what would you like to listen to on a Sup Forums radio station?
What would you like to listen to on a Sup Forums radio station?
Trump talk
anti sjw / alt right
euro immigration politics
race realism
basically just stefan molymeme stuff
"So the jews are doing things again"
European rap and hip hop from 80s and 90s.
Toni Braxton and some American hot jams
This, also when nothing is live it'd be nice to have some Nazi Germany songs and other nice songs from a Sup Forums created playlist.
>How do we fix the Canadian listener problem? They're there.. And they are being FUCKING LEAVES.
Niggers getting btfo
Listen to the daily shoah to learn what not to do
Gregorian chants
Jack Donovan's "Start the World" podcast
Russian orthodox choir chants
Anything that has to do with the Australian federal election and Tony Abbot
That's probably what it'll boil down to
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM: High Energy Wakeup Call (Host: Donald Trump)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: The Sophist Hour (Host: Stefan Molyneux)
9:00 AM - ??:??: ???
Python Squeeze, not a Cobra Strike (Host: Tony Abbot)
Also you saw that EVERY SINGLE COUNTY in MD voted for Trump guys.
MD will be a red state cause the dindus wont vote this year.
This is important because the south loves Trump and We need COUNTRY songs in any pol radio show.
The Sup Forums radio station already exists and it's called TDS/TRS.
we already have AJ
fuck off
10 hour awoo loop
Talks on international politics, like Australian, polish, syrian, etc.
Also guides on how to set up your own radio station, so we can spread as wide and fast as the ashes of holocaust victims.
The band "Hatebreed"
>daily segment done by a dramatic apocalyptic newscaster
>segment theme
The Daily Shoah
Fash The Nation
just listen to david duke desu. I think a Sup Forums podcast would be much better anyways. Youtube videos are easier than using a radio for neets.