Tell me this is fake.
Tell me this is fake
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>all women
like, why?
Please don't be real
>it's fucking true
Just fuck this earth, the people that they're putting on there didn't do SHIT compared to who is currently on those bills.
Who are these crusty bitches?
>women will still claim we live in a patriarchy when these bills come out
Are you telling me that the Jew York Time is trying to stir gender tensions during the election season? Who could profit?
... hmmm makes you think...
This is what happens when women in charge. They turn honor into bullshit
I thought only presidents could be on the bills.
Who are these literal nobodies?
Not really
>Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton were never POTUS.
>earning fat stacks like pancakes
>Daily Reminder that this is part of the greater campaign to get stupid goys to stop using physical money, relying more and more upon their criminally shady "e-money" model
Not even a single useful woman included who actually did anything relevant. Fuck Amelia Earhart I guess
oh god its real, and it outlines liberal racism perfectly
>shoehorning in a black just to look progressive
absolutely disgusting
>flies plane
>doesn't even finish
Women should be kept chained to the kitchen sink.
Eh... guys, you are forgetting someone.
The other new bill person, to replace all WHITE CIS MEN, is the white-woman fucker, Martin Luther King Jr.
They all look like a bunch of soulless used up whores.
So now strong womyn that strip for work can take pride a womyn nigger is deep in her ass crack now.
>Canada gets cucked
>blames Canada
>Germany gets cucked
>blames Germany
>America gets cucked
>blames the Earth
Reminder that you fought for all the current degeneracy by siding against Hitler
Both were instrumental in the establishment of the country
It wouldn't be a bad idea to change the currency figures on the American bills because frankly they aren't relevant in today's time because no one probably knows about them. They should replace them with more recent and current figures, such as people who accomplished something no one ever before. (ie women's right)
they should just replace it with fucking minecraft money like they did in the Netherlands or wherever country it was.
Having people on money does nothing but make people ass ravaged for absolutely no reason.
Who will replace #1 big guy George Washington?
that is fucking retarded m8
the founding fathers are always relevant
anita sarkeesian
And you're telling me that none of these brave, and beautiful women didn't. Wow, you bigot
I know about Harriet Tubman, but who are the rest? What did they even do?
Why are there 5 women for 3 bills?
I agree bills should be more inclusive
America is not going to be the same monolithic societies of the past and need to go into multicultural mode
As if any of these will actually enter circulation
>New $20 is planned for 2030s at the earliest
You sided against hitler before us as Canadians.
>two founding fathers
>two people who literally started this country
>two people whose work is directly responsible for everyone in this country from the very beginning
Contrast with
>some women who did a good thing once and now some law is on the book
I'd rather have the people who wrote and bound the book than people who contributed to it later. With this logic we might as well have people like Einstein or Walt Disney because they too once did a thing that people enjoy.
Just because they spend it don't mean they need to be on it.
Did you really just type that out? That's actually pretty autistic.
Nice Snapchat picture of your computer, dumb shit.
They are exceptions, and should be the only exception.
Both were founding fathers, and Hamilton was the founder of our current system and the first chief of treasury.
And Franklin was a president of PA (we're not technically a state, we are a commonwealth).
it's the three fifths compromise all over again
Still infinitely more successful than Susan b Anthony
who are they? I'm serious
I like the faces on your money. Don't change it America.
Get out of here, Jew Spectre
Founding father are the most important people to this country. Instead of changing the faces on our currency, we should change the school system to make sure kids know this. It's important to know the people that fought to establish our country.
But hey, I wouldn't expect a country that's still technically cucked by Britain to understand that.
is that michael gira
I seen a better ideas
Blanda up Goy
they never stop tbvh
We were like less than a year old. We didn't know any better
Sieg heil!
Thats right goy you sont need your archaic traditon or history...
You're a funny guy.
Worse than our monopoly gay animal money
I would like to see FDR or Macarthur on a bill. Maybe even JFK. I know he was overrated but damn that would be a handsome bill
Thats actually some pretty cool looking cash.
I'd be down for that. Granted I'd much rather have all of that money backed by actual gold reserves but we all know thats not going to fucking happen...
Literally who? Don't recognize any of them.
If it's abolitionists those cunts cause more crime, death and chaos than they did help anyone's fucking civil rights.
They were the mothers of organized crime and paranoid, intrusive government.
Making the money almost all the same color except one side but not quite the same size does little to aid in visual identification like Europe's monopoly money, but does make it a huge pain for cash registers and vending machines.
one on the far right wrote the declaration of sentiments at the seneca falls convention, only one I recognize by looks
good good make sure to continue the tradition of historic figures on currency. That way everyone can remember the incredible legacy of Hilary Clinton :^)
Take those safe space commie dollars and shove em up your ass.
>put all womyn on cash
>money goes hyper-inflationary as it's clear it's less valuable now
Crafty kikes have figured out a way to destroy cash once and for all kek
>The founders of the country are not relevant or well known
>If people don't know who George fucking Washington is then surely they'll know who Lucretia Mott and Alice Paul are
The only women on that list 99% of Americans will recognize are Susan B (mostly because she was on a coin), Tubman, Elanor and possibly Stanton.
We should probably just end the charade and continue our conversion fully into monopoly money.
