Christian General, for all things Christian.
Catholics and Protestants both welcome to discuss.
Atheists may participate as long as they are constructive.
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Christian General, for all things Christian.
Catholics and Protestants both welcome to discuss.
Atheists may participate as long as they are constructive.
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Remember ladies and gents, Pol is a Christian board.
Saved this.
Christian General is best General
People see that a Globalist World Government is forming.
If anyone can be brought to God and realize that Anti-Christ shall usurp the world, it's people on Sup Forums
I need to know, who is making the Christ chan comics and why does Sup Forumstan seem to mimick my appearance, even changing its hairstyle when my hairstyle changes? The last picture I saw of Sup Forumstan had my unemployed, uncombed, unwashed hair that I'm not particularly proud of.
Basically, is there an obsession with me amongst this new generation of theists? Do you not understand why I'm anonymous? The age of prophets is over.
No, seriously, who is doing this and how are they recognising me?
Our friend, Dawkins.
I have a question for ya kaffirs.
There are millions of different churches. Baptism, Methodism, Lutheranim, Calvism, Mormonism, Anglicanism (i think all of them are consered as Protestant) and then Eastern Ortodoxy which every nation has its own church but even they are seperated in Nicae and Chalchedon as Monoteism, Armenian, Goergian churches. I saw even niggers in US and Maoris in NZ has their own churches. Only Catholics are solidly following Rome.
Can any one briefly explain why christianity historically seperated so much and are each one of church conseders believers of other churches as heretics. Also you can recommend a book on this issue.
No where in the Bible does it mention church. No where.
Anyone that goes to church is free to do so, it is interesting to build up a community of likeminded people, but to think that a man (priest) can absolve you of your sins or that a man (the pope) can represent The Lord Himself, is completely misdirected and not Christian
>Baptism, Methodism, Lutheranim, Calvism, Mormonism, Anglicanism
The Protestant Reformation brought a lot of conflict. It basically allowed laymen to make their own interpretations, rather than well-studied theologians.
They did bring up valid points about the corruption of the Priesthood.
> Eastern Orthodoxy
An entirely political schism, it wasn't theological in nature.
The Byzantine Empire didn't want to do what the Pope said, and was offended by the Holy Roman Empire and Charlemagne.
It was purely political.
Orthodoxy is not considered heresy though.
Schismatic does not = Heresy
hung fucking stop worshiping Christ and east comenzat to do something with your life ... failed
If I don't get to be antichrist in this lifetime I'll be piiiisssedddd
>No where in the Bible does it mention church. No where.
>Matthew 16:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Failed people
>political schism
I respect Orthodoxy and would attend the mass of an Orthodox Church if I had no other option. But you can't deny that the Byzantine Empire was offended by the Holy Roman Empire.
The Catholic Church failed Russia by the way, and for that I am sorry. I wish we had done what the Holy Mary told Sister Lucia was necessary.
I am catholic and I dont consider other heretics. Most of those churches are the same Just being named differently. As long as the follow God, it's fine
He re-named him Peter for good reason.
>Peter is a common masculine given name. It is derived, via Latin "petra", from the Greek word πέτρος meaning "stone" or "rock".
i gave you my answer in the last forum
Is this a parody thread?
There's a lot of people who have heretical ideas, I probably do without knowing it, and I believe it's impossible to have a perfect understanding of theology.
But certain things, like how Mormons deny that Jesus is God, is certainly heretical.
I asked Wolfsheim to respond last time. Have you viewed this?
Or parts of it
Sup Forums is secular
did you read it?
I haven't watched it. That's 8 hours long mane. Maybe I'll bookmark it and watch later.
I'm not Wolfsheim though. I agree with him on many aspects, but not on some.
Everyone is different. We're both Catholic though. I'm a much newer Catholic, but been a Christian for a longer time.
What should we do about venezuela?
Wrong. Many of the Reformers were actually the first of their generation to bother learning Hebrew. They were all articulate men. Your generalisations reflect the retardation of most Romanists.
