Obama declares June LGBT Pride Month


Based fucking Barack

>NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.

wtf im a #cruzmissile now

lol americans

Since when has he given a shit about the constitution before?

Well that's gay...

>Reagan causes the Soviet Union to collapse
>JFK stops missiles from being in close reach
>Lincoln saved the union
>Washington founded the country
>Jefferson set up the nation
>Nixon improved relationships with China
>Obama got boys in girls bathrooms, failed at setting up a website and set up a month for fags

Still better than Canada where it's gay all year around.

>people will say obama killed osama bin laden
dont forget that user

>being proud of having a mental illness


Perhaps in the spirit of this special month his wife Moochele will whip out her schlock and show us all what's been up Barry's bottom when he's not out golfing.

>9/11 happens
>The CIA starts a search for the mastermind behind it, Osama in 2001
>Bush approves and gives them all of the resources they need, Congress also approves
>Work gathering information for 7 years, new president
>Starts budget cuts and taking valuable soldiers and assets out of the region
>Exposes your secret bases and prisons where you water board creating targets
>You finally catch Osama after 10 years
>Obama takes credit

This can't be real

i haven't slept in 24 hours and i feel like the world is coming to an end each time i read shit like this. what do?

Fuck the globalists. Liberals are subhuman.

Way to ruin my name day and birth month.

Who could be behind this

>fuck up at fixing the economy
>fuck up at fixing race relations
>tie LGBT to your legacy at the end
Obama is a very deep cover redpill who wants everyone to hate fags again.

>tfw you weren't born in june

You know there are only 12 months in the year
We got a black history month
now fag month

We're gonna run out of cry baby special snowflake groups or months. THEN what will politicians do to pander?

Implying this shit means anything and that some nigger can force you to think otherwise. People will forget about it faster than he ages.

Dis nigger is trying to bring down America on his way out

I'm a tranny, my neurological condition isn't something to be proud of.
its like saying schizophrenics or cancer sufferers should have pride

Add more months

This is the worst birthday present ever.

>4% of the population need their own pride month

Mental health awareness month.

You know, I grew up with the idea that being proud of something is when you, through hard work and discipline achieved something.

But how much effort does it take to be a faggot? None. Zero. Fuck this idiots, thanks to them any fag feels entitled to be respected and accepted.
For what? For sucking dick? What a fucking joke.

I love this world


June is terrible, fucking namefag. Kill yourself

This nigger is a fucking nation crusher, fucks sake, I can't believe this nation fuckin self-blacked itself TWICE just to try to prove to eachother we're not racist.