You have a cloning gun

You have a cloning gun.
You can clone anything within a dimension of 3 cubic meters.
The gun has 3 charges.
What do you do?

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Just fire at a mirror. It'll make a clone of itself and then you get infinite cloning guns.

Clone the cloning gun by shooting it's magic in magic reflector mirror


Clone myself so I can fuck myself and then clone my car twice and make some money

when are they gonna patch this glitch

You now have a copy of your cheap-ass mirror and one less charge

Clone myself so i can kill myself

Is clone 3 cubic meters of gold 3 times

probably clone myself trice, kill two of the copies in a public place in a major city and then flee the country to Mongolia or something and live out my life with my other clone knowing the world would go into chaos over two dead clones

clone myself
save the other two charges for later


Clone my pc
clone the two pc's
clone the four pc's

I now have 8 computers each with a gtx 1080. I use 7 of which to mine cryptocurrencies.

make 3 copies of my dick

No the gun sees and copies its reflection. Simple stuff.

Ameritard detected

get my sister drunk, clone her.
put the real sister in the basement and the clone doesn't know shit.

i clone myself, the 2nd me fucks her all day,
i come home at night and we swap
i fuck her all night, the clone goes to sleep
the next day the clone goes to work, i sleep during the day, the sister clone gets to rest

eventually i'd kill the sister clone and make a new one

Why is everyone assuming these clones will listen to you? Just think for a moment if you were the clone, would you let another version of you fuck you or boss you around and make you do shit while it sits around does fuck all?

Aim at the sun or moon and clone it!

the one time you can fuck your sister legit, you get someone else to do it for you.

You literally could not be more of a cuck faggot.

>ask some bank or a very rich person to loan me 3 cubic meters of hundred dollar bills
>clone that once
>then give them their stack back, and clone my stack to get 6 cubic meters of hundred dollar bills
>the other person is of course interested in this thing that obviously could make them money
>offer to sell the cloning device for them for the 3 cubic meters of money they have
>get the money, and give them the gun that now has one charge left.

so i end up with 9 cubic meters of hundred dollar bills.
meanwhile they have a cloning gun with one charge in it, but they dont know about the charges, so theyll probably just spend that charge to see if it works.

what happens if i shoot the gun at the ground ?

Good job, you wasted 2 charges on shit you can never use

Youve created 2 stacks of money with identical serial numbers

Turns out they scammed you and the bills you cloned were counterfit.

They read about your idea on Sup Forums

They now have a free clone gun with one charge

>call the secret service on you

good luck realistically and completely disposing of 9 cubic meters of fake money by time agent smith shows up.

If I was the rich guy I'd just rob your dumb ass and take it.

nothing, it isn't an object of a dimension of 3 cubic meters or less

Doesn't this mean you can make 8 clones of yourself the same way?
Imagine the possibilities

retard, read the rules again

>implying i cant still buy shit with that money

who is going to check if a dollar bill has the same number as another one that might be in circulation somewhere?
of course im not gonna unload all that money in one place.
how dumb are you to not figure out a way past having 3 copies of the same bill?

>im dumb enough to enter a room which will potentially have 9 cubic meters of money and not have some sort of protection
no i dont think so tim.

of course i would check if the money is legit.
im not an idiot.

Take out a mortgage to buy 25kg of gold bullion,
clone that and end up with 50kg, clone that and end up with 100kg
clone that then end up with 200kg of gold
say 1kg = 43k
end up with 8.6 million

>I'm a rich guy who is potentially gonna be in same room with a guy who can clone money and not bring a ton of guys or have a trap set
Congrats you just got robbed

Yes, totally. You are gonna check the 3 cubic meters of hundred dollar bills if they are legit. If i was you user, id clone those 2 brain cells you rub together once in a blue moon.


Best one

us national bank cellar content (shitload of gold).


it makes a huge difference how the gun works, like does it instantly clone the thing and place it next to the original? or does it store the clone until you choose where the clone goes? because the second one is way better while the first has huge limitations.

