The United Chicanos of America

>The United Chicanos of America

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translate that taco speak to english

>no i said i wanted a crunch wrap supreme, not a cheezy gordita crunch.

literally treason


I'm almost certain that is the Californian National Guard.


I didnt know Trump handed out uniforms to the beaners building the wall how nice of him!

Fuck them, they don't have any right to wave that flag.

Donald Trump's wall would not defend the united states against our masked luchadors of freedom.

Literally National Guard mechanics

Welfare subsidizes immigrants to the point where they hyphenate their nationality, alienating themselves from the rest of the population. While in these societal cysts, they essentially vote to make their host country into the country that they came from.

Welfare is a dysgenics program that destroys societies, and this is proof of that.

Gotta be a shop or the ultimate proof of where spics loyalty lies

They're probably doing this in a closed private room where other soldiers can't see them. They'd get their asses kicked if they did this openly.


Literally two months old picture and nothing happened to those boys.
Can we drop the shitposting for a minute straya and get with the fucking times.

>Wow, like, so proud to be Mexican and stuff

>Yeah the cartels are, like, totally under control and they don't emasculate our military constantly

how is america getting cucked this hard by mexico. its not right

look Donald Trump who defence the United States
Look who fight to defend this country

What is this bullshit.

>They'd get their asses kicked if they did this openly

I know for a fact that they war those flags like that and nothing is done, get fucked couch generals.

>pajeet my son.

>I know for a fact that they war those flags

Nah m8, you'll get your ass kicked flying anything other than the stars and stripes

american first, disgusting spic second

When I saw It hurt. my family didn't escape from Mexico to be reconquered again be the Mexicans

I don't know what exactly you're trying to say. Every solider I've ever met would most definitely beat their beaner asses for flying a foreign flag while in uniform. I don't know why the fuck they aren't dishonorably discharged for this shit. I've definitely heard of people getting thrown out for much less.

Aren't US servicemen forbidden from making political statements in uniform? I think I read that somewhere

Wait not even your state flag?!?



We need a foreign legion.

Or double agents.

They are, UNLESS they have been given authority to make public statements. Typically, this is limited to one or two people per detatchment/base. It's blatantly against the rules, and if enough of a ruckus was made, they would likely be discharged.

What are you tryna say Annon?

we are and as I recall, that picture is being investigated.

>be American
>taught from a young age that soldiers deserve my unwavering respect

What do they do besides collect welfare and die for Israel? Why should I respect them?

Jesuschrist. Mexicans are so fond of gently groping the United states balls that they would die for it.

Why don't these faggot join the federales and try to kill drug lords? And don't give me that bs about the US army being 'pristine incorruptible, muh freedums'

Nothing pisses me off more than faggots fighting somebody else's cause

If foreign nationals want to serve, let them, but in a separate unit like the French army always has.

If these losers are actually American, general discharge their asses.

>Mexicans seriously believe we are going to give Texas to them

Can't wait for Trump to deport these fucks.

>US Soldiers waving Mexican flag speaking ill of a presidential candidate

Proves what I've said for a long time now. The US military has become nothing more than a mercenary organization.

EXACTLY!!! They are proud to go to their God damn Guanajuato and brag about how they protect the US of A

Fuck. I was having a nice beer, not anymore

Just more filth to be purge out of our Corrupted and Infected Military

>Why don't these faggot join the federales and try to kill drug lords?
killing drug lords is what got us in this problem to begin with

Donald Trump is our God emperor and we will burn this flag on Election Day

Two tacos and a burrito, please

Isn't this a literal act of war

[10 feet higher intensifies]


Half Mexican here. There is nothing that makes me cringe more than American Mexican traitors waiving the Mexican flag. You ate American not Mexican Dumbass.

every one of those men should be hanged

if mexicans are so great, why is sending people back to mexico considered bad?

Can't they get court martialed for this?


us warriors are free speech supporters

if if by retards.

>only 7
they'll get hazed by their comrades.

Drama queen


The difference is that the South was and is part of the US, dumb fuck

>if if by retards.

to clarify:

we support the 1st amendment even if its used by retards

"Look, Donald Trump, who defends the United States"
"Look who fights for freedom in this country"

Yet another pack of people who do not do enough of their own homework to realize Trump only takes issue with Illegal Immigrants.

>foreign soil
>part of US

only after we burned their cities down and frogmarched them into the seas.

only room for winners in the victory parade.

cancucks wont understand that.


When I was in the military, the Mexicans would talk a big game about being Mexican but it came off as try hard. They knew they had a better life in the US, clinging to their heritage (sometimes two generations removed) in a futile attempt at preserving their identity in the conformist society of the military.

Most Mexicans I knew had earned more self-respect and money than they would ever get running around their old hoods pretending to be hard. Most were family men who loved the opportunity to provide for their family a decent living.

Mexicans did form cliques, but it was mostly regional. Californians hanged out with their own just like the Texans did.

I called a couple of the more vocal ones out about their love of Mexico. It seemed more like racial boasting and empty solidarity than anything. Many were afraid of losing their identity and having to compete in a "white man's world.". We all bonded over the hatred of the black, the shittiest of all soldiers.

The War Department intentionally glamorized the "nobility of the southern soldier" when it reintroduced divisions from Southern states back into the US army for the Spanish American War and endorsed those troops waving around all the confederate iconography because they knew it would appeal to their egos and be good for their morale, but the point was made that they were still and only fighting for the United States. The presence of confederate symbols in the US military throughout the last century is a result of that policy.

These mexcrements posing in front of a mexican flag are just being niggers.

>look, a couple of spoiled Mexican nationalists
>lol le cluck meme

Dank memes, kiddo. Aus would be proud.

Confederate flag is a symb of southern heritage now. They don't fight for the Confederacy else they'd be slapped. It's a symbol of their homeland, which is fine.

its a symbol of losers

you plebs have been a stone around the neck of the conservative movement.

fuck off already

'Look Donald Trump, who defence the United States.
Look who will kill your daughters and wife.'

it doesn't say that u faggot

its says

>look at who fights for your country

t. white guy in america that can actually read spanish

These guys steal all the gear out of the warehouse and try and sell it on ebay yet?

Literally the reason why the Roman Empire fell.

this. fuck off rednecks. no one cares you guys tore the country apart to fight a war for jewish slave owners.

>for freedom and your country

pardon me


they brought them here. they caused this issue.
becuz they were too lazy to pick their own cotton.

It doesn't say that. I actually speak Spanish. I know what I'm talking about.