Never liked LCD Soundsystem but fuck me if this is not an aoty contender

Never liked LCD Soundsystem but fuck me if this is not an aoty contender

What don't you like about their other albums?

great album.

American Dream best track, who's with me?

I thought this was kind of a snoozefest. I liked Oh Baby, How Do You Sleep?, and Emotional Haircut (kind of)
I feel like LCD Soundsystem is supposed to progress and change as the music goes on but this one just kind of meanders a lot.

If how do you sleep? didnt exist yea

that's my second fave


Oh Baby is slowly becoming my favorite LCD opener, which is saying something.

pretty much this

So glad to have the band back. 2017 needed this. People may think the bowie/talking heads type sound on this album is derivative, but i think it's a godsend.

this will probably be looked back on as a good starting point for their discography. not saying its theur best by any means, but it has a taste of everything they've delved into over the years while not shying away from keeping things straight forward. lots of catchy tunes on it that stuck with me, at least.

Basic beats with not enough deep. There were exceptions however.

I feel like they're the opposite of basic.


understandable, is it the repetition that gets you?

Like the other guy said, the beats arent basic at all, even in the first album there are is a lot going on

Sound of Silver is the best album fucvk you>

Oh Baby is the best song on the album but it'll never beat Dance Yourself Clean

>Get innocuous

>Daft punk is playing at my house

Lcd has the best opening songs of any band

thanks now i have to go and listen to every album fuck yourselves

Why is "home" LCD Soundsystems best song and yet widely unrecognised as such?

It's not All My Friends

I love all my friends and yet it isn't home.

I think 90% of it is how I depressed I was when I heard it and how much it made me feel but REE FUCK OFF REEE home is and will always be their best sohng

listen to losing my edge + all my friends in that order and if it doesn't click it probably never will

I haven't listened to this, part of me doesn't want to because the whole retirement stunt has soured me on their whole operation

It makes up for it. Also how could you refuse Bowies dying wish