>young people are the ones ruining everything
>women are the ones ruining everything
>labor are the ones ruining everything
Sup Forums is always right
>young people are the ones ruining everything
>women are the ones ruining everything
>labor are the ones ruining everything
Sup Forums is always right
Other urls found in this thread:
is living even worth it?
Ugh, transphobic much?
Australians, less clucked then the USA
Thank fuck.
only a matter of time lads
Mate there is no line to be drawn in the sand. Ganna be 39 year old NEET pervs who identify as 6 yr old girls so will expect acceptance to share a bathroom. I can't stand these pc cunts ay.
I'm a tranny, we did sex ed in year 7 in 96
whats the big deal about telling kids during one sex ed class that being trans/gay/bi is okay and show the areas of the brain that are affected and let kids come to their own conclusions... lead a horse to water.
would have saved myself a lot of pain is someone told me it was okay and a neurological condition when I was young.
The idea is to stop transsexuals from even being a thing, kids have to understand that they're either male or female at a very early age so their lives aren't ruined. Making them aware of your sort just means they'll second guess themselves and you'll have an entire generation of artificial trannies who only exist because social progressives require it
Mates I started an Aus pol thread and need some replies please:
isn't that the same argument as those who were against sexual education in the first place?
to cut a long story short, unless you have dysphoria you aren't trans and we've existed since time immemorial
>they'll second guess themselves and you'll have an entire generation of artificial trannies who only exist because social progressives require it
you know all that pretend bullshit on tumblr with the otherkin and the xe xi xo xum shit?
that was fabricated by the jews to do what you're describing and is much more effective
>anyone can be trans goyim~
How come they still deny they want to go after the kids while pushing these bullshit proposals
m8 getting told you have a "nerological condition" doesn't make you feel good or save you pain.
Being a freak and a pervert can never be normalised to the extent the leftists want it to be, no matter how much propaganda gets put into schools. It is like bullying - they try their best to teach that it is wrong but the kids just keep on doing it. Because it is human nature.
You say trannies have existed since "time immemorial" but so have strong community taboos against faggotry and other sexual perversions, particularly the perverting and debasement of masculinity.
Kill yourself troll maggot
>m8 getting told you have a "nerological condition" doesn't make you feel good or save you pain.
if someone had told me when I started feeling the gender dysphoria when I was 11-12 that some boys want to be girls and thats okay then I wouldn't have tried to man up and be miserable for 20 years working in overly masculine jobs and overcompensating I wouldn't be on here arguing with you, I'd probably be a happy well adjusted yet infertile woman.
>but so have strong community taboos against faggotry and other sexual perversions
the ancient greeks would like a word with you
>particularly the perverting and debasement of masculinity.
we're not your enemy, men should be men and women should be women.
but there are people like us who LITERALLY can not help but want to die because of not being women.
how am I trolling?
>The Safe Schools program was founded to support staff and students that are same-sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse, and to reduce homophobic and transphobic behaviour in schools.
No it wasn't. The Marxist who started it admits it was to break down societal values and norms to achieve an ideological purpose.
>Defund the ABC!
>I'd probably be a happy well adjusted yet infertile woman
No, this was never an option for you. You are deluding yourself if you think it was/is. Perverts are never happy and always lead chaotic or depressive lives.
how am I a pervert?
I've probably got less fetishes than you.
m8 your perversion dominates every single facet of your life. It is literally central to how you see yourself.
Are you that fatty with the round face who posted a picture of himself looking like a terrible imitation of a woman?
how about instead of all the effort it takes to redesign societal perceptions of basic gender identity we instead work on therapy and other mental health treatment? No more trannies and no more leftist propaganda.
Why can't it be seen and treated for what it is; a fucking mental illness? Do we accept depressed people and call their illness beautiful and give them pride parades and congratulate them for transitioning into suicidal wrecks?
>Are you that fatty with the round face who posted a picture of himself looking like a terrible imitation of a woman?
yeah thats me
>m8 your perversion dominates every single facet of your life. It is literally central to how you see yourself.
I don't get off on the idea of being a woman
I have no idea how I could possibly be a pervert at all
> I'd probably be a happy well adjusted yet infertile woman.
Until you started talking and revealed your man voice. You will always be a disgusting freak, you aren't fooling anyone.