Excellent point, I'll include that next thread
Let's say it stores the clone until needed, that sounds a lot more fun

I don't really get why it'd be a problem having identical serial numbers

exactly, I'd kill my creator and live his life

most of the commercial available gold have ID, it is the same issue with the guy above that wanted to clone money, so you would have to either create false licenses (which is illegal and difficult), sell the gold illegally (and lower the value significantly) or melt it all down and sell it, somehow, that way, which is expensive as fuck and difficult, all of these things will cost money.. to top it all, you could get a lot more 'worth' than 8.6 million for those three clone charges.. confirmed careless and small-minded

A gun is a gun, it isn't sentient. It won't know the difference between a mirror and it's reflection. If the gun shoots a beam that surrounds the object you want to clone, it will only make a clone of the mirror.

oh good, because when i clone scarlet johansen for a sex slave, nobody will call the cops on me and i won't have to chase her down to catch her, just BEEP BOOP and she's in her cage.

im assuming you mean the code on the gold and if so, ill remelt the gold and sell as scrap buy investing in gear, and say i spend even 100k on the gold equiptment (idk how much it costs) its a great investment for the 8.6, tell me what can you get more than 8.6 with

oh you dont know that im going to clone your money.
i just told you i want to loan 3 cubic meters of hundred dollar bills for an hour and i let you see that no harm happens to your money.

maybe ill tell you that im doing "an experiment" or "filming a thing for a video".

im not going to use it all at once you dunce.
do i have to fucking walk you through how to get all that money on different bank accounts without no one knowing theres been some foul play going on?

like, at least all i have to do is take one of those 3 cubic meters of money, and take it to a bank.

that way im only left with 2 piles of copied cash.
next ill just wait like a year and take one of the copied piles to another bank in a different state.

or maybe ill exchange one pile to some other countrys currency.
how fucking simple are you to not have any imagination.

The sun, a turd and Mia Malkova

I clone myself
I kill myself

>point at the sun
>clone 3 cubic meters of the sun next to myself
>end life on earth


I'm about to have 3 or 4 little dicks.

>hold the earth for ransom and live like a king

I'd take out a million+ $ life insurance policy on myself with my wife's clone as beneficiary.
Then I'd clone myself and have his "accidental death" already planned.
Kill my clone.
Wife's clone is listed as beneficiary and she gets the millions.
Transfer all funds to myself.
Actual wife doesn't even know.
Kill wife's clone.
Divorce actual wife.
Change name and be millionaire with one free clone to go.

>I don't really get why it'd be a problem having identical serial numbers

This is exactly why bills even have serial numbers, you numbnut. It's to prevent counterfeiting by means of duplication. You probably still could get away with it though, just don't let any official get suspicious.

I would clone 3 cubic metres of the sun. The Earth would be in a fun state from there on in.

1. Clone myself, because i always wanted to suck/fuck myself
2. Get connection to jewel guy, clone 3 cubic Meter of diamonds and platinum and Shit
3. Buy diamonds, get top researcher to work for me finding out how (charges for) clone gun work

i'd do dis shit right here mang

With the limitations and options it allows, it really comes to creating wealth. Thus, how much cash or valuables could you get in a 3 cubic meter space. I suppose you could agree with a jeweler to lay out $100k-$500k worth of jewels relatively quickly.
If you had the ability to separate the shoot and clone functions, you might be able to go to one of those big drug busts where they lay out all the evidence.
But for pure kicks, I'd clone Michelle Obama. Can you imagine the catfight that would ensue? And the civil war between the left? Half aligning with one, half aligning with the other.

Increase life insurance by several million
Clone self
Kill Clone
Have clone of my next of kin collect insurance
Kill that clone, take the money run to another country

Clone the back half of a loaded bank transport vehicle
take that money, run to another country

Life best life ever.

>clone figures out your plan, knows you inside and out literally, kills you first

Again why do people think the clone will be complicit with everything that happens?

Just clone euros or gold it's worth more money and it doesn't have serial numbers.

If a gun shoots a beam at a mirror it will be reflected because the gun isn't sentient and can't know it's a mirror


No-one said anything about the beam being visible light, dumbass. A mirror isn't going to reflect x-rays or whatever the gun is using.

Copy ocean 3 times and recreate movie waterworld


Let's first just assume you can find a 3 cubic meter block of gold.

Why not shoot for a more expensive metal? Platinum? Plutonium?

1. Shoot under my feet. Now i have clone of myself with a cloning gun.
2. My clone will shoot me twice, while i still have 2 more shots.
3. ...
4. PROFIT!!!