>5 people
>for 3 bills
some minor changes but the main idea is really cool if were really going for a change in the bills. We can argue that this is totally neutral so the sjws cant get butt hurt
>3 bills
>5 faces
Someone needs to explain this shit
A random fucking wave out of nowhere?
Hey, Hitler declared war on us after the Gooks attacked pearl harbor, not the other way around.
inb4 every $20, $10, and $5 you get now has nigger written on it somewhere.
This desu
Niggers and jews bad news
Drop on the deck and flop like a fish: the unit of currency
That's a 3-Hit-ler combo for 3000 points and a 40% chunk of the ol' liberal lifebar! His super is charged!
Something about those bills feel dystopian
A friendly reminder that Jackson fought against a central bank and that Tubman gets to be on the same piece of printed cotton as him. This is a punishment for everyone involved.
Source for below:
"If I had my druthers we wouldn’t have Washington on anything, much less the rest of the questionably dignified dead presidents. In fact, Washington on money was the specific thing they were trying to avoid with the original Coinage Act of 1792. At that time, America was a little touchy about anything that, per the writers of the period, “smacked of Monarchy” or, more rudely, “We waged war to get one George off our coins, damned if we’re going to put another one on.” In the course of the Constitutional Convention, America was arguing about it’s very structure and it got down to seemingly minor things, such as what should our coinage look like? It seems minor until you remember that for as long as anyone in the western world could remember, coins had depicted the current or at least a relatively recent monarch (please ignore the coinage of any Muslim state or iconoclast Byzantium for this argument)."
yeah like the humanity has been sucked out of the country.
>Pearl Harbor
Read a book nigger
>The initial proposal intended to put Washington on all the coins but this was argued back quite forcefully, with Washington’s approval, to a figurative representation of Liberty. And that’s the way our coins stayed until 1909. We had all manner of different representations of Liberty and a few unspecific representations of Native Americans, on the basis that the tribes were the embodiment of freedom and liberty… as long as you ignored the Indian Wars and reservation system entirely. We never depicted an actual person on our coins until the 20th century. Even the Confederacy held to this same minting guidance, not that they had an opportunity to make many coins down in New Orleans with their very limited supplies of bullion. Our paper currency was another matter, with our first post-Andrew Jackson federal bank note in 1862 depicting Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon Chase, but that’s a separate rant on Jackson being a worse person than most people think in addition to the horrible corruption of the banking system left in his wake.
>As an aside, I hate the “In God We Trust” argument about this having always been on our coins, required by law. The only words that have been required since the beginning were “LIBERTY”, “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”, and something to tell you what the denomination of the coin is. That’s it. To bring it back to ol’ Chase again, he had to get Congress to pass a new Mint Act to permit the coins to actually say anything other than these three things. He started with the brand new two cent piece to see how “In God We Trust” was received and then added it to the rest of the coins from there. Once you start a change, it’s hard to undo it which is why people were so resistant to changing anything on coins in the first place.
If you think about it closer... :|
If all men dropped dead, and there were only women left on earth, they would still blame the patriarchy. Feminism doesn't have an end point. They just find new excuses to whine.
Also, why are the American banknotes so disgusting?
Lobbying for the right to vote is not an achievement.
Cultural marxism is everywhere
>Which brings us to 1909*.
>To help stave off counterfeiters, the US Mint had been changing the designs of the coins roughly once per 25 years, often more frequently, but the penny had been one of those coins that was hard to change. History had shown Americans to be VERY PROTECTIVE of their pennies and they didn’t like it when people wanted to change them, putting the penny on something closer to a 30-50 year cycle. In 1904, Teddy Roosevelt embarked on a beautification campaign of American currency, arguing that a world class power deserved a beautiful world class money. He got easy agreement to update everything, except the penny. The Indian Head Cent was very popular and no one wanted it to change.
>That is until 1909, the centennial year of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. The case was made that The Great Emancipator deserved special recognition, that the most important president since Washington should be immortalized on our coinage in addition to a bunch of fresh statues and buildings in his honor. But that original restriction of the Coinage Act of 1792 remained: you could only depict a figurative representation of Liberty. For Lincoln we made an exception and Congress amended the act to specifically allow Lincoln to be put on the penny.
>By 1948, every goddamn coin in the United States depicted a person, with the Walking Liberty falling to Benjamin Franklin on the half dollar. And now, 107 years later we still have Lincoln’s face on the penny. There have been many efforts to change the penny over the decades, with the back of the coin changing four times now, but the idea of replacing Lincoln’s face on the front with something else is a non-starter. Hell, even the argument that we lose money making pennies cannot stand against the tradition of pennies and the face of Lincoln. We are now trapped by the people we honor.
The fuckup happened a century ago.
"American worker" could be considered racist or nativist in some way im sure.
Agriculture, architecture and science are all male dominated, im sure SJWs could find a problem.
It's because of the wage gap. Takes 5 women to equal the same amount of money.
gook just means an Asian enemy.
During WWII Japanese were gooks.
During the Korean war the North Koreans and Chinese were gooks.
During Vietnam the Vietnamese were gooks.
Where are the guys on the bills? So much for equality.
dude you have a fish on your notes.
You are missing Martin Luthor king, I thought it was fake until I went to their .gov site.
those look disgusting
>Many more refugees come in to US
>Islam on the rise
>In Allah we trust is put beside In God we trust on all currency
youre right, i under estimate the sjws ability to be offended