I want to have sex with a muslim. Would Sup Forums convert to fuck a muslim?
I want to have sex with a muslim. Would Sup Forums convert to fuck a muslim?
No, its not worth all the extra bombage
no, she should leave islam, not because of you, because of common sense
Zoophilia aint my thing
Just ask her out you weirdo most of the ones here who talk to non-muslims are pretty secular
Hard to say.
They are smart but it's impossible to get one. Imagine meeting her parents.
no thanks arabians are subhuman
thats not how they look in reallity
what, do you think muzzies chosing to fuck goats instead out of free will?
Plenty of Muslim women will fuck White non-Muslims. They're women, just like in the West. The only major difference is that they have a culture that keeps them publically in line.
Yeah, for me as well.
Hey thats racist arabs are quite human dont be racist dude
I want to get a burka so I can crossdress and people won't be able to tell.
Wheres this from?
Oh that's funny
some german or northern euro short film called Turkish Chick
>muh common sense
Wouldn't convert but I would definitely bang a muslim maybe even date her if she could take her religion a little bit lighter.
There's a cute muslim girl that sits next to me in biology in college, but she's muslim so you can't really approach her and I don't really know if they have feelings or not
I dunno man, muslims are bro tier, they hate degeneracy.
I prefer Jewish women
>you will never be her goy toy
>muslims are bro tier, they hate degeneracy.
Yeah they hate degeneracy, unfortunately they only hate degeneracy when it's other people doing it, fucking children, raping women, using narcotics, fucking boys, crossdressers all extremely prevalent in muslim societies.
I've actually gotten the question from a Pakistani friend of mine who wants me to marry his sister so that she can move to Sweden.
I'm white and he knows I don't believe in a god, hell he even knows I dislike Islam. He asked me if I was interested, that's it. Said no because I haven't met her, and I don't feel like becoming religious.
Don't do it mate, I know you're not stupid and don't need me saying this, but do not get mixed up with these people.
Checks out.
Pictures of sister:
I've only ever met one muslim actually, but you don't need to be smart to know not to hook up with criminals.
Fucking this
I'm sick of people saying Muslims hate degeneracy
They're probably more degenerate due to their degeneracy beign suppressed than westerners are with their freedom.
I'd rather inject poo in my veins.
Injecting poo is probably safer than indian blood transfusions.
thats like, just your opinion man
having crime isn't degenerate dudes
saying said crimes are okay and doing them in public is
isn't that what we want? SJWs and Femnazis too scared to speak publicly about their shit?
Absolutely haram
Sup Forums gave me a fucking fetish for thick Arab girls now whenever I see shit like my pants' strength is tested.
>isn't that what we want? SJWs and Femnazis too scared to speak publicly about their shit?
No that's not what we want at all.
We want a society in which there are no SJWs or feminazis, beause the people are moral, and they lead upstanding, happy lives through their own free will
dios mio
muslim women test me
I have sexual fantasies about Christian Arabs.
I'm not sure if you want to fuck a Muslim because they are Muslim, or because they're Arabs?
It's the taboo isn't it, like fucking a dog
That girl isn't even Turkish or Muslim.
>Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau
And by some miracle you do find a hot Muslim chick this
tearing off the burka and shit. Arabs are also pretty qt
Yes, when done properly in the safe hospitals of London by a Paki doctor.
Muslim women only exist to break your heart. They are beautiful beyond imagination. They are polite and smart. Traditional.
They talk to you openly and are interesting. But in the end they always leave you for Abdullah. Always.
You think they're into you, you think maybe you have a chance, but in the end she gapes for Abdullah and his friends.
Never again. Don't chase a Muslim girl. You'll only bring yourself a world of pain.
buy one.
good thing about islam is you can buy a sexslave for life and call it your wife.
check the rhyme
You fuck the allah out of them
Married a Saudi girl without having to convert. Main reason was so she could come here to live, but still.
why would you have to convert or marry one? look up sex tourism in morrocco or algeria.
there are thousands of pervs sharing info.
This man speaks the truth I too have been burned this way.
If I remember right doesn't the Quran allow Muslim women to marry Christian men?
Wanna talk about it?
there are actually a lot of hot as fuck Muslim women
I know britbro. I just told my friend in a nice manner that I wasn't interested.
