Music equivalent of this?

Music equivalent of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

soundtracks for the blind


nothing comes to mind


Actually, that's a pretty good choice. The Shining > Suicide though.

the entire album

>Comparing Suicide to a fucking Stephen King horror story

Shut up, asshole.

so an entry level piece of art that is accessible to everyone but is revered by pleb-tier fans as being beautiful art

im gonna go with anything radiohead has ever made

Wow, you're so sophisticated and knowledgeable about film and cinema. I hope I grow up to be just like you one day. You're a really cool guy.

The Caretaker

Serious answer

Lana Del Rey - Honeymoon

It's filled with codes about Bowie and shit about six months before his death

>art has to be unaccessible to be good

nah, but generally if somebody regards something as the pinnacle of an artform and it's super accessible, they don't know anything

But Wendy and Danny survives though

You have a really unique insight into art and culture. Please continue.

>nobody has posted An Empty Bliss Beyond This World yet

>art has to be unaccessible to be the best

I would say one of his earlier albums like Stairway to the Stars, before he adopted the dementia concept and was just chopping and screwing old dixie jazz songs. The dark ambient parts in Stairway to the Stars could be a horror movie soundtrack

>What is Hamlet

yeah i know i'm kind of a genius... it's hard for me to deal with you kind of plebians. to be fair, you have to have a very high iq to understand real music like godspeed. the melody and timing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical music theory most of the sound will go over a typical listener's head. there’s also the nihilistic , which is deftly woven into every part of their music - their personal philosophy draws heavily from narodnaya volya literature, for instance. the fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this music, to realise that they’re not just sound- they say something deep about life. as a consequence people who dislike godpseed truly are idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the suble musicality in "luciferian towers" which itself is a cryptic reference to turgenev’s russian epic fathers and sons. i’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as efrim menuck’s genius wit unfolds itself in their ears. what fools.. how i pity them.

and yes, by the way, i do have a godspeed tattoo. and no, you cannot see it. it’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 iq points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. nothin personnel kid

>has one song with any elements of horror
>gets compared to a horror movie because omg frankie teardrop is scary!!!
you people are dumb

that's like bringing up bach in a discussion about the greatest modern musicians.

This but the old albums which are pretty much The Shining tributes

I wanted to hug Leyland Kirby when I heard the last track of this and it was 'Midnight, The Stars and You'.

the shining is quite literally one of the best horror movies ever made, which is hilarious because he didn't even look at what the screenplay Stephen King wrote and called his writing bad which it is

Like the Shining, it's about a father that tries to kill its family, for different motives and no supernatural influence though. Frankie succeded but Jack failed. And you are ignorant.

still only one song on the album lmao

it’s honestly a phenomenal film

the shinings soundtrack is masterful

also these
Eraserhead soundtrack

Soundtracks for the blind is also a good one

This is the only correct answer. The other ones are just pathetic losers who are trying to shill their favourite rock album