Why do the Japs deny their war crimes?

Why do the Japs deny their war crimes?

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Because "the Emperor can do no wrong", and we let him live, which let that illusion remain intact.

tha atomi bombu and firu bombu kill us WAAAAH! USA mus say sorri!

Same reason we do

Lol that gook on the right

no crime to remove gook

They don't. They just don't like having to talk about it every time some fuckhead teenager reads about it and thinks that he's discovered some amazing hidden knowledge.

Also see Germany if you think it's a good idea to constantly teach your population to be ashamed of itself for things they never personally did.

An interesting history that nobody in the west really talks about. They were doing some weird and psycho shit in east asia.

I guess they payed the price though, I mean almost 60 of their cities were fire bombed to dust.

Nah theres a difference, we dont talk about it because theres no need to open up old wounds, but if asked if we did it, we'll admit it. Look in your history books and you'll see the kind of fucked up things we did to the plains indians during the Manifest Destiny era of expansion. Did it create america as it is today? Yeah but we'll also say that it was also fucked up.

Now the Japs on the other hand pretend like their fucked up shit never even existed. Thats whats annoying. Its like eating your roomates shit and still pretending you never did it.

Who fucking cares?
1- it was mostly just chinks
2- Pearl Harbour, US had no idea? NEYT
Somehow the country has done pretty good in the last 70 years, and contributed a shit ton to the global economy. Once again, who cares?

Should've been more considering all the bitching they do about the A-bombs. And more of them were roasted in the firebombing of tokyo than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

>war crimes
That joke will never stop being funny.
How can "war crimes" be a thing?

I only see a public service being carried out.
Shinajin btfo

The Japanese certainly committed war crimes but the baby in that picture looks like a doll.

Because they're incredibly prideful and stubborn. The main reason is to prevent themselves from becoming self loathing faggots like the beta males in the west who allow everything to run over them.

What you don't realize is that all the research into Japanese war crimes is done by the Japanese themselves.

If it weren't for Japanese journalists like Tomio Hora and Katsuichi Honda, recovering texts and interviewing people, you wouldn't know shit about any of their war crimes.

So no, for the most part, there's no difference. Americans are in far more denial about their war crimes in vietnam and the middle east than Japs are about WW2.

They bitch about it? The only thing I ever hear the Japanese say about america is "We best flend, we love merica, merica numba 1!"

I remember watching a documentary about that and yeah apparently there was not a single mention of the nukes in their government after they were dropped. I dont think they gave a shit, they were to scared of the Russians.

Unit 731 dipshit look it up.

-Human experimentation
-Biological warfare

Lol these so called war crimes are western propaganda like Holodmor.

t. commie nip

Same goes for European atrocities committed in Africa. Their was no spear chuka writing down the history of European atrocities in Africa, it was europeans.

Sometimes I wish africans had a written language so we could point to the filthy shit they had done in the past.

Worse than any nazi story I have ever heard.

That looks like it's from the movie "Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre".

Holodmor is no propaganda but it's funny how they spinned victim rates from 1,5kk to 7-10kk in 20 years. At least jews had the decency to settle for 6.

Because they aren't pathetic cucks like the germans who constantly feel the need to apologize and make fools out of themselves.
Why should you be expected to give a shit over killing a bunch of subhumans.
There is nothing to be gained from admitting it, other than more annoying attention and reparation demands from the west.

>I dont think they gave a shit, they were to scared of the Russians.
Russians so scary, better surrender to these nice people who nuked us and promised to nuke whole country city by city.


>So no, for the most part, there's no difference. Americans are in far more denial about their war crimes in vietnam and the middle east than Japs are about WW2.
Are you kidding me? You'd never see japanese soldiers getting called baby killers after the Rape of Nanking and get assaulted by hippies at the airport.

They bitch about it allright. Poor hibakusha this, no nukes that, Sadako and the 1000 Cranes. It goes on and on.

source on this pic lad?

Because they can?

