>tfw he will never hit rock bottom, he will finding new lows
Tfw he will never hit rock bottom, he will finding new lows
i don't think any of you guys will believe me but i found chrischan on the playstation network one time when i was playing littlebigplanet
But why.
what the fuck is this... why did you even show this shit to me, i feel so fucking retarded right now
How the fuck is this guy even alive?
How does he make money?
How does he even do anything?
he is a good reason why abortion (even post birth abortion) should be legal.
Been here since like 2006 and I still feel bad for chrischan.. all of the sperglords and losers messing with him just aren't self-aware--they don't fucking understand that this person is mentally ill and can't help himself
I think the real Chris is held captive inside the Sonic statue.
An evil entity has taken over, and forces the real Chris to watch what he does in his body.
A living hell for the real Chris.
>That's a good work out so far
What the fuck
That sonic in the background has seen some shit.
>chris chan
Holy sweet fuck that is a blast from the past
>tfw you start to feel sorry for him, and then he proceeds to do something that reminds you why you didn't in the first place
I believe you, as that seems like a plausible scenario. Did you talk to him or play with him at all?
Hey gets autismbux. Check out Sonichu.com, they have a running total of how much he has spent this year. Last I check he has passed $8500 dollars this year.
He lives with his mother who is in poor health. I seriously believe she will die in the next 3-5 years and Chris will be taken to some sort of mental health facility. I have a feeling he'll drop off the face of the Earth at that point as he won't be allowed to have his game systems there most likely. Although he does have a phone, so he may continue posting weird shit occasionally. He definitely won't be able to upload videos like this again.
Honestly, after reading the wiki I'm torn. He is autistic, but at the same time he is generally a childish asshole. He's not retarded, just autistic, and while he might not understand good vs evil, he's no innocent angel. Trolls might have pushed him over the edge, but even if the internet never discovered him, he'd still be an autistic manchild who harasses people and generally acts like a belligerent asshole.
Chris chan has reached the marianas trench of life. He's basically Captain Kirk at this point discovering new life and new civilizations, boldly going where no autist has gone before.
Chris is just playing an elaborate joke on all of us.
One day he will wake up and say "haha I was just pretending..." etc..
He made fools of you all.
no he just made a huge rant on the tails costume of the DLC sackboy outfit not being 100% correct and listed every single anatomic inaccuracy about it. he made a big rant to mediamolecule about it that nobody read
another theory is that the sonic statue is an evil totem. there have been many chris chans that have lived and died. if you touch it while theres an absence of chris chan, it will transform you completely into a new chris
This theory is eerily plausible, it explains how he was so against degeneracy and homosexuality before but now he's a tranny.
How do we get the good Chris-chan free from the Black Lodge?
>what the fuck is this...
It's the closest thing we'll get to the real life Truman Show. It's hilariously bad.
Holy shit is it this guy?
>Honestly, after reading the wiki I'm torn. He is autistic, but at the same time he is generally a childish asshole. He's not retarded, just autistic, and while he might not understand good vs evil, he's no innocent angel. Trolls might have pushed him over the edge, but even if the internet never discovered him, he'd still be an autistic manchild who harasses people and generally acts like a belligerent asshole.
Dude, that is what autism is--a fundamental inability to understand the consequences of his actions in a social context. He's an asshole by normal human standards, but he literally doesn't understand that he's being an asshole. It's a mental illness.
Yes, he's not completely retarded, and he can figure out how to do things like using the stove or driving a car, but he cannot function within a social context--it's that simple. It's a BIOLOGICAL fact for this guy.
Everyone messing with him is just antagonizing him and making it worse. Most of what he says and does are products of outside stimulation
There was a cwc thread the other week, does anyone know if the guy came back?
He was one of the guys behind Rollin' and Trollin'
Are you new to the internet?
The guy's name is Christian Weston Chandler
look up his wiki. His entire life's story is made fun of on Sup Forums.