>less cucked
>even havung the presence of this cancer
just look the other way and pretend it's not there
Didn't you say you were going to kill yourself last week?
I don't think there should be pride parades or any of that bullshit, it is a mental illness.
a neurological condition that causes grief over the sex of your body.
transition is the current accepted medical treatment and requires talking to both a psychologist and psychiatrist.
I know "transitioning" (aka wearing a dress and making the sane populace embarrassed to be around you) is the current accepted treatment.
What I'm saying is why not research and develop better forms of treatment so the illness can be stamped out?
Please be bait, you are sick user, and need psychological help, you will never be a woman, all you can hope to achieve is the physical appearance of a woman, but you be nothing but a characature, you will never be able to change what's in your DNA. Please seek help, you don't need to compensate with masculinity, you can still be a metrosexual faggot if you want to, but you won't be a woman.
That's what we should be doing. Even after most trannys mutilate themselves, they still have a 50% suicide rate post procedure. Why the fuck would we continue to support a mental illness when clearly the current treatment doesn't work.
The fact that the trans is even posting on Sup Forums posting in an Aussie thread is pure suicidal thinking
>Why the fuck would we continue to support a mental illness when clearly the current treatment doesn't work
50% is an unacceptable rate. I would hope for perhaps 80-80% suicide rates.
I attempted to hang myself but got back down because I'm pathetic
a lot of younger transwomen aren't suicidal and aren't 100% happy but they're not old men with long hair like me, thats why I support being taught that its a thing.
oh because it only affects like .01% of the population or something stupidly low like that.
Lynn Conway, a computer scientist/electrical engineer who pioneered some stuff at IBM in the 60s, who then transitioned and went stealth quickly due to the harassment she received wrote a paper on the likely prevalence of transsexuals in greater society.
besides, its not profitable for big pharma to actually cure diseases, what are you a COMMIE?
oh cool, I didn't know you had internet in your cuckshed german bro.
and yeah, I already know all that
thats a made up Sup Forums number taken from real pre transition statistics
You're a nut
You sound like a 12 year old boy, nice try though faggot.
>thats why I support being taught that its a thing.
And what about the poor fucking parents who are going to have their impressionable young children begging them to let them be turned into a fake woman or else they will end up killing themselves later on because they waited too long for surgery?
It is fucking disgusting. Complete self-obsession. Total narcissism. It is not something we should be encouraging in children at all.
This sick fucking surgery and the hormone treatments should be illegal. Everyone should know that it is NOT an option. The idea that it is a "medical treatment" is just stupid.
user, you react aggressively to me explaining reality. Clearly you need help if you truly believe you can be a woman, it's the denial of basic realities of life, I just want you to seek the proper help you require. You are an anomaly, you are not the norm and no amount of delusion will change that.
wouldn't narcissism mean I would love myself?
I mean, I just don't get whats so upsetting to you that someone has a mental illness
do you get mad at schizos for existing
I was acually going for max bantz, sorry if it came off as aggressive, I know how soft hearted y'all are over in germany Jamal.
post photo
Is that why post-op creatures have ridiculously high suicide rates? Because you're happy to be in your "real" body?
I hope you become another statistic you disgusting freak of nature
>w-well um yeah so it's not like I can actually refute your argument that better treatment should be considered to treat my illness but I have a handy little conspiracy to back be up y-you COMMIE!!!!!1!
>implying those pushing for this rainbow trannie acceptance shit aren't the commies
>implying I can't see through this weak af defence
0.01% of the population and growing, thanks to the propaganda and furor you trannies pump into our society. It's a growing issue and it needs to be dealt with before it becomes a major issue.
If it's such a small issue anyway, why does it need so much exposure and early education? If a little kid is a closet tranny they can talk to their parents about it and the problem can be treated in childhood.
100% this
>do you get mad at schizos for existing
If they wanted the rest of us to pretend their delusions are real then I would.
But even schizo have better sense than that.
socialists will be rioting
We got god emperor trump
>I attempted to hang myself but got back down because I'm pathetic
Do it
It's not funny user, your condition is serious, and I want what is best for you, no amount of memes will help you, how does your family and your friends think of this condition and your delusion?
Were you born in australia? If so how have you made it this far into your life without having the queer bashed out of you?
