This here is an Italian who is currently a student in England, studying physics. Thoughts?
This here is an Italian who is currently a student in England, studying physics. Thoughts?
The EU is exactly what the US had a civil war about to not become
yours will be worse
>muh culture!
>muh food!
sounds like SJW arguments back here in the states
We had a debate at my university last week regarding the EU referendum; I wish I had recorded it. There was a moment where a guy stated he was left-wing and anti-EU and was instantly shouted down by the audience. I never thought I would witness such blatant objection of free-speech within the university.
An EU immigrant in England who want England to stay in EU.
What's wrong? It fit he's own interests.
My interests is that Britain will Brexit, hopefully followed by Italy.
eu immigrants dont get to vote...unless you are born here
I think he knows this, he's just emphasising how ridiculous it is for a student from Italy studying in the UK to offer their opinion, as obviously it's going to be biased as fuck since he's leeching off the benefits that EU students get.
+ A degree in the UK is seen as far better than a degree in Italy
I had this suspect, but he can influence his friends to vote in a manner that can benefit himself.
A little hypocritical since he write:
>create your personal opinion, don't listen to friends...
no shit third world degrees don't mean much
I know, I'm just stating that this is the main reason he would want to stay in the EU.
He would want the UK to stay in the EU*
yeah i get what you are saying its the same reason spics want open borders
>go to foreign country for school on scholarship
>complain relentlessly about how they conduct business there
There's this fuck from Hong Kong that shits up my news feed continuously complaining about how it's different here, I'd tell him to get fucked but of course I'd be called LE RACIST NAZI XDDD by everyone for calling him out on his shit
Some more Italian knowledge.
I have the same thing with a mexican dude
constantly complains about our system and gun laws
>studying physics
>only arguments in favor are based on culture, food and jobs (which doesnt really count because if someone wants you for a job they will find a way to make it work)
He needs to study harder.
>no dont vote out of the eu otherwise i cant use your good schools through erasmus xdddddd
fuck off
Just ask him how well Mexico's gun laws have worked for them
So most people are pro-EU?
>beauty of Eastern Europe and its mysteries
this looks like a pro-Brexit post in disguise.
>Please vote stay so I can take your British son's spot at university and then fuck off to my own country after graduation, bringing absolutely no value to the UK.
Personally those look cool. Reminds me of Judge Dredd
jokes on you he wants more gun control so the US doesn't turn into mexico
the guy is smart but when it comes to some things he is pretty fucking retarded
pic related, also my home state.
>there is a reason why best academics in this countries signed a letter stating how big of a loss it would be to leave the EU.
More like a financial loss to the predatory educators.Conflict of Interest much? THERE'S YOUR REASON.
Why does an Italian sound like a fat brown Mexican girl?
The university I study at has a high rate of international students that all benefit from a UK degree.
I have only spoken to two Vote Leave students, whereas I've met a massive amount of students voting to stay in.
Put it this way, Natalie Bennett was here the other week for a debate and she was met with great applause... enough said.
Nationalism is not Racism. Are people this retarded?
But the International students can't vote, right?
>old people shouldn't get a say
nah. Fuck your block of text buddy.
I'm for the Brexit simply because all it can do is punish successful countries so that unsuccessful countries can thrive. I think that the Italian has done NO research beyond the kind that only confirms what he already believed.
But they sway a lot of the UK students to vote stay because stating something like 'you only want us to vote stay because it's within your own interests', would upset the SJWs.
I totally went HAM on FB on my brothers GF who he is engaged to, an undocumented Mexican. The post was some BS about just because a bunch of Mexicans rioted and were violent after Donalds rally in Alberque, that doesn't mean he's right.
Not sure if I got through to her, but I dropped some truth bombs on her for sure.
So they have somehow convinced Brits to vote against their own interest? Jesus christ.
Is it like Trump where a lot of people support leaving on the down low, but say otherwise to keep up social status?
Why is his only argument please stay, think of all the negative ways this will affect me using your infrastructure? Are Italians the Mexicans of Europe or something?
From what I have seen, yes.
Here's someone who was born, and raised in England replying to his status.
How much gets brought up about third world welfare leeching mudslimes?
Let's be real, the issue isn't against European immigrants.
This just makes me want to vote leave even more.
I actually went travelling around Europe last summer, and almost all the Italian students I met were talking about wanting to get a degree in the UK.
If UK decides to leave EU, does that mean no natural born European can go there for education?
That's virtually never talked about, which is a shame.
No they would be allowed, but they would have to pay the same amount which international students pay.
I think international students pay something like £9000 a year + fees such as accommodation and what not.
Why? Other than the quality of education. When I went to Europe before the Muslim horde in 2006 for the World Cup there was still a shit load of Mexicans for some reason. England was honestly the worst country I've ever visited. London and Manchester are the most god awful places on earth. Am I missing something in the appeal of England or did I just visit the two worst cities you have?
It is for that reason only (I presume). I mean, the UK has a pretty good night life, and you can't go wrong with the pubs. But other than the drinking culture there isn't really that much of interest.
I stopped reading at the part where he said the old shouldn't have a say. That's fucking stupid.
Now I, as an American, definitely should not have a say. But fuck this guy.
Fucked up. I don't see anything wrong with Italians getting an education. I see a problem when third world inbred mudslimes come and try to take advantage of your country.
And they're against this? Who would take these faggots seriously? Fucking kikes brain washing us to have emotional responses when confronted with logical conclusions
can someone summarize this directionless babble in 3 lines of memetext or less?
Fucking italian shithead
>eastern Europe and its mysteries