Within Protestantism/biblical Christianity there isn't much difference. Only a few doctrines. The gospel is pretty much the same. It's whereas Roman Catholicism is an extreme heresy with a lot of different doctrines akin to Mormonism. EO is less aggressive in its heresy but still heavily pagan. I guess short answer; Satan.
Why do Romanists never engage in serious exegesis.
I'm sure there are already mission trips to try to help them.
We can also pray for them.
Well it uses exegetical and historical material to refute the claims of Rome. I really hope you do!!
Pray and send support in the name of Christianity.
>8 hours
Hell no I haven't watched it.
Where the fuck do you take your claims from? Catholics had no influence on Russia besides of Polish invasion which ended bad for them. And they left literally zero heritage. We had no inquisition, we had no church repressions on people. Russian Orthodoxal Church has always been a part of our country and history, not a first player. Even during commie times.
Bullshit. There are churches that follow God, but how they teach Christianity is a whole different story.
>Trigger Sup Forums each and everytime
>Wrong. Many of the Reformers were actually the first of their generation to bother learning Hebrew. They were all articulate men.
I'm not saying they weren't. But they didn't have much unity and gave rise to a lot of division amongst Christians.
Remember the tactic of Satan? Divide divide divide.
Divide people into the smallest groups possible.
He just said that the Bible didn't once mention the Church.
So I was responding to that.
I was talking about the Byzantine Empire.
But I'm referring to the secrets of Fatima when I say that the Catholics failed Russia. We should have helped you and we failed.
The early church maintained centralization and authority through the passing down of the authority of the apostles. This apostolic succession is what defines Coptics, Catholics, and Orthodoxy. Coptics came from one bishop that disagreed with an early church council and went and kept his group with him and east and west kingdoms that Christianity centered around over time split over (mainly) the practical power of the different seats of the apostles. They both agreed that the seat of the apostle Peter had primacy over the others but the western kingdom thought that the seat of Peter had unique powers in its office over the other ones and the eastern kingdom thought all office were, in a practical sense, equal to one another and that the primacy of Peter's office was one of respect. "First among equals".
The seat of Peter is what the western kingdom (Rome) would call the papacy and the man in the office, the pope.
Protestantism came in reaction to the bad actions of the church at one point and attempted to restore the faith's principles to accuracy. Having no faith in the apostolic line's teachings or traditions they stuck to what they could see as solid: Scripture. And so they focused on scripture and independently researched it so to cause a reformation of the faith away from the church which they disdained. This led to Christianity in the west as you see now. Protestantism led to a massive shift in how foundational elements of Christianity were perceived in the west too.
Hey brother.
Within Protestantism the differences certainly aren't huge
1. Paedo/Infant
2. Credo/Believer's baptism
1. Synergism/Arminianism
2. Monergism/Calvinsim
1. Episcopal (Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist)
2. Presbyterian (Presbyterian)
3. Congregational (Baptist)
1. Liturgical
2. Contemporary
Protestantism. Born again, spirit fill, and speaking in tongues. And no we don't pick up snakes.
You do understand the Roman church has been a mill for heresy. It takes a while to do show that. It's divided into parts. At the 3 hour mark it goes into scripture and tradition.
> Divide people into the smallest groups possible.
Hardly. I see Lutherans, Pentecostals, Baptists and Episcopalians as my brothers in Christ. As long as their orthodox in their belief. I'm fine.
> But I'm referring to the secrets of Fatima when I say that the Catholics failed Russia. We should have helped you and we failed.
I am suspicious of these Marian apparitions.
> hey both agreed that the seat of the apostle Peter had primacy over the others but the western kingdom thought that the seat of Peter had unique powers in its office over the other ones and the eastern kingdom thought all office were, in a practical sense, equal to one another and that the primacy of Peter's office was one of respect. "First among equals".
Any evidence for this?
This is basically correct, but there's a complicated difference between Synergism and Arminianism.
Yeah. I think Arminianism just robs God of his glory. Calvinism is the gospel.
