Never forget who he real heros are

Never forget who he real heros are.

You mis-spelt cannon fodder.

give them free android phones

>personal gain
being paid to do that
continued survival
war stories

fuck off

He faced death because it gave him a boner. That's not heroism, it's a fetish.

heros have the courage to stand up to those fucking things up above them instead of fighting in whatever war our shitty government finds most profitable.

Go ahead and praise the robots now, you wont be happy when chadbot 9000 here and his cyborg robo-buddies take over the planet.


lol no, guy is a low IQ moron

maybe his actions were heroic but he is a stupid fuck for enlisting
>but somebody has to do it
fuck off

you mean that dumbass who didnt know how to duck in pic related?

Actually that's a marine

Actually a lot of people enlist because they're poorfags and because they want to pay for college and get valuable life experience. source: im a poor fag trying to pay for college

lieutenant dan you got new legs!

Enlisted airman here. Was a 4.0 college student set up to make magna cum laude. Got wife pregnant, enlisted. Am now paying off college while going to school for free while gaining work experience in a field related to my degree (to-be electrical engineer working on radars at the moment)

Not. A. Single. Fucking. Regret.

Mobile infantry made me the man I am today!

chairforce faggot kys

Hue. Someone's mad asf.

I like my heroes with both of their legs

Nobody asked him, he is no hero, he fights to make others rich.


Actually that's an amputee.


There hasn't really been a real war recently, only to gain money. Nothing heroic having a war to manipulate oil prices.

Don't break a nail, or the whole airforce can't cum.
OCD fukbois

po lil' tinktink...


I think that I love you, user.

I can't respect a person that is this brainwashed by the government. I pretty much think anyone thats in our service is fucking retarded and doesn't like to think. They're not a hero. They're fucking retarded.

They are brainwashed weapons no heros

A warrior and a villain.

Women don't fuck army because of everything that's wrong with him. What a joke.

he's not a hero. he's a fool who sacrificed his legs for billionaires.

user isn't wrong...

>no personal gain
>get paid

>no personal glory
>receive lot of medails

Wow not everyone on Sup Forums is retarded?

>No personal glory
>his medals are for decoration.