What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Not taking surgeries or other procedures.
Like any great you built, it's your responsibility to destroy it.
When he got older he went offcycle and reduced his steroid dose. Probably something to do with wanting to be a family man, idk.
If he kept on the roids, like Frank Zane here, he would still look good.
Yet he still got to bang Emilia clarke
Daaaamn Chloe look like THAT?!?
he became a libcuck
He skipped chest day.
Jesus christ you're a moron. I'm jealous of the people who havent met you.
needs to do kettle bells sometime and lose some flab
he was governor too long and he didn't have time to lift
the same thing that will happen to you at his age only you will still be poor and a virgin
>do kettle bells
"Doing" kettle bells isn't a thing. That's like saying he needs to do dumbbells. Do you even kettle bell, bro?
He didn't want to hit 70 and lose his knee joints by powerlifting to combat natural muscle wasting, which happens to everyone when they get to his age.
he's the embodiment of the american dream, he's allowed to have a chubby phase.
Sorry that I care about whites in America more than I care about if Trump grabbed some pussy.
Age is ruthless to most people.
Racist piece of shit.
>I'm jealous of the people who havent met you.
I like that
He can't "be back" to his former self.
Literally kys
Sure he got a bit of a gut and a little bit of man boob bur his biceps and the upper portion of his pecs are still on point.
he looks fine
it's just loose skin