>If you belong to one of the religious (((organizations))) known as "Church of the Nazarene, Pentecostal Gospel," "Holiness Church," or "Jehovah's Witnesses," your religion is one of the hundreds of new sects founded by men within the past hundred years.
>If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther a 120kg priest in 1517, an ex-monk of the Catholic Church, who uncovered the Catholic papist church falsity. In doing so he showed that the Papacy didn't go back to the time of Christ, was based on a gross misinterpretation of the Bible.
>If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the Pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to re-marry
>If you are a Presbyterian, your religion was founded by John Knox in Scotland in the year 1560.
>If you are a Congregationalist, your religion was originated by Robert Brown in Holland in 1582.
>If you are Protestant Episcopalian, your religion was an offshoot of the Church of England, founded by Samuel Senbury in the American colonies in the 17th century
>If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1606
>If you are a Southern Baptist, your religion was formed by nine state conventions in 1845, founded in part on the premise that the Bible sanctions slavery and that it is acceptable for Christians to own slaves.
>If you are of the Dutch Reformed Church, you recognize Michelis Jones as founder because he originated your religion in New York in 1628
>If you are a Methodist, your religion was founded by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1774
>If you are a Mormon (Latter Day Saints), Joseph Smith started your religion in Palmyra, New York, in 1829
>If you worship with the Salvation Army, your sect began with William Booth in London in 1865
>If you are Christian Scientist, you look to 1879 as the year in which your religion was born and to Mary Baker Eddy as its founder.
>Hardly. I see Lutherans, Pentecostals, Baptists and Episcopalians as my brothers in Christ. As long as their orthodox in their belief. I'm fine.
I see you as my brother in Christ.
But I still see the division.
>I am suspicious of these Marian apparitions.
The First secret of Fatima predicted World War II.
The 2nd secret of Fatima predicted that if the Catholic Church did not reach out to Russia, that the Russians would cause great trouble, as they are now.
> It takes a while to do show that.
It doesn't take long to point out a few simple heresies that a church may be following.
>still talking about the 8 hour video
You're going to have to find a better method of giving your argument m8.
>Any evidence for this?
Which part?
For the general thing, this was my first result just googling it.
I don't want to start a debate about this, because I'm more inclined to Arminianism. But anyway, if you have faith, that's ultimately what really counts.
for* not because
You need a little of Franco in your life pal
this is the best general on Sup Forums. i just recently converted but im learning so much
carry on brothers
Posting Malachi Martin for anyone who's curious.
I'm still so very confused on whether to go towards Catholicism or some form of Protestantism.
I just don't know
For all his faults he can still come out and say the right thing from time to time.
Jesus is still waiting for him.
What are the main issues you have, bro?
When Maldraw is too cowardly to respond to my post...
As I suspected, we're both Australian. How about you grow some metaphorical balls and contact me? You seem to have a good idea what my name is and if you know enough about eyes/hair/facial features to create a caricature, I assume you're local to my area. That or the two of us actually are telepaths... No, I find the alternative more likely.
Come on out, it's time for you to meet him.
I think I just don't know enough about the differences honestly. I think I need to research more. Are you able to expand on the differences for me friend? I don't entirely know where to go
Did Joshua and the Israelites capture Jerusalem? (a) Yes (Joshua 10:23, 40). (b) No (Joshua 15:63).
so which is it ?
Sorry mate, this is too broad a question for me to fully answer - it's sort of like asking a biologist the differences between the animal kingdoms.
Nonetheless, here's a good intro to the differences between denominations:
The information in the links may be a bit oversimplified, but it's a good starting point nonetheless.
We got rid of you back when we were /n/ now fuck off before we have to purge a second time
I really do appreciate it. Sorry for it being such a broad question I'm just lost on where to even start. I will read away. I think I will be Catholic honestly. but more research will show me the light
Yeah God given you the ability to choose burn in hell also, motherfucka. Cool Christian my ass.
It's fine mate, we all start somewhere. Just keep learning and reading (your Bible especially!) and the truth will be made clear. Godspeed, bro.