Why does this creature still exist?, I can't believe he hasn't an heroed or got himself locked in prison.
No it's chris-chan, a huge train wreck that just keeps getting worse through some glitch in our simulation.
I'm fucking dying, holy shit
I know but they look and sound pretty similar dude
You're probably right, the trolling and harassment he's experienced haven't helped his situation at all. However, I don't think that if we never found him, or simply left him alone, that he would be any better off.
Chris' harassment of people, bizarre behavior, and strange mannerisms go back to his early days. If we never started cataloging him, he'd still probably be in the same place he is now. We might have accelerated his decline into complete madness to some degree, but I don't think it's as simple as "if we never found him, he might be normal now"
>This guy makes that much money doing nothing.
Does it blow anyone else's mind that some people on here haven't heard of Chris Chan? Every Chris Chan thread on here or on Sup Forums there's always around 3 people who don't know who he is. He's like the God of autism at this point, how is it possible to never hear about this guy on Sup Forums of all places?
I read something about he calls NEET bux tugboat or some shit.
Some context: trolls have convinced now named Christine Chan that a lesbian couple wants him to be their surrogate in exchange for what he thinks will be a direct deposit in one or both of them and he is in competition with another troll so he is demonstrating his sex moves in this video so he can get the job.
Recent events like the fappening and goobergate have brought a lot of normies in.
>bizarre behavior, and strange mannerisms
his brain is literally defective
It's like dealing with a dog. You don't speak to a dog and expect it to understand and correctly interpret everything you've said, right? (Maybe those fucking pet people who speak in baby voice, but I hate them for the same reason I'm annoyed by those who troll Chris-chan and act shocked when he reacts negatively.)
Input and output works totally differently with Chris because he is literally mentally handicapped. Yes, he's unlikable, and yes, he might not be better off without the Internet, but the guy is simply broken and can't help it
How does he even make that as an adult? I thought you can't get disability checks for autism past 18, let alone "high-functioning" autism.
I'm not exactly sure how he gets his NEET bux. I don't know for sure if he's been officially diagnosed with autism or whatever, but he does claim to get disability checks and spends essentially all that money on various toys and video games.
He also makes good bank off his sonichu merchandise, he sells amiibos or some shit. They sell out quickly from what I've seen.
And how does this go unnoticed by the federal government? Normally things like these are monitored to make sure the money is going towards related assistance. Same with EBT here. You can't buy alcohol or stupid shit with it.
Holy shit I haven't laughed that hard in ages
Holy fuck can you imagine what the air blown from Chris Chan's mouth in that doll must smell like? Imagine having that shitty rotten breath blown in your face full blast from a hole in that doll.
>takes one month+ to make and ship
worse than ordering a Chinese clone desu...
ITT:Proof Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
>implying the literal embodiment of autism, the man who has had his life documented in more depth and detail than any other living person isn't a political topic.
Who the fuck buys that? He's already dealing with copyright infringement, so how does he get away with that? Plus, even though Sup Forums knows about him, doesn't mean that's a huge amount of potential buyers. This is just absurd.
The fact that there are so many nice and caring autistic people in the world, people who do something emotionally profitable with their lives even if they can't work and provide for themselves economically. I mean look at UIlillillia; this is an guy who's autism is just as advanced as Chris' a guy who can not care for himself, a guy who goes catatonic when he sees mirrors and who bathes in the sink because showers trigger autistic episodes in him. But this is also a guy who has dedicated his life to creating something he loves, and learning how to do it as well as he is capable. This is a guy, who like Chris, has done little but play videogames his entire life but actually bothered to MASTER them, while chris can barely finish any of the games he owns this guy gets perfect completion on all of them and then proceeds to try and find any and all glitches he can, just cause he wants to know more. Like Chris he is reveling in his autistic obsession with the subject, but unlike Chris he is doing it in a manner that is personally constructive. This is also a guy who VOLUNTEERED to clean his apartment complex because no one else had done it, getting himself a paying job because his childlike sense of morality told him that it wasn't fair that everyone had to deal with things being dirty because no one had been hired to do it.
