>Go outside
>See nigger American
>Day ruined
Go outside
> go on Sup Forums
> see multiple leafposters
> day ruined
> go on Sup Forums
> see multiple poo in loos
> day ruined
>go on pol
>day ruined
>wake up
>day ruined
>wake up from sleep
>day ruined
>Be Canadian
>Go outside
>See fucking fire consuming everything
>Day ruined
>meet alter ego online
>day ruined
>born white
>wife get fucked by nigger
>be Canadian
>go outside
>burn to death
>last thing i see before my last breath is a african firebeater running around with a stick screaming in some booty scratcher language
You stole my ID, give it back Jamal
>be alive
>life ruined
>born Indian
>country gets fucked by poo
>Go outside
>Gun Strapped to side
>See nigger
>See nigger walk across street to avoid you
>Day Feelsgoodman
>be American
>look at loli porn because it isn't illegal
>go outside
>see toilet
>day ruined
>in India
Nice try amerifat
>realize what day it is
>get mad
>rip up calendar
>day literally ruined
>born amerifag
>country gets fucked by Trump
>live on border state
>go to the store to grab some eggs
>Canadians flooding the place to buy cheap cigarettes and groceries to take back to their socialist country
>all the gas pumps are dry too
>have to leave my car at home since the roads are too congested with Canadians
We're building a wall on the wrong border.
>day ruined
>see leaf on flag
>day ruined
>be indian
>street poo'd in
>see anus on flag
>lunch ruined
>be canadian
>national sport is hockey
>be leaffag
>get cucked by niggers
>Be an Alabama nigger who wants to be free
>Life ruined
>born indian
>pray to serveral gods to get Trump into office
>shitpost on Sup Forums later
>Stay in basement
>Realise I'm English so I'm actually in the cellar
>Day ruined
>seeing a person can ruin your day
you are one weak minded faggot
>go on Sup Forums
>see pedophiles
>day ruined
>post on Sup Forums
>get followed permanently by the NAACP and Anonymous
>Life ruined
it's legal here bro
also we punish pedos way more than any other country
>Be alive
>Day ruined
Use saucenao
>be norwegian
>too stupid to distinguish between 2D and 3D
>cum real hard
>day ruined