I thought Jesus was God's son, not God itself
Loving the Christian generals. Keep up the good work.
"I and the father are one"
The relationship between God, the son, and the holy spirit is a bit confusing, but they are three parts of the same whole.
jesus, yahweh, and le holy spirit are three in one. the triumvirate
Aussie bro has the right idea. Churches have their own traditions, but your personal spiritual life should be based solely on the Bible.
The church you go to is for community, your extended family.
Thoughts on birth control? As a Catholic, I don't agree with it, but I know certain denominations of Protestantism are fine with it. You guys seem more conservative than most, so I'm interested in what you guys think.
Frivolous sex and lust is a sin, the Bible says nothing about contraceptives however.
Birth control is abortion, and abortion is murder.
(the egg gets fertilised and life begins, then the effects of the pill kick in and kill the foetus)
Proof the second one?
I think they are all demonic
Yes mate just stick to shallow arguments.
But you do understand the Arminianism God presents a lot of issues. Consistent Arminianism would lead to universalism.
1. If you have a lousy exegesis of verses like John 3:16 and you believe Jesus died for everyone's sin
2. Unbelief is a sin
3. Ergo everyone goes to heaven
The differences and why Roman Catholicism can be considered a religion unto its own are many. A documentary I posted above highlights these things.
The office of the Pope
- The Pope is the vicar of Christ on Earth
- Until the early 9th century there was no single overruling Pope in Rome
- The Pope speaks infallibly when speaking ex cathedra
Tradition of the church has equal authority to that of scripture. Yet the church interprets (verses such as Matt. 16:18-19) to give itself that authority.
Purgatory. An intermediate state.
Marian dogmas. Mary's immaculate conception, Mary was the co-redeemer (although it isn't doctrine many doctors of the churches - a title given by the church to theologians - held to this), Mary's bodily resurrection
Infused grace and works justification
Mandatory celibacy among priests
Among a few
Methodist btw
It's okay. Romanists aren't conservative at all. They are going outside the Bible. Contraception isn't an issue but if it includes birth control pills then yes. Condoms and pulling out are fine.
Okay so what are the standard thought on the soul?
I agree. But what about barrier methods (ie. condoms) where the egg is never fertilized? It's not murder, but it's certainly disordered, right?
To be true, no one really knows what a spirit is. Something incorporeal, eternal, usually invisible but not always, godlike, and immortal.
And also can we take a moment to appreciate how many brothers in christ we have in this general alone
Yeah, He died for everyone's sin, but you have to believe in Him in order to get said sins cleared. Just because He died for everyone, it doesn't mean that everyone gets into Heaven, they need faith as well (which clears your sins). As I said, I don't want to debate this, because ultimately faith is the most important thing; and if you have it, you're gold.
How do you think it relates to the consciousness?
Funnily enough I've realised what the pope meant by condoms causing aids.
Much more casual sex, shorter relationships.
Condoms are bad too. They demote your wife into a tool of pleasure, and you into a simple dildo. Use of condoms is submitting to lusts of the flesh and hedonism.
All brothers in Christ, nigger
over the years on Sup Forums you have claimed to be a practicing jew, an islamist, and now christian?
or am I mixing up my tripfags here?
no ans to this yet?
Well, our consciousness is a collection of quantum information that interacts with the world around us, in very interesting ways
You could say your consciousness exists in an eternal state, like a math equation. That might constitute the spirit. There's only one you. As I said earlier, no one really knows.
We will purge you of your sins first
Meant for
Is unbelief a sin?
Interesting thanks
You took the words out of my mouth. If we treat fertility as something we need to get rid of, then what's going to happen? I believe birth control has contributed to the general higher rates of divorce, pre-marital sex, later marriages, more STD's and more abortions.
Unbelief is a very hard to explain
You are baptized in the holy spirit when you declare your faith. Belief is more than mentally believing, belief is walking the walk, so to speak.
You believe in Christ by doing God's will. "Faith without works is dead."
Is it a sin to reject Jesus Christ's Lordship.