>clone Mona Lisa
>is perfect copy
Nobody will ever know which one is the real

I clone my debit card. Now I have 4 times the money without having to worry about serial numbers.

The one currently being exhibited will be claimed the "real" one, and the second will be claimed a "very well made copy".

Art counterfeiting is very tricky. You actually can make a perfect copy, you just can't fool an expert authenticator, because they know where the "real one" is.

You have to go for a lesser known piece, maybe a Koons or Jasper Johns. Then you can actually question the validity of the held piece's providence.

it makes literally no difference, you're not going to be able to get your hands on 3 cubic meters of anything (except maybe iron). you're going to make the exact same amount of money.

also, the one on display isn't necessarily the original one, it could very well be a copy itself, while the real one might be in some vault.

no shit. if i met a perfect clone of me, i'd probably hate my own guts afterward.


1. Clone some expensive publicly displayed painting.
2. Burn down gallery.

>get 1.125 cubic meters of gold/metal of choice
>smelt it together with the original so now it's one single object
>clone that so now I have 2.25 cubic meters of it
>repeat 2 more times until you have the 9 cubic meters

Still unreachable but a little more plausible. Maybe you could asociarte with the representative of a mining company or something to provide the material after proving the gun works (taking one load so it'd take more material to get the same final amount) and share the profitt.

Birds of America, $10 value only 120 made. Individual pages can be sold.

What would that accomplish? All you did was make a bunch of people filthy rich from the insurance they will collect while all you get is a bunch of paintings that are now virtually worthless.

clone my bed 3x
now i have a really big bed

Clone CEO.
Kill original.
Bet on tanked company.
Release clone.
Sell revalued stock.


They would still have value. Also bird book. It's worth $10m not $10.

A 3m block of plutonium is already way over critical mass. It would fissle before you could. 3m block of osmium might be pretty cool. You could collapse the global market with that quantity

Question: What is the range of this cloning gun? How far away can I hit something?

You better not be trying to clone alien bitches from other galaxies, user.

Offer to clone whatever 3 objects the highest bidder wants. I'm pretty sure that's worth a few billion to some richfag. God knows what they will want to clone. Maybe a loli, maybe themselves, maybe bearer bonds. Don't ask questions and pocket the cash.

>implying the clone wouldn't also be planning your death just like you

That would be way too hard to hit, user. Just wondering if it could be used as a sniper rifle.

I'll hit that interdimensional pucci

You just wait

>implying I don't know how to manipulate myself
>implying I don't do everything in my power to feed my own ego and keep my clone off the trail of my true plans

Careful what you wish for, user.

>implying your clone wouldnt be playing the same game, just pretending to go along with your plan
It's gonna be like Mr and Mrs Smith but way less sexy.

>demostrate it to CEO of a big tech company
>explain to them than I don't know how it works, I have no schematics nor the scientifical knowledge of it's principles and there is no other in the world like it
>they will likely want to buy it so their R+D teams can reverse engineer it
>tell them I will consider
>do the same with 2 other companies
>make sure they all know I have multiple buyers interested
>sell it to highest bidder
>I now have a fat chunk of money while they have an uncharged gun they may or may not be able to reproduce and recharge

Assuming infinite range and the clone appears near you, just shoot randomly into space. You should got something eventually. Random space rocks to sell. Or a black hole.

How does the gun work? Do you fire it and just *pop* a clone shows up? Do you fire it at something and it stores the clone code in it's memory banks and then you have to upload it to some cloning machine later?

what the fuck? have you even read anything in your life?
leave the guy you're arguing with alone.
poor fella, has to argue with someone as stupid as you...

you're wirer

Last part of your post actually made me lol a little. Thanks.

A hole's a hole, bruh.

I would a fish cause now I'll have 2 fish. A towel because I need more towels and I would probably clone another fish so I'll have 3 fish

The feedback loop this line of logic implies is terrifying to think about.

Clone the clone gun.
You now have 2 clone guns with 2 charges left in each.
Clone a big pile of weed.
Then clone my 2 shot clone gun again with the last shot.
As long as you keep a 2 shot clone gun and use your last shot of the previous gun to clone another gun, you can have 2 shot clone guns forever. You could even stockpile 2 shot clone guns using the 2 shots of the previous gun to make 2 guns. Then keep making the pile bigger.