Christian General, for all things Christian.
Catholics and Protestants both welcome to discuss.
Atheists may participate as long as they are constructive.
Theme Song:
Christian General, for all things Christian.
Catholics and Protestants both welcome to discuss.
Atheists may participate as long as they are constructive.
Theme Song:
Are you CMRI? Just curious.
Have a bump brothers
The Lutheran version
That's pretty interesting. What do you mean by that?
I always had a deep, profound love of Fulton J. Sheen.
He's the one who really kindled my love of theology, philosophy, literature and history.
Onion domed master race reporting
Much respect for Orthodoxy from me brother.
any other Catholics experience difficulty in explaining we are not in the middle ages anymore?
I went to a young adults conference over the weekend.
Was refreshing to interact with normal sane people and talk to girls that don't have 10 foot bitch shields up. There might be hope for me yet.
I need to find a similar group for Catholics my age desu senpai
I don't like the direction the liberal version of our respective churchs are going and think the conservative churchs have more in common than for example LCMS and Church of Sweden despite both being 'Lutheran'.
The traditional churchs like SSPX and LCMS need to take a more active role in evangelizing and warning about the dangers of modernising church or Christianity will soon look like Church of Sweden, aka irrelevant.
Can't say I disagree with you there.
Would you say that you're leaning more towards Catholicism these days?
Can you post more of Christ-chan? For some reason, seeing her makes me happy.
How do people justify the church "modernising" isn't what God commanded from us the final word? How can these churches change that?
Wherefore in order that the happiness of the saints may be more delightful to them and that they may render more copious thanks to God for it, they are allowed to see perfectly the sufferings of the damned.
St. Thomas Aquinas
well the ones doing so (modernising) are hemorhaging members so you'd think the effects are obvious
Also have a katshki pillar monastary
Modernizing means that they're not denying certain scriptures. But they just aren't talking about them very much.
People NEED to know about hell.
People NEED to know that we shouldn't be degenerates.
People need to know that we must strive to better ourselves, while at the same time showing kindness and love to those who are degenerates.
Yes, Jesus socialized with prostitutes and tax collectors and degenerates. But he also told them to repent of their ways or they wouldn't be saved.
Take it to /x/ , fuckwad.
>implying that the body politic of Christianity isn't relevant to Sup Forums
"Hell is so unfair, like what kind of God would throw me into Hell? I'm good without God you bigot."
I'll bump with this video here. Watch the whole thing. Interesting idea.
I would be interested in a reunion of some sects of protestantism with the RCC. Theologically I am Lutheran without doubt but I do appreciate most other aspects of Catholicism and until recently, its ability to maintain the faithful when Protestantism as clearly failed to do so.
Modern Christianity has become post-christian deism. They believe there is a god and he is basically a magic helper to talk to when you need something but other than that you are allowed to d whatever you want without worrying about ethics.
True Christianity is rare these days.
heres some more
Atheism needs to go to /x/ not religion. You fags ruined the West and invited Muslims in. Atheists have always pushed for every wicked thing in the world. Women's lib, Civil rights, Gay rights, abortion, it never ends with you disgusting animals.
You are only slightly better than the Jew in that you are not genetically predisposed to subvert White people. Instead you choose to do it through your degenerate filthy lifestyle and this choice makes you worthy of Hellfire and the utmost contempt.
Take yourself to /x/, faggot.
you should become a Calvinist if it was predetermined you should do so
Do you happen to have the Sup Forums Christianity circle-symbol?
I say this a lot, it's good to see there are other people who still feel the same way about Christianity.
This, sometimes I feel like there isn't a lot of Christians when I meet a catholic girl and she asks to hook up I just feel like I've been lied to. It seems like nobody can be faithful anymore
Atheists are literal tools of Masons and Zionists to destroy all societies that the Christian west built.
Which is the correct form of Christianity and why?
t. not religious
i would gladly follow him
>muh familia
fuck off
actually no
the one that conforms closest to scripture, the reformed tradition does in my opinion
Everyone has their opinions and I don't want to say personally one is better than the other. Read the bible and you'll discover this on your own. If you're an atheist and discovering your faith on your own, choosing your denomination can be very hard
It's on the bottom right of this pic.
gnostic here
why do you all worship satan?
Daily reminder that the only true Christian Church is the Jehovah's Witnesses
>Catholics literally base their teachings on pagan rituals throughout history to appease barbarians
>Catholics literally edited the Bible for no reason other than fitting their "sacrament" ideology
>Catholics now advocate for birth control, homosexuality, abortion, and so many other leftist position
Cucktholics need to die
God has no obligation to help anyone
What are you?