Also I'm just using Ulillillia as an example who is also famous on Sup Forums. But there are plenty of autistic people, like myself, who are on Sup Forums right now who can tell you how absolutely bullshit of an excuse Autism is for Chris' behavior.
Probably inherited
you wanna be put in the doll, don't you?
>Also I'm just using Ulillillia as an example who is also famous on Sup Forums. But there are plenty of autistic people, like myself, who are on Sup Forums right now who can tell you how absolutely bullshit of an excuse Autism is for Chris' behavior.
autism isn't all the same though
and the exception doesn't prove the rule
most people with genuine autism are either total assholes (by any measure) or are non-functional and just throw random tantrums and grunt
this is the reality of the situation
if you actually have autism there's a strong chance you simply can't understand this concept by virtue of your nature--you are fundamentally broken, as is chris
well we all grow up user, maybe not mentally.
Sega probably doesn't want to have to deal with him.
Even so, it's not like he probably has much to inherit. His previous house was a dump and a shack in Virginia, which has prices so low, you could buy the whole town.
Any inheritance from his deceased father wouldn't be much. If anything, debts.
People will wait, for what reason? Who knows.
He has a rabid fan base, the wiki should speak volumes of that. He's probably one of the most recorded and documented people of our generation, sadly... My only guess is he fell through the cracks, multiple times, over the course of many years.
I really blame Chris' parents for how Chris turned out. He was identified as special needs back in elementary school apparently and was supposed to go to a special needs school. If his parents would've taken him there he might have received the proper care and might have become reasonably successful. Instead he didn't go and was essentially allowed free reign, which no doubt contributed heavily to his current state.
Again, I'm not sure exactly how his particular arrangement works. Considering he does nothing besides play video games and stay at home, I'm sure either he or his mother are lying on some forms somewhere. According to Chris, money is tight around the house, though what that means exactly could be anyone's guess. I doubt Chris really has a good grasp on handling money.
Which all leads to my prediction that he will be forced into some sort of mental institution once his mom passes. There's literally no way for Chris to survive on his own.
The problem isn't just that he's autistic, it's that he's both autistic and narcissistic as fuck.
The dog's inability to comprehend you is no excuse when it bites somebody.
Credit card debt and welfare.
>yfw you realize that just a few short years ago, just shy of a decade ago back when cwc was "new" and emerging that those where likely the best years we'll ever see in our lives moving forward. Each new year like a new cyst. A new turn of the screw in the vice. The world is burning and among that inferno stands an unburnt coal. A memory of the past we can never relive. A ghost we can look to and think "At least it's not that bad for me." but it is. We're all on fire.
Let's think about that for a second.
Someone who makes a complete fool out of himself, to the point of shaming his family name is getting free money for doing so. Literally being the biggest jackass I've ever witnessed and making a living by doing so, and he's living the life of a literal man-baby, but in a dress.
he lives with his parents you newfags. jesus fucking christ,
>sign in to confirm your age
Holy shit. This is cakefarts level.
His parent. Le internet lumberjack is rip in peace.
>I really blame Chris' parents for how Chris turned out. He was identified as special needs back in elementary school apparently and was supposed to go to a special needs school. If his parents would've taken him there he might have received the proper care and might have become reasonably successful. Instead he didn't go and was essentially allowed free reign, which no doubt contributed heavily to his current state.
Behavior is largely genetic and biological in nature. I don't want to go into a big thing and source a bunch of shit just to try to make this assertion so you can take it or leave it.
