Ask sheev for what your heart desires. Young padawans

Ask sheev for what your heart desires. Young padawans.

Can I save it?... Please, I still love her

Will I’ll be able to fuck my wifes friend?

What about my coworker?

can i stop getting 3rd wheeled like a motherfucker?

>Can I save it?... Please, I still love her
Time to move on user, and join the dark side....
>Will I’ll be able to fuck my wifes friend?
Go out.... and seek pleasure. This is the way of the dark side....
>What about my coworker?
Let the adultery flow through you...
>can i stop getting 3rd wheeled like a motherfucker?
You deserve it, beta cuck

Please let me be your aprentance dark lord teach me the ways of the dark side

do i have testicular cancer

Why should i ask sheev? He is only the prime minister of the republic, i would very much rather ask the dark lord himself darth sidious. Darth Sidious grant me the power of the dark side

Will you grant me unlimited power?

Should I kill myself?

Good thing it's not my responsibility for being a failure. Thank's Sheev.

Will my sex drive disappear?

should I ask Mandie out?

will i have a xenomorph girlfriend?

re roll

Will Kyle Katarn ever get Jan Ors to stick his lightsaber in her pooper?

>Will you grant me unlimited power?
The rule of two...
>Should I ask Mandie out? Or should I just ignore her and keep my eye on moving on?
Why'd you delete?
>should I ask Mandie out?
You deserve nothing for your cowardice!
Enjoy your degeneracy.

Will I get laid off soon?

does she want some vitamin D?

Based Sheev saving you from the thot menace.

Will we get back together?