Correct. Starting from here.
Sup Forums Jeopardy pt. 2
Albert Einstein
who is Stanley Kubrick
Nosen Shekelberg
Dan "get in the van" Schneider
who is polanski
Who is Kurt Gerron
Mel Brooks
What is the Atlantic?
What is the pacific
what is the atlantic ocean
Obbo Onsto*
t. kangz
What is the Atlantic
What is the Indian?
What is le poo in loo Indian Ocean
what is the first ocean
Woody Allen
What is Oceania
What is Nothing.
There was no first ocean if you believe in the expanding earth theory
what is the mediterranean
What is the Panthalassic Ocean
What is Oceanos?
What is kola nut extract?
What is Cocaine
What is semen?
What is orange juice
What is sugar
What is blow!!!!
what is morphine
what is water
What is Orange zest
What is the Torah
What is corn syrup
What is Judaism
High fructose corn syrup
what is love
what is wine?
Who is Neil Patty Harris
who is chaplin
Who is Jarred Leto
wooh i was on the winning answer. uh steven spielburg
holy shit ayyOYFINE
>ayy Oy fine
Who is Richard Rogers
What is blade runner shit
jeopardy questions aren't supposed to be riddles
Who is Rachel
uhh... What is Heliocentrism?
Who is zhora
who is rachael
I'm not sure if you're implying Rachael or Zhora
OP your shit is vague
Who is Luba Luft
Armenian Catholic
What is Islam?
What is the Church of scientology
Somebody Christian should know this.
What the church of sardis
What is Philadelphia
what is zoroastrianism
what is ortodox
What is urmums anus?
Who are the Copts?
what is nestorianism
What is the church in Philadelphia
Who is Dukakis?
Who is Bernie Sanders?
Who was Ben Shapiro
who is Napoleon?
Who is Aziz Ansari
Who is James Madison
Who is Stephen Douglas?
who is martin van buren
Who is Rand Paul?
(even tho i stand with rand)
who is John Galt? this thread is cancer and OP is a faggot
Who is Dewey? Alternatively, who is Jeb Bush?
I liked the old OP better
you faggits better not be ruining the fun with Google
who is james madison?
I agree. Googling in a Jeopardy thread=cancer
Who is walter mondale
who is dole
Yeah this op is beyond faggot teir