Why not Gary Johnson?
Why not Gary Johnson?
Hillary > Johnson >>>>>>> Trump
Why Gary Johnson?
Don't want my city to be flooded with more Mexicans, it's probably too late here but the flow isn't going to stop. So there's one reason.
libtard democrat reporting in. I'd rather vote for Johnson than Clinton.
Johnson voter here. Voter in 2012
this t b h f a m
I don't like libertarians or authoritarians
really basic reason
put it in the trash, along with that shitty replica pistol
Hillary < Johnson
>shitty replica pistol
Please tell me that there's a story here.
Johnson was given a ceremonial trinket, a replica of George Washington's pistol, in symbolism of "You have my gun, and you have my sword".
He tossed it in the trash as he left the convention.
Garry Johnson's a joke.
He's the best we got, a cunt among cucks
Sup Forums used to love libertarians and ron paul but now they can't stop sucking trumps dick. They have been brainwashed to support trump no matter what.
because i don't want hillary clinton to be the next president
apparently you do
fascism is contagious among hipsters
Small government is good but you have to pick your battles. In 2008 I was for Ron Paul, because we had a nation and I wanted him to govern it. But now we're on the cusp of not having a nation, just open borders and globalist leaders. We need to pull back to actually having a COUNTRY before we can worry about le audit the fed.
Vote nationalism, then once we have our country back I'll support your DUDE WEED candidate.
He's mostly okay but the couple not okay policies he has are fucking pants on head retarded. Talking about how he wants the president to just fly Delta instead of using air force one and not using secret service and shit. And apparently he wants to have a thing where every Wednesday every single person in the country can DIRECTLY see him in person if they want to and talk to him about whatever the fuck they want
I'll take anyone but Trump, who never wanted to run in the first place. I will never vote for Hillary based on my idea that family politics is somehow unamerican. Hell, even sanders' viewpoints are null because he doesn't substantiate them beyond "tax the rich". Making higher education and healthcare free doesn't mean jack shit if you aren't going to reform them first. I dislike every one of the idiots running for office, and I have my questions about Johnson's views about the economy but I'd prefer my vote go towards something I actually believe in (getting this country away from the two-party system).
He's a sellout at this point. Not even credible after picking John Weld as a running mate
Gary "Socialist Libertarian" Johnson?
Because he represents something that Trump wants to be but never will: a third party candidate to throw the middle finger up towards the political system.
Johnson was never popular.
His wig needs lower density to match his age better.
Cuz muh dick is bigger than his dick,
And muh dick make tha colored girls scream...
Also, you a fag.
Because he's an open borders cuck who throws guns in the trash