Russian Master Race or united subrace states?
Which one is better?
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Russians of course.
United Subhuman States
Typical Russian music suggest not the vatniks.
The new United Russian States of course, Russia held out on signing the deal until we offered safe half of Bostons heroin and half of Adidas sweat suits.
The Rooskies because they're less liberal
we want trump so we can be friends with putin, the best head of state in the world right now.
NATO was created to keep america in, russia out, and germany down.
the people want to be friends with russia
I hope they get their shit together, stay out of the Global "culture industry" lime light (because the void also stares back) and create a solid sovereign civilization built on family, tradition and hard work.
But your still fucked at the moment from what I gather.
Maybe not the time for hubris, but the time to consolidate a path to the best possible future?
Also because they're against Turks
But if i would have to choose i'd still go for Nationalistic european brothers that you russians are.
mount athos is like the orthodox vatican, that visit doesn't mean much
putin needs to remove our cuck gov from premises and remake byzantium
United cuckold states > cyka blyats
That one where National Socialism and eugenics implemented and untermenschen killed of or deported. If both happen to have NatSoc regime, than U.S. of A.
but we will still be the best of friends with trump/putin combo
the globalists will all be killed
When are we going to team up? The entire world combined couldn't stop us if we worked together
Russia shut the fuck up and keep sending us women.
In what way?
If every way, I say USA
If no way, I say Russia
Fuck Putin. He is pro-open borders cuck. He let construction of enormous mosques in Moscow and European Russia. Trump can do business with him, because enterpreneship often requires versatility. But deep down as businessman he despise Putin. 70-80% of any projects budget is stolen in Russia after all.