Really makes you think... Huh

Really makes you think... Huh

Yeah, but if I never have a chance to eat the candy, maybe you should get it the fuck out of my face.

Make me think about all of the people who unwrap candy neatly so that after they eat it they can "wrap" nothing back up and put it back in the bowl.

I wonder if she would prefer a husband that doesn't beat her, treat her as property, and not let her drive a fucking car.

You mean wrap up a timed explosive in it, and wait for children to try to pick it up?


>ywn have a hijabi gf cook, clean, and suck your dick after coming home from purging a group of infidels

Women aren't candy to me. I don't need coaxed into appreciating one over another. Also I respect women.

Muslim women are treated extremely well. Instead of spouting ignorance, why don't you actually do some research?

i'd eat her
wrapped or unwrapped

Woman should unwrap their candy for me.

Oral sex is haram

Why do feminists not care when women promote patriarchal views? If a white man said "would you prefer an unwrapped candy or a wrapped one" when raising his daughters and telling them about the importance of staying virgin, no one would accept it.

I'd prefer my candy not explode when its Ramadan.

*Muslim women anywhere but in the middle east and the European Union of Muslims

I dont care if the sweet is wrapped or unwrapped i still want to deport all muslims to Mars

low tier bait

That is indeed exactly what I meant.

Islam specifically teaches men to treat their women well. In fact, Muslim men treat their wives better than western men do, and Muslim men are more masculine too. Why do you think women are choosing the Arab cock over the white cock? Lmao white men are truly the most beta cucked and pathetic group of people on this planet

Wow, I am now #anitaircraftmissile

When did you learn to use a computer?
I assume your kind was illiterate.

Is that why we flood the engineering, medical, and law fields while you white boys are stuck making 50k a year with your shitty business degrees? :^)


#SherlockHolmes #DoctorWho #Wholock

What makes you assume I'm white?

>this delusion

A majority of Muslims in Europe are on welfare. I'm sure it's not much better in the US.

>unwrapped candy or a wrapped one

Candy is sweet. Muslims are bitter and poisonous.

If the candy is from a chocolatier or other gourmet source then unwrapped.
If the candy is mass produced garbage then wrapped.