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This is fake news retard

merkel, globalists, and dare i say JEWS



What if Germany is just rounding people up for another genocide.

The hero we deserve.


I was gonna take a trip to Germany this year just for fun and also I wanted to go to Norway but fuck it now I can't because it's overrun by God damn towel heads. I honestly believe that they're trying to destroy their own countries by letting them into their towns. The government knows good and well what they're fucking doing by letting these fucking pigs in


this makes literally no sense. How is a country with 82 million people gonna go "non white" where not even 10% are none white...??

yal really are dumb.


Oh my sweet summer child.

Pol is in panic mode again.
Time to check the news feed and see what's up in the real world.

>Overrun by towelheads

Thats just stupid. In some minor parts of Oslo there are quite a few ragheads, yes, but the rest of the country; Perhaps 1 in 100. Stop being stupid and listening to fake news.

Jews are taking their revenge.

>Fake new stuff created by the people screaming "Fake News" the loudest."
>dumb people continuing to be foolable
>Racists making up lies to create a narrative they wish was true

Nothing new OP, just don't drink the koolaid

Merkle, the worst German leader since Hitler.

>What is happening in Germany?

Retards panic about 5% muslim population... Apart from that, not much.

i live in germany as we speak. No worries, everything is as white as it was 10 years ago.

>Somewhere between 3 and 4 % muslims

which part u live in?

Everything is fake news unless my president says otherwise.

>5 muslims enter germany

Same can be said about america. Stop believing everything on the news. Like that'll happen. Enjoy your towelies

Stuttgart, Baden Würtemberg, the south part basically

The liberals are destroying it by keeping that cunt Merkel in charge. They need a revolution.


this 5% bullshit news is about 15 years old
those numbers come from a census. the last one was 2014 and youi arent forced to name your religion on those papers. if even those muslims fill out those papers. we already got 10%+

I love this shit, sorry chief drinking beer but the big river casino clan didn't have property rights or a nation state. No one owned the land, they were one with it.

Also the steriotypical image of a native american is a plains indian savage invader conquering weaker tribes with western technology.

This is actually a warfare strategy they used for thousands of years. If you move into someone else's land, then occupy a majority of it with your people, who really owns it? Say a neighboring country is getting hostile with you - if your people are in all of the marketplaces and make up a large citizen-base, they're sort of fucked. Infiltration by masses.


nothing, racist


5,4% is from a recent study (2017) that included "cultural muslims", people who are of muslim heritage but won't necessarily tick Islam in a religion census.
Of course, there is no way to get absolutely exact numbers, but this is much closer to reality than OP's bullshit.


We are enjoying a beer, brother

those are redditors, they are a race of their own and should be exterminated


load of shit
maybe check the factual history of Germany
Nazis and all that

the joos.

>were the fuck have you been op. they've been after Germany since the end of WW1

STFU faggot pretty much every contingent on the planet had some form of shitty less evolved race that needed to be purged to pave the way for the future



where is this?

africa....i mean london

wats the big deal? its just a foreign exchange class or a tourist group


or it's time for their welfare check.

What happened to the USA 80 years ago.

Bye germans, and you thought it was the joos that were problematic. Ha jokes on you. Allah hitlar.

Heil akbar kek

wats the big deal? its just a foreign exchange class or a tourist group

Meanwhile, these people are having 3-5 kids on average, intentionally, while the average European has maybe one. All this while millions more "refugees" are flooding in every year.
Must be nice keeping your head in the sand, you probably wont reproduce anyway, so it all dies with you, why should you give a fuck?

And if whites hadn't come to America the natives would still be putting hooks through their nipples for fun. America is now the most powerful county in the world so I'd so it was a good deal.


yeah, this is just a class too

They lost the war and so all of Europe goes into decline



Jews arent white anyway

The arabs have been there for a while, they are everywhere all they need to do is turn their heads and their noses arrive first then their towels show up next.


They arent black either, more like brown or cream color. So shove off.

dumb ass

Yes, Dasright.


“It is so alarming, the American people have to see it,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said.

“It's troubling. It's shocking,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. “Part of me wishes I didn't read it. I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things are happening in this country that I love so much.”

“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” he said, referencing DOJ officials Rod Rosenstein and Bruce Ohr.

“You think about, ‘is this happening in America or is this the KGB?’ That's how alarming it is,” Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry said.

>Merkle, the worst German leader since Hitler.
Merkel is worse. Doesnt even have the courage to an hero.

Death of a culture, suicide.

>The government knows good and well what they're fucking doing by letting these fucking pigs in
the european leaders were actually surprised and thus unable to cope with the mass migration of 2016.
Although they were warned not to cut the fundings for UNHCR.

If it didnt happen with hitler I guarantee you it would sometime now

I like how all the faggots saying this isnt real arent responding.


Hitlers master plan in effect. Do a half assed genocide on the jews so posterity will forever condemn any form of white national identity so the kikes can get away with importing boatloads (read: raftloads ROFL) of refugees to replace the goyim but the jews did not realize that when whitey is completely gone Harambe and Muhammad mohamed al mohamedin won't actually do any goddamn work so the economy will grind to a halt and the kikes cant go to the bank anymore and at last resort to first eating their own noses for sustenance before destroying their race in beyblade style one-man-enters-one-man-leaves dreidel wars. In Hitlers view, the destruction of germany and the final apocalyptic end of the human race are acceptable side effects to the removal of the eternal kike

Trust me guys I'm a mod on Sup Forums

Hi shareblue it's been a while.

This bait doesn't work at all when American's aren't online. The "professor" is a breast cancer researcher.

Probably a school trip or a tourist group. People don't bunch up by race that much otherwise, that's a US kind of thing.

They took a million or something. Swefag here, we took 100k+ something. Our third largest city only had 3-350k people, so that gives you some perspective. It's mostly 25-35 year old men too it seems. It's not bad because of numbers alone, it's that it's mostly men in an age where they're ready to start a family, and then these fucking traitors (who will hang one good day) give them loads of money just to arrive here.

If they wanted to revive nationalism and start civil war ending with ethnic cleansing of shitskins, this would be the way to do it.

thx senpai

ive read that 49% of kids born in 98' are foreign in swedistan

tell that to paris
asian people are starting to give up on that travel arrangement saying they wanted to see "real french" and found none which was disappointing


That's not right at all. I mean it'll take another decade before the effect is really seen, probably. But 49%, in 1998? No, not now either. Nowhere close. It's a few percent, still.

The worst scenario is becoming like the US right now, of course by then, the US will look like Brazil. Eventual civil war won't come for another 20 years probably, if it can't be solved through voting.

Watch the election towards the end of the year for some idea of where it's heading politically. Hopefully the "nationalist" (not nationalist enough, but good enough as a stepping stone) party gets #2, they're going to become the third largest for sure at least, and a real nuisance for the establishment.

>people who've never set foot in Germany crying
This is why fearmongering is so common in the media. Gullible faggots like you swallow it up