You poor souls you will be in my prayers Australia
okay I'm going to leave you all alone now, I've said my piece and we're not going to change each others minds so yah.
imagine, a 32 year old ugly obese woman with a receeding hairline
>thats a made up Sup Forums number taken from real pre transition statistics
I'm not refuting anything, transition is the currently available treatment. Nothing else has been shown to work against dysphoria. There should be better treatments, both for those who want to opt out of transition and live as men with a daily pill to keep dysphoria away and better surgeries and endocrinological treatments like the GnRH blocker for those who still want to transition.
>If it's such a small issue anyway, why does it need so much exposure and early education?
all I'm saying is like, a five minute talk that says
>hey you know... some people are gay and trans too, thats okay... talk to your parents, don't be afraid.
> If a little kid is a closet tranny they can talk to their parents about it and the problem can be treated in childhood.
not if people like you call him freaks he can't feel free to tell his parents he feels this way
its not a delusion, I spent a long time agonising over it. I've been diagnosed by four seperate psychologists and a psychiatrist
I've got 4 brothers, 4 sisters.
everyone except one brother is okay with it but still talks to me, mostly
they also have proper drugs that actually treat their delusions so like, don't blame us, blame big pharma
I repressed until I was 29 working overly masculine jobs to overcompensate
Holy shit, I saw a thread about this on /leftypol/ last week that was so retarded I had to screencap it.
That was the first and last time I went to /leftypol/. The anti-intellectualism was almost tangible.
If you've turned into such a pathetic manbeast who wants to kill yourself why would you force this lifestyle on innocent kids?
>post photo
I had the photo of him saved but I deleted it because it was that fucking disturbing I didn't like coming upon it by accident in my files.
He thinks if he'd just been able to get the surgery earlier he would have turned into a beautiful woman and been happy for the rest of his days.
Trannies should be put to death by the state.
Seriously. That's the intervention we all know is needed.
it'd be funny if it was some other fat australian tranny you were talking to though
loaded question much, but to answer it because there's significant proof that the younger transitioners develop the same as young cis girls because hormonally and emotionally thats what they are
so they fit in with their cis counterparts and are basically normal women at the end of puberty.
I can't afford any surgeries, one of the reasons why I'm suicidal.
that would be fine by me
>I can't afford any surgeries
Doesn't medicare cover it m8?
Probably doesn't help that you weigh about 150 kilos, if you actually gave a shit about looking anywhere half-normal you would be on biggest loser
I'm glad you see the light. If someone feels such intense 'dysphoria' that he or she is uncomfortable living in the skin in which one's born, then there is nothing salvageable about the situation.
You know the old saying. Every time a tranny commits suicide, the world becomes a better place. Voluntary removal or forced removal.
Some people cannot be rehabilitated.
jesus fucking christ mate, how I'm supposed to sleep after seeing that thing?
Even if they do teach these at school most kids will just not understand/ not give a fuck. Plus you can't hide it forever from them.
Geez, how about instead of making the man to woman transition you make the one from whale to human, that's gotta be easier right? :^)
no, its out of pocket and I'm out of work
SRS is 25k and would require a month layover in Thailand
to get a lip lift, lower blepharoplasty and a brow shave would cost something in the range of 15k+ and then to get my hairline fixed it would cost about 6k in India for transplants
I'm trying to lose weight but I binge eat when depressed and I'm depressed a lot about not being a girl so like its no wonder that I'm obese
currently ketoing and its working okay.
here watch this as mind bleach
>I'm out of work
Do you turn up to job interviews wearing a dress and make-up m8?
We already knew mental disease has always existed in human beings. Letting it continue is the mistake.
I have yet to meet a trans that was happy afterwards. Met a MtF a few years back and witnessed at a distance the entire process. Family supported and all, and it still tried to commit suicide. Was put on meds to address depression and suddenly realized it wasn't happy as a female. Seriously some Mr. Garrison level shit goes on with these people.
Maybe you should. Companies are so afraid of getting sued that if you do so and conduct yourself very well during the interview they might just hire you out of fear of a discrimination lawsuit.
SeeANZ would probably employ you. And also give you more super for being a""woman""
Are you the "girl" from the abortion thread?
>By Clare Blumer