I would if I was more gullible. If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that there is always this one fucker who will find out who she is and send screencaps to her family.
Just cover the eyes. Don't be a pussy.
sure, she was was from Pakistan, her mom was a total bitch and a hypocrite that married a rich american but non the less hated me. all that doesn't matter she left me do to familial pressure for for a muslim guy with the most obscene mono brow. had a thing for middle eastern girls ever since.
Realise Allah's Peace Everywhere
Most muslims are arabs why would I want to fuck an arab?
Degenerate, kill yourself.
Only slim Romanian chicks for me - literally not interested in anything.
not a huge fan of the face but the nips p good
Swedecuck finally said something right.
So for years they've been forced to hide every inch of their flesh and have arranged marriages at a very young age. This has taken a huge toll on their evolution because people choose mates based on attractiveness. Prior to puberty, and / or covered from head to toe, and not even given the option of choice, the offspring's qualities are by chance and not selection. The complete opposite of what needs to occur to have attractive, healthy, intelligent families.
In evolution, survival of the fittest also works against certain traits. For example, northern tribes developed better insulated bodies and advantageous intelligence, however lost melanin and heatfan hair as it wasn't necessary.
Imagine what the fuck is going on under those clothes? Don't get it twisted that they look like the degenerate, fake porn shit you watch where the pornstar acts like she's a Muslim.
Your best bet is to find a new convert. You can find much in pic related. But never make love to them. You must always rage fuck them.
That sucks. Guess it's my turn. She was from the West Bank. Very friendly. She dated a guy before who was non Muslim. Talked to me everyday, like actually had conversation skills, and then one day just stopped. I don't know why. The one that got away.
Make her convert and then chalk her.
cut my dick? no thank u i am not barbaric
>ask for a blowjob and she explodes
no thanks
I'm not a good enough liar to pretend to care about islam long enough to fuck a muslim. I would though why not.
i know that feel and god damn was she hot. I at least i got to fool around a bit before we split.
If you want to fantasize over fucking a girl from a different religion/culture, what about a Jewess rather than mudslime?
i fantasize about both desu
>implying women require respect to open their legs
It's actually the opposite. Do yourself a favor, grow a pair, and cuck their men. You're what's wrong with white people today. Step in their shoes and ask if they do all that for us. The answer is no. They actually run pretty effective Critical Theory campaigns forcing white people to have "tolerance" meanwhile they don't have to. Next thing you know, your girlfriend's pussy is tolerating Ahmed's dick while his cousins and him are plotting to kill you and your family.
My girlfriend is adopted by jews and I want to fuck her mom
I think you need to reconsider that "we," pal...
> fantasize
Fucking degenerate. Sane people don't do that.
I wouldn't mind getting lost under her black tent.
What exactly are you talking about? Leave my best friend alone.
I would convert not to be beheaded. There is no G*d there is no Allah so whatever. I can LARP as they want.
I fucking missed with my mouse. I meant to click
You're right! Sane people don't let in so many muslims that you have no-go zones for native Britons all the while becoming a minority in your own capital city. You are correct Sir.
you can easily fuck virgin north african, turkish or arab girls here, then they get surgery to rebuild their hymen before they get wed
topkek she is Wesley Sneider's wife
Also to not have to pay the jizya and kharaj
i'm not very sane i suppose
Now that we're talking, leave a story about when you got your heart broken.
8/10 would shekel her with my goy rod, if you catch my drift
Nope. I didn't intend to talk to you and I don't intend to talk to you.
if you are a poorfag you need to LARP as the stronger tell you
CONVERT? LOL bro she's muslim, you could rape her and she would go to prison for it
In that case go suck the shit out of your mom's ass, cunt.
She is Yolanthe Cabau, Sneijder's wife.
I KNOW. I want to impregnate her
>that one episode on the lamas
>them titties
>the things they "made" her do
I understand burkas now
did he unironically (and without knowing) fap on stream? for reals?
it's the pandora's box. to contain the slutty whoreness that is in every single female.
No, but it allows Muslim men to marry Christian women
You don't need to convert to fuck Muslim girls, retard
yes and I want to open it
you do if you want that box to be yours and only yours
if she was willing to do it without becoming only mine she's a slut and the mystic fades instantly.