But Chris was destined to be a broken individual in my opinion, and I don't think any amount of special help would have changed that. Also there's no reason it couldn't be done even now, it's not as if whatever effects 'environment' has stop during childhood
You should note that when scientists talk about 'environment' in a nature v nurture context they're talking about serious shit like FAS, straight up famine and starvation that destroys the brain in childhood, etc. They're not talking about the amount of baby einstein a kid watches and other such bullshit
How fucking new are you? literally gas yourself reddit
>These newmemes who don't know about Chris Chan
You missed out on probably one of the best happenings on the internet ever. You can catch up on his wiki, its essentially a masterpiece detailing the madman's realm of autism.
This fucker is a demon from the abyss, a great symbol for the decay and SJW's and all that Trans faggotry. God is fucking angry at shit like this nutcase.
His dad died, newfag.
oh God don't remind me
>The problem isn't just that he's autistic, it's that he's both autistic and narcissistic as fuck.
But what you and most people don't seem to understand is that what you call narcissism is a function of his defective mind.
Chris is completely unlikable, but that doesn't mean that we can't look at the situation objectively
And he's not biting anyone, he's just making stupid videos. The worst thing he did was draw a childish naked illustration of a girl he knew IRL for Christ's sake
>But Chris was destined to be a broken individual in my opinion, and I don't think any amount of special help would have changed that.
He wouldn't be where he is now with help. A lot of his behaviour is obviously the result of rampant autism and a whole string of other disorders going completely unchecked.
if I remember correctly he got arrested for assault.
it was his first offence and he gets neetbux so I'm not sure what happened.
That's him. But don't forget how he's avoided jail multiple times for his criminal activity due to his autism, or whatever the fuck he has.
>He wouldn't be where he is now with help. A lot of his behaviour is obviously the result of rampant autism and a whole string of other disorders going completely unchecked.
I agree
His life is like a Shakespearian tragedy. Everything that could possibly go wrong did.
We looked into the abyss. And the abyss stared back and asked for a boyfriend free girlfriend. No blacks.
Anybody who thinks this is bad is wrong, this is tame by ChrisChan standards.
He got arrested and charged for a minor hit and run against a Gamestop employee, and then later went and pepper sprayed another one of them.
The second offense landed him in a cell for a day, but he never got sent down.
wow the memes are real
Fucking Kek. Good thing I am sitting in my car on break or everyone would wonder what the fuck is wrong with me.
>Good thing I am sitting in my car on break or everyone would wonder what the fuck is wrong with me.
he posted it on littlebigplanet.com's forums but they seem to have been shut down a few years ago
if anyone can find an archive i remember the thread. but 2bh I felt bad for him so I've concealed his PSN
>tfw progressives would probably call this empowering
top lel
First now >We looked into the abyss. And the abyss stared back and asked for a boyfriend free girlfriend. No blacks.
What a time to be on the internet.
you can get autism bucks when you are under 18?
oh boy
how nu r u
Yea I work 5-4am fuck waking up early.
chris's strawpoll on who the better lover is.
>guy in gif's fashion
I wish it were still the late 90's
I hate that he looks like a grown up version of my cousin who has autism. Thank fuck his parents actually have he sense to monitor and teach him not be a degenerate like chris but it sure does worry me.
In this video his face looks like Ted Cruz' for some reason: youtube.com
>Further, this was accompanied by the revelation that the same group of trolls had also fabricated Chris's denunciation by his high-school friends, leading to many questioning the morality of impersonating Chris's old friends just to get a reaction out of him, and of course, the terrifying Orwellian nightmare that such trolling has left Chris in, as virtually every aspect of Chris's social life is engineered by trolls and he has no way of knowing what or who is real - even his own family. This is perhaps partially responsible for his growing obsession with his hoarded crap and his preoccupation with his new identity - it has gotten to the point that Chris's identity and his possessions are all he has which he knows for certain are real and not a troll fabrication.
holy shit m8
What do you do? Security?
You don't think a website having created a personal jester out of an autistic retard has a political component?
Because some days I wonder if this is legal or not.
the first incident wasn't at a Gamestop it was at the Gameplace or something and he hit the elderly jewish owner