Hillary Clinton will be the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee on the night of June 7; will Sanders quit like Ted Cruz did on the evening of the Indiana primary?
Bernie Sanders
#BernieBernout ?
Bernouts were never very good with math, which is probably why they are voting for the guy promising government programs that will cost more than our entire country's GDP.
Why care, the guy will barely live 4 years max.
If superdelegates didn't apply it would be a really tight race right now. We already know he lost the superdelegate portion but if he can beat Hillary in regular delegates were hoping it'll shake up the convention and shed awareness on how the establishment continues to harness their corrupt power and win over grassroots movements. Even if Bernie doesn't become the nominee it's still a victory for true democracy nonetheless.
Trump was going through a similar situation a few months ago with the RNC, I'm surprised you guys aren't rooting for Bernie too just to say fuck the system.
Everyone knows this. They want to be able to make a case if they get enough delegates. The problem is the Democratic Party has already made thier choice already.
Hes the Ted cruz of the left.
This. I've even carefully explained to friends that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to pull off without taxation going up above 100 percent for top earners, so that debt MUST be accrued and paid for by their children (the people who I was talking to had kids).
They didn't care, and continued to call me a neo-nazi Hitler 2.0 supporter until I finally got blocked for saying something like, "As horrible as I am, at least I don't want my children to pay for my goodies. I care about my unborn kids AND the children you have more than you."
Even his wife's son didn't make it through the primaries.
His only hope is the popular vote. He NEEDS a blowout in California, or its over.
Bernie has never had so much money in his life, why would he stop?
Bernie is such a fundamentalist cuck that it would be his duty to immediately support Shillary in her campaign.
It would be better for Americans to have Hillary or Trump than having a guy who has a high risk of dimentia handling its nukes
Should have used ISIS burning people for the background of that picture
He's betting on Hillary getting indicted before the convention. To win that, he'll have to have a strong enough showing in the primaries that all of the superdelegates pick him instead of some party hack.
Fat chance, though. The Democrats will make Hillary the nominee even if she's facing decades in prison. But win or lose, he's living it up on the $200 million he raised from the ramen noodle money of naive college students.
Hillary also has dementia.
Alot of states on june 7. Does this idiot thinks he can keep all those delegates without hillary getting some of it?
Well Trump master race it is then.
He'll probably stay in based on the hypothetical situation where he would win if the Superdelegates came to his side.
Not sure if losing California will take him out of that.
>Clinton: 12,989,134 votes
>Sanders: 9,957,889 votes
There is no chance in Hell that Sanders is flipping an over 3,000,000-vote deficit. Clinton's going to win the remaining large states (California, New Jersey), along with New Mexico and D.C. How's Sanders going to catch her with wins in states such as South Dakota and Montana?
You realize that its economically irrational to pay back debt when its interest is lower than inflation and/or GDP growth? U.S economy grows twice or thrice the speed its debt interest does. Appealing to your children? Surely you want the strongest economy?
Not my children. I have none. And, no matter what you say, you aren't arguing that the people who get the goodies aren't the ones who will be responsible for paying it back.
That's like saying that it isn't a huge deal that the younger gens have to foot the bill for the Boomers' social security, because the Boomers took the money out and spent it on other things, leaving nothing but IOUs in there, with no plan on how to replace the IOUs with real cash.
be a poor Jew jealous of the 1%
dont feel like doing anything with your life till 40
some how get elected as a senator
never get anything done because everyone hates you
decide to run for persistent
send drones to college campus promote free stuff
shit goes viral with college ages kids
get college kids to fund your campaign
get to travel around on free money you didn't even have to fund rise for
buy a new car for hitting the campaign trail, from the finds.
tell me why would he want this ride to end?
The best part is that the top 0.1% of taxpayers pay $1 out of every $6 in taxes. That's only 128,000 people who would have to flee the country for us to lose 16% of our tax revenue.
Also, five years old now but still relevant:
I'm very confused as to why penn is on that side, he's about as anti-federalist as you can get
Those same people probably make posts about how baby boomers ruined their lives.
He's not. He simply said that Bernie Sanders appears to be a genuine Socialist, and, if we were to attempt socialism, it would probably be best to do with him at the helm. He specifically stated that he didn't support any of his stances.
It's never their fault, that's for sure. I've known the couple for 5.5 years. The guy has 3 kids from a previous relationship, the girl has a half-black kid from a previous relationship, and they have a little girl together (although I guess she would be about 8 now, haven't seen them since 2012). They've lived in 5 places since I've known them, and they just got evicted from their 5th place, and are looking for a 6th. They've also lived in 5 states since I've known them.
