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Really makes you think


I can't believe we're still at it.

how come all trump supporters are attractive? I seriously believe that there is a deep genetic basis for right wingers and left wingers.


>tfw I dated a gothfu just like the one in the OP in high school
>Now i'm thinking about her


>that chick
The things I would do to her.

I know these feels bruh. I will share in them with you.

Nah, I think it's mostly because being right leaning is stigmatized, so only people who are already pretty self confident (more attractive people) will flaunt their views.

naw there's a mixed bag on both sides.

hnnnnnnnnng I would drag my dick through 1000 miles of broken glass just to hear that chick fart over a walkie-talkie

I got drunk and fucked a fat, blue haired feminist last week.
They're docile and submissive once they have some booze in them, but they are fat and terrible when you wake up next to it.


We need to get people from r/the_donald and r/mr_trump involved.



>They're docile and submissive once they have some booze in them
the hell they are. I'm calling bullshit.

Wait, that pic is shopped guy.

Eh, he's kinda right they are, as long as they find you attractive.

Wew lad

Give any female some booze and 80% of the time they are ready to fuck, the other 20% will go looking for a fight.

I've been under a leaf all day, can someone give me the tldr of what's going on?

Thanks guys. MAGA!

>people who enjoy the indivduality don't want bullshit imposed on them

>great people can identify other great people

>too openly support Trump you have to be on your feet and always ready to stump cucks

Oh jeez what a suprise

>goth girls


It's not. I used to fuck a feminazi and she would do pretty much anything you wanted as long as you didn't say anything too controversial.

>tfw it was the first I had a blowjob
>tfw she swallowed

I miss her sometimes

That sign looks shooped.


putting them in their place and slapping their shit with str8 knowledge is more effective than booze, you cucks.


This, if you are going to admit you support Trump you need to be able to take all comers. I personally use my physical presence, charisma, and moral authority among my coworkers, friends, and family to make them feel retarded and diminished when they come at me. I've even converted a couple women and my best friend simply by being secure about my own beliefs.


>tfw you never fug a perky goth chick

2nd this.

2nd is dubs.

This character is a boy

>tfw you will never have a right-wing qt goth gf who supports Trump
I was happy about the twitter thing but now I feel sad after thinking about this.

I want her on my face, so perfect; that Bauhaus reference. Like she's a real Goth and not a fat chick who heard that black was slimming.

More QT. also bump.

Damn, I saw this earlier on twitter, but I never realized it was the work of Sup Forums. Good work Anons, have a Pepe.

Too bad Goth is dead


oh no no no no
ill never be in your faggy talent show

that feel no right wing goth/emo gf

Proove it

still would

I don't collect pepe often but this is great quality to not pass up.

Congrats, you just made Tay Tay look like Suzy from game grumps.

You fucking whore.



Contribute faggots. Contribute for freedom!

>tfw no goth/emo gf to browse Sup Forums and laugh at liberals with


It's coming back, but only certain subcategories

Punk-like goth is making a MASSIVE return. We also currently have pastel goth, which is like a hipster version of goth. There's also the bimbo black metal kind with bleached hair and black Burzum sweaters, but they're just "models" on Instagram.

Cybergoth and Victorian vampire goth are still rare.

It's an excellent Pepe. Have an Operator while you are at it.

what is this new meme about?
are people demanding the right to insult?
doesnt seem very SJW and PC.

shame, she's cute, but shes retarded

i can already picture the long line of dudes who want to fuck the "cute alternative girl"

I wondered why those bernouts weren't beating up a woman. thanks user.

Bet you any money she listens to punk more than industrial, goth, or even metal, and probably claims to be pansexual, while having loose ties with ANTIFA.


I would listen blindly and nod. Then plow hard.


It's a mixed bag for both sides, though I've noticed a trend that people who are for Trump are slowly getting more attractive/getting their shit together, whereas the Clinton/Berniebots are slowly approaching JUST status as they realize they're beliefs are a lie or become consumed with bitterness.

I've done it before with a similar chick, only she was plump and had a shaved head.

Because Physiognomy is real. Our looks reveal our character; true lefties are ugly harpies, true righties are pretty.

Step 1: search #IStandWithHateSpeech tweets
Step 2: find sjw twitter cucks talking bad about the hashtag
Step 3: go to their twitter profiles
Step 4: search through their tweets until you find something that they said which was jokingly violent, mildly offensive or if they curse
Step 5: reply to tweet with #IStandWithHateSpeech



I did my part. Felt good


General election predictions?

>that girl

You just think she is because somebody photoshopped her holding a Trump sign

> Goths for bernie

No wonder the guy is losing

eh, I'd rape it


>le cute alternative girl

I honestly hope by this point that most men have figured out that it's usually not worth it.

>1-2 nights of great sex
>months of them not leaving you alone and trying to dump their baggage on you

fuark I retract my earlier statement

Well let's hope the music will come back, otherwise the subculture will go nowhere.

One of them accused me of being a foreign National, after I told them that people using the # aren't paid shills, unlike Clinton supporters.

upon closer inspection, the nose knows

What the fuck is a foreign national

Y everybody talking about the twitter? Is Endsieg near?

>Victorian vampire goth are still rare.

You just reminded me of a dank fucking meme

It might have been started by Sup Forums but we rallied up the normies at least, even reddit is on it iirc.

Welp, at least I get this small consolation prize for my candidate getting beaten down.


>Dat nose

why tho.

taytay is perfect without that

Bill Kristol gang raped in Cleveland by BLM.

>more like one or two nights of great sex.
>then telling you you the day after they dont want a "boyfriend"
>but then keep texting you twenty times a day as is you were their boyfriend.
>but dont want to meet up in real life because it could lead to sex.

Women have managed to ruin the only fun fun part of a relationship. JUst fuck my shit up femanons...

every girl is a cute alternative girl ya dingus, how is it even considered "alternative" when the overwhelming majority of young hot girls are "totes for bernieeeee :^)"

> And now you know the trick of it.


I wish for simpler times, in which you could just, and only look at tits and an ass.

Now you're sexist for doing so.

Sauce pls. I know its bangbros

I dont think you know what "alternative girl" means