I'm Catholic.
But I don't say that other Christians are bad.
I just disagree with them on many things.
The important thing is that you seek God genuinely with all your heart and soul.
not an islam thread
you worship satan
>Think Christ was Archangel Michael
The one with valid Sacraments.
lords supper and Believers baptism?
>Catholics now advocate for birth control, homosexuality, abortion, and so many other leftist position
what is the pope plotting Sup Forums?
Do you think I can find a girl like Christchan if I join an Orthodox church? I'm hardline protestant right now but all our women are degenerate sluts.
Is the Orthodox Church even worth trying? I've lost a lot of faith in Protestantism anyway and Orthodoxy looks promising.
>>Catholics now advocate for birth control, homosexuality, abortion, and so many other leftist position
I feel today for Catholics and many other denominations it can be very hard. I'm a catholic because my great grandma was a catholic, but it's hard for me to find a church to go to or even agree with it's teachings because as you said I don't support birth control, homosexuality, abortion and other degeneracy but it's being advocated by my church.
I'm sure many other Christians feel similar to this but do you continue to call yourself by your denomination and just follow what the bible says or just say you don't have a denomination?
found mine at lutheran church. dunno good luck tho.
I have never encountered a church that advocated that, even the most cucked ones.
What the fuck is happening in Canada?
Reformed Baptist are most consistent with scripture
what kind of catholic churches are you guys going to
I do not know about Orthodoxy in America but in Russia there is nothing special about the behavior of Orthodox girls.
I consider myself catholic, I don't agree with the Catholic Church though it's confusing and hard to move on to a new denomination I just try to follow what God asks from us as best I can and don't worry about that right now.
This, maybe it's my new world mentality but I don't see a problem with other Christian denominations we all believe in God and as long as we all follow the bible and try to live our life according to it then I don't see the problem. As you said there might be disagreements but then again nobody will ever agree on everything.
Today's churches have been corrupted by Satan and his agents.
It's time to repent and convert to the TRUE denomination of Christianity, the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Our church is 100% degenerate free, we actually love each other and spend time getting to know each other and helping spread Jesus's teachings. Unlike Cucktholic church which you go to spend 45 minutes listening to some preacher while you sleep.
Sacraments are pagan also
but they do, where have you been the past 20 years?
Night lads, i'm out. Check outthe benedict option though.
do you believe Jesus is God
>watching other people being tortured
>being happy
Choose one you dumb fuck.
How are catholic and orthodox believers affected by the reality of Biblical Criticism? Does the fact that the Bible has many errors in it affect your doctrine at all? That's always been the sticking point which prevented me from becoming a Protestant
I walked by a Presbyterian church with a giant rainbow flag outside it. The churches here in Toronto try their best to appeal to young liberal atheists
Most Catholic Churches near me are Asians, you'll see Asian ladies come out wearing booty shorts and hollister t shirts. My grandma always gets mad seeing that, she always says back when she was a girl everyone had to be in a coat and tie and ladies in skirts and hats or they wouldn't let you in.
every one of us is his own god
checkmate christcucks
no i worship the real god
you worship the demiurge who created this evil world
the Damned will probably prefer hell to heaven
errors like what?
Sola Scriptura doesn't meant the bible is 'perfect' in the sense it doesn't have errors. It means that it is 'perfect' and only source needed to get to heaven despite any errors and inconsistencies it may have.
I have a little problem with Martin Luther brothers, I want to get my fellow Christfags in on this issue:
Wasn't Luther a monk or friar at one point? I believe I read somewhere that he was and if that's the case didn't he take a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience? A vow is a vow, and Luther can protest the Church all he wants but you break a sacred vow that had you swear allegiance to the Church. Then no matter what, nobody should listen to you and you should be exiled no matter if you were right about indulgences and other issues or not.
Furthermore, it is my understanding that he married a former nun, who also broke her vow of chastity by marrying him, so that's twice on Luther.
Now I could be mistaken, but that's the info I have. Why anyone would listen to a guy who not only broke his most holy vow of chastity, poverty and obedience but convinced a nun to do the same, I'll never know.
so you believe that Sophia was the serpant in the Garden
no, jehovah's witness is retarded
of course, i was raised catholic, with some lutheran sprinkled in on the holidays. i haven't heard any of that preached anywhere, ever