active adults and eggs. You'll wanna do 30 minutes minimum to insure they are all dead. Once your down with laundry the house show be dry and safe to lay on all your stuff.

Just know there will still be some alive but they have to get through Chem to get to ya and will die. But if you have too many bites after a week do spot treatment where you were having issues. Much cheaper to do yourself then to have a company do it. I looked it up my company charges 1000 for the first room and 500 for each additional room. But a bottle of temprid and a case of bedlam plus only cost 300 dollars. And as long as you follow the instructions I put you should be able to rid of them cheaper. I like to help people so hopefully that will do so

Donate your furniture to someone you hate.

A single bottle of temprid can treat several house if used correctly as marked on label but bedlam you would be best to buy a case worth cause they get used quickly.

I have a crazy story

>friend gets bed bugs
>friend gives very few fucks about it and doesnt mind a few bites here and there (i never stayed over there because of this)
>friend picks up a meth habit
>smokes the shit in his one bedroom appartment
>he only has his bed and a computer chair for his computer and tv. (Not much other fabric except his cloths)
>after a couple months of his meth binge he tells me that the bedbugs are all dead and he hasnt been bit for months.
>go to his house
>lift bed a bit
>dead bed bugs everywhere
>mfw meth kills bed bugs
>mfw no exterminator needed

These little shits happened to me. I hate to tell you this Sup Forumsrother.....

You're going going to have to throw out most of your shit. I really really hope you rent so that you can move ASAP.

I tried fighting these little fuckers with exterminators, but eventually they always come back if you stay. Just cut your losses now.

did your friend try eating the bugs?

>mfw remembering bedbugs
Buy a shit ton of Contractor bags, the black thick ones from home depot. Throw everything you own in them, throw them outside in the sun for a couple days. This only works if it's hot outside, duh, but you can throw them in a heated garage and torpedo heater them as well. Just don't set it on fire.

If it's been longer than a month, your furniture is fucked, either put it in a garage and use a torpedo heater to heat that bitch to about 104*F, then go through and take it apart and clean with alcohol/DE, or burn it as a lost cause. Get rid of your bed, burn it, throw it out. It's best to move on.

Now shopvac your house, get a steamer and steam everyfucking seam, every crack, everything. Check your walls, check your ceilings. They will try to run.

Last step, Call a Local Exterminator, have him come with some hard af chemical treatments. I spent about 800 bucks hiring one, cleared the whole house. This is the redneck Ohio way, they're fucking awful up here, but with OCD and lots of beer you can beat it.
Also, 90% Isopropyl alcohol will fuck up the adults but doesn't kill eggs, only heat or heavy duty pesticide does.

Do you have a house or an apartment/condo/duplex/etc.?

It matters, because a single household can be treated for bed bugs, whilst an apartment/condo/etc. complex needs to be completely treated, cleaned, and etc. in order to stop the infestation... No matter what you do in your unit, they'll come back every time if you don't treat the WHOLE building...

Heat is ineffective, as 99.9% of houses have cold spots they can retreat to. Slow acting poisons are really the only way.

*Vietnam flashbacks kicking in*

These shits don't like cum so you'll have to cum so much they become discusted by your habit and will leave on their own. Trust me I have experience.

Wash everything with this.

Found them a few years back in the u-haul truck I used to move

They were also getting picked up in lighbrarys frequented by homeless in the bigger citys for awhile