They aren't bad people, and will give the shirts off their backs to help friends in need, without ever asking for anything in return, but they blame all ill fortune on others.
But user, you're forgetting about California's 475 delegates
>proportional allocation
He needs Hillary behind bars.
>Needs Blowout
Guy can't even stand a blow of wind.
Clinton won the Washington primary.
Yeah, I get it allocated no delegates, and Sanders won Washington's caucus back in March, but more than triple the number of Democrats participated in Washington's Democratic primary than its caucus.
Either way, Clinton's going to win California, and even if Sanders did miraculously squeak out a narrow victory than, the proportional allocation of delegates makes it not mean much, if anything.
Unlikely, but can't the superdelegates change sides at almost any time?
Also, email indictment.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but California isn't one of those "Winner takes all" states
I don't believe any state is in the democratic primary. It's all proportional.
I think they can change, but they no doubt as sleazy as possible and Hillary has already bought them nearly a year ago. Hillary was bragging that there was no need for primaries since she already had the delegates early last summer.
>Clinton won the Washington primary
I'm from Washington and no one from here is anything but Bernie
How did that happen?
Guess I'll just be hoping for the email thing then... which seems highly likely.
How is Clinton at all qualified to lead anything? She's a fucking criminal.
Exactly, so that being said, Sanders is basically fucked in that regard.
Yes, superdelegates, who are party establishment-types that have already said over and over again that they're for Hilary Clinton, are going to abandon her in mass numbers for crazy Bernie Sanders.
Anyone who believes that Clinton is going to be indicted and Sanders subsequently made the nominee is more delusional than Ted Cruz's fanboys ever were. Even if Clinton died tomorrow, the DNC would rally behind someone like Joe Biden.
Thats the joke
Shy of an absolutely huge blowout (I'm talking like 80/20 or greater in Bernie's favor), you are absolutely right. And there is nothing about previous elections that leads me to believe that this will happen.
I'm just pointing out that it is still a possibility for Sanders to win the popular vote, no matter how unfeasible. Just like it's a possibility for you to find a winning lottery ticket stuffed into your mailbox.
Apparently Bernie's going to "contest" the convention and the Bernouts are already planning to riot, should be funny.
holy fuck! i hope some sanders supporters fell for that even if it was just a few.
stanhope siding with mcfarlane against gary busey? kys manlet
Holy shit. I love it when college humor is red pilled like this.
Oh, never mind then.
Video is actually terribly blue pilled. Hadn't finished it yet. Oh, well.
Double never mind. I should really watch a video all the way through first.
Video is actually terribly 2 sided. Trying to play neutral, eh.
I'm a bit skeptical about Hillary getting the Democratic nomination.
On one hand, her nomination would be a guaranteed landslide for a Trump presidency.
But on the other hand, a Clinton presidency is still possible.
The unbound superdelegates can technically still flip to Bernie's side. They won't though.
Bernie is betting on a contested convention like Kasich and Cruz were before they suspended their campaign.
But there are only two candidates (Clinton and Sanders). Someone has to get a majority on the first ballot. It's not like on the GOP side, where you had four candidates collecting a triple-digit number of delegates.
I bet they're the same sort who would make some amazing Bernie Sanders glowsticks to impress their friends and family.
I love that people are causing themselves financial distress in addition to their emotional stress for supporting Bernie. Reminds me of that one Redditor who was starving his daughter to spend grocery money on Bernie, and all the millennials who have been "investing" their student loans in Bernie's campaign "because he'll make the banks forgive my student debt."
These middle class white people are basically putting themselves under Soviet Union living conditions for the sake of making the rest of us join them. I should be more disturbed, but it's too hilarious.
it was suggested he should be
It is not a tight race. The proportional nature of the democratic primary system makes things look closer than they are. Because it's proportional a pledged delegate gap of 80-100 is considered very difficult to make up. Largest gap ever overcome was 85. Bernie is down hundreds of pledged delegates
It's super effective
I hope he runs as third party. That would wreck the dems even more.
That's what socialism always leads to, kek. One guy fills his pockets by convincing others to give them all they got.
Bernie is just being the jew he is. Lovely!
Shut up. Drumpf will give Bernie his spare delegates. We just need to phonebank/facebank/donate more. I've donated my entire savings. MATCH ME!
Superdelegates can change any time though.
GDP is calculated per annum. Sanders tax plan is over a decade. In 2013 USA's GDP was 16 trillion.
It's funny because Bernie has 0% chance of winning. I love natural selection.