Why does Sup Forums hate him?

Why does Sup Forums hate him?

Why is their handclaps in nearly every damn thing he produces

>no flannel
>lacking self-indulgent sad ambient music

what year is this

Why does he only work with female artists? What's his fucking deal? inb4 >jealous cuck

He just released an album desu

Fred Armisen is pretty cool dude

Whose handclaps?

Pickle Rick desu

WHO is this semen demon
asking for a friend
a female friend ofc

His haircut doesn't match his face, makes his head look really long

Idk the hate is irrational

thats arrogant to say about a headshot, u cant even see the rest of his silouette desu

I think his production style is saturated, and being buddy-buddy just isn't a good work ethic, art needs boundaries and discipline. He sucks

>production style is saturated
hearing someone who needs to google what DAW stands for use random adjectives is a symptom of peak fantano

He's a jew.

his music isn’t fun anymore


oooh this is the guy from fun. was never a fan the 80s shit they ripoff is better

>I think his production style is saturated,

What the literal fuck does this mean? As a professional music producer I'd really like to know.

dude looks like zippy the pinhead or some shit



hes making soulless pop music.
max martin can make bangers. this guy no...