There is no crimes in war, only weak people think otherwise

>Somehow the country has done pretty good in the last 70 years, and contributed a shit ton to the global economy. Once again, who cares?
Imagine someone raping and crippling your mother but he did pretty good later, contributing to town economy so who cares?

I wouldnt say mother, ex fuckbuddy at best.


>You'd never see japanese soldiers getting called baby killers after the Rape of Nanking and get assaulted by hippies at the airport.

Maybe because those are things from two different eras, dipshit? There was no counterculture hippie movement yet directly after WW2. That came later.

And Jap soldiers were treated even worse at home after WW2: The populace viewed them as defeated PTSD-stricken losers and didn't even acknowledge their existence for fear of opening up old wounds. They were like walking souvenirs of literally the worst thing that ever happened to the country.

They sent terms of surrender to the USA before the nukes were even dropped on them and the USA refused their terms.

They did not give a shit about the nukes because 56 cities were fire bombed to oblivion before the nukes were dropped. It did not matter to them that the two cities were destroyed by one bomb as opposed to 50 000 bombs.

Everyone was scared of the rapey russians, they knew the russians would kill the emperor and all of their government.


It's in the picture, buddy.

>war crimes
it's not our problem they actually understand how to truly defeat an enemy faction

China only reminds Japan as a political weapon. Chinese would reenact the rape of Nanking on Japan if they were given the option.

Considering what germans did in USSR to civvies I'm surprised we had any nazi pows at all.

it was all fake like the holocaust

the winners of the war can literally make up whatever shit they want about their enemies

She getting her strap on ready to rape all those dirty nips.

Yup, the soviets kept some germans POW for fuck long doing forced labour. Got dem gud.

muh national pride.

I thought there was question to their ability to even communicate fast enough since we fire bombed the shit out of them in the week before we bombed them.

dat video

>scared of the Russians.
Not even close. The whole Japanese strategy (at the end of the war, when they were getting their shit kicked in) was to try and hold off the Americans long enough so that the Russians could invade. Surrendering to two rival occupying powers instead of just one would have put Japan in a much stronger bargaining position.


They still had radio and telegraph.

War is hell

Eastern Front of WWII was basically on the level of a biblical apocalypse in terms of carnage.

>Sup Forums defends the Nazi "warcrimes" because hitler was a gud boy that dindu nuffin
>doesn't defend nip nong because the inner american in them won't let them
Why not just outright argue how stupid warcrimes are to begin with, Sup Forums? There are no rules to war, it's just some meme made up by a bunch of victorian era imperialists as they raped their way across the world.

>Not even close.

Yeah sure, insane to think anyone was scared of a massive unstoppable rampaging army out for revenge. Not even close, fear does not factor into a peoples consideration of surrender.

Not close, not even once.

Here's a person ho doesn't know that Japanese history books used in schools are (or were last time I checked) whitewashed as shit.

We got fags who say we should have surrendered and avoid casualties.

OK, I figured they might, but when 50+% of Tokyo was burned along with other major cities, I heard it was a speculation. If their main infrastructure gets wrecked it might still be a struggle.
Somebody else tried telling me they flat out refused, which I knew wasn't true.
I watched some documentary a few years ago about why we bombed them, just can't remember which one to refresh myself on it.

Your picture is a scene of film.
It's same as this propaganda picture in North Korea.

if you mena soviet revenge we had literally no reason to hate japs in WW2.
All conflicts we had were small skirmishes between our border regiments in Mongolia in 1930s. And fast surrender of their army in Manchuria.

Fear or no fear, their strategy was to delay the Americans and let the Russians arrive in Japan so that Japan could negotiate with two conquering armies instead of just one. Believe it or not that's a good strategy.

So then they don't end up like the west giving lazy niggers and other conqerd natives money for shit that happened generations ago and no longer affects anyone in a truly meaningful way.

Get your boi pussy ready for some made in china bull cock coming straight for you.

