Already six months without proper Government

>already six months without proper Government
>economy at stake and too big to fail
>Social Security will collapse in a few years due to massive unemployment and expensive retirement pensions for Baby Boomers
>separatism is getting stronger
>European frontier with Africa
>far left has decent odds of winning next election

What can we do to improve/save Spain?

Almost every party doesn't give a shit about our national debt, which will mean more public expenses by strangling the economy with even more taxes.
If my country get its shit fucked up even more, it could be the last nail in Europe's coffin, combined with Brexit and refugees crisis --not to mention an eventual wave of ISIS' attacks.
Imagine this: a Schengen country with open borders with Africa, and in likely bankrupcy. It can be a pain in the ass for the rest of Europe.

The Eurozone is going to be shit as long as you are tied to Germany

that's just a fact of life

Just accept you are German slaves now.

Spain is literally the closes thing to Africa but they dont immigrate there


no gibs

Let the separatists win.

Then make the reconquista happen again

If you collapse it will be the start, not the end.

How do you feel about becoming Venezuela or Cuba 2.0 when Podemos wins?

Make more Bolt-Action rifles in Oviedo. I have a M1916 Oviedo Spanish Mauser and it is the best goddamn gun I have. Make guns for us in America my friend.


We may banter with you, but you'll always be welcome here Spainbros.

Just don't elect that Podemos guy.
He is Venezuela-tier.

>Just accept you are German slaves now.
The EU is just a politcially correct way of saying the fourth german reich.

Africans do come to Spain. There has been a problem with illegal immigration for decades now, but the rest of Europe didn't give a shit since "it's just Spain". Besides, our government --either left or right wing-- didn't consider it a bad thing ("They come to pay our retirement pensions", they said; so they were given free healthcare, etc. until massive unemployment struck).
But now Spain's economy it's shit and a lot of Africans that enter Spain go to other Schengen countries, which happens simultaneously with the refugee crisis.

Most likely we will become a weird mixture between Greece and Argentina in that case, but being "too big to fail" within EU and no natural resources or energy. Spanish Constitution is not as malleable as Venezuela's, but we're fucked anyway.

What are your conclusions?

Regarding what?

Any solution you think?

I've considered it several times, believe me. I'll probably study a second degree while I work to be more employable in Argentina or other countries.

If I had come with any solution, I wouldn't be posting on a cambodian drawings forum.
I personally think we should lower taxes to mitigate unemployment. That would imply less public spending, but there are many areas to do that since we have a gargantuous public administration.
Also, we would need to change our SS pensions model or it will collapse sooner than later.
I don't know; most of this stuff it's just "common sense" but nobody dares to implement it.

It's beautiful isn't it. They are using the bank that was set up post war to pay for repairing the country, now it is being used to buy out all the other countries in the Euro. RIP Frenchies

Get your shit together Spain I don't want to be invaded by sjw retards

mfw we haven't nuked this shit of a country yet

Funny how the pakis think the same about you, Mr. Designated.

cucks can't even make their own they have to open their asses to chyna