Chunua comin 4 u

Russians weren't really out to exact revenge on the Japs. For 95% of the war, Russians and Japs specifically avoided confrontation.

It was the Germans who scrambled to surrender to the US because they knew the Soviets were going to give them the assfucking of their life for what they did to the Motherland.

No one wanted to surrender to the Russians, no one. The Russians only got to some small Northern Japanes islands and they still own it.

The difference between surrendering to the Soviets and the Allies is the difference between East and West Germany.

The war at that point sort of became a war for influence between the USA and Russia. Russia was trying to grab as much land as possible.

East Asians have no morality or objectivity. They honestly think that every statement is a claim in a negotiation. If you tell one a non-controversial, easily verified fact, they will not think, that's true; they will think, well, that's what this guy says, and depending on his status, perhaps I will go along with that.

This must be from the movie as well.....right?


I'll take Grenada for $200 alex

>Russians weren't really out to exact revenge on the Japs
They were trying to prevent a 2 front war. After May of 45, do you think stalin would have ever turned down a chance to pillage and annex?

the irony is that stalin was everything the jews have brainwashed you into thinking hitler was.

>muh PoWs
>muh 6 trillion in nanking oy vey
>muh civilized chinese
>btw we should blast those savage nips back to the stone age and leave none alive
I feel like the pacific theater was a competition to see which side was the most subhuman. The skull trophies makes me think that we won. Pretty gud, can't wait until we're the ones doing the rape in Nanjing come WWIII.


Nothing is a crime in war. People get shot, people die. Sometimes innocents are killed by accident, or by occupation forces that just don't give a damn.

The term "War Crime" was created solely so Germany can pay the price for daring to touch "God's chosen people." A price which Germany is still paying today with its tributary payments to Israel and through its own ethnic annihilation.

Don't fall for Jewish non-words like "war crime", "racist", "sexist", etc. You are falling into their trap and adopting the worldview they want you to have - while they are okay with killing goyim in Palestine every day without calling it a war crime.

I remember rading how some jap biochemical professor literally experimented on american pilots pows keeping them in cages. And americans did not prosecute him because they wanted him to make more bio-weapons.

This is the only true answer. "war crimes" are one of the only 'blue-pilled' policies that Sup Forums (mostly Americans) will ever defend because they've been so heavily warped and influenced by their jewish overlords. I mean without war crimes, the American war machine wouldn't have a reason and justification to declare conflicts all over the world. Gotta liberate those oppressed people from tyrant dictators like gaddafi, amirite?

Why do japs have no "ww 2 guilt?" no jews.

>war crimes
The actual crime is the fact that the term war crime exists and is being used in a serious matter.

It was just a prank bro, a social experiment!

>someone raping and crippling your mother but he did pretty good later
Apples and oranges Ruskie bro. Pearl Harbo(u)r is like my gf bitching about getting my dick in her ass then throwing the cum around, then bitching about dirty laundry

i cant wait as well because it will be in your country when it happens weeaboo warrior

its bullshit to say photos are fake because their not wearing slight bits of clothing that you believe isn't part of a well known inconsistent uniform dress code, they were poor as fuck and did with anything its complete bullshit to say his sock weren't white enough to be a real picture

you always notice its the Americans that seem to defend the japs on this board without hesitation even though there complete pricks to everyone and always try to stand the high moral stance despite the fact there allowed to be immoral monsters in the same time while trying to look like the innocent victim, what a joke.

>weeaboo warrior
You've mistaken me, I hate all asians equally. Still, Japan tried really hard to be as western and civilized as possible by genociding the subhumans around them (He learned from the best, Great Britain!) and we punished him for it.
Pretty sad, we should've just let them wipe each other out instead of getting involved and provoking Japan into attacking us. We shouldn't have even bothered picking up the slack for your pathetic "empire" because you couldn't even defend your own colonies.

So the picture says the contention is the type of Puttees the Japanese are wearing in like 1912. Look at the german Pickelhaube or the british pith . Those are all pre WWI uniforms.