Was World War 1 the most brutal war of all time?
I've been reading about it more and more and it seems like it.
>millions of men gave it all for their countries
Was World War 1 the most brutal war of all time?
I've been reading about it more and more and it seems like it.
>millions of men gave it all for their countries
WW1 was the suicide of the white race everything that has happened since is a testament to that.
It's fucking metal dude. Definitely the most brutal war of all time. Niggers literally drowning in mud at Passendale and just the most insane carnage in human history.
Check out Dan Carlin's five part Hardcore History series about WW1. It's one of the best things I've ever heard.
Just imagine dudes flying around in biplanes shooting pistols at each other.
Yes. WWI was a tragedy on an unimaginable scale for Europe and for the world. And now people run over their graves for "commemoration" at Verdun.
It's sickening. Really sickening.
>tfw in america people protest conderate anything, burn confederate flags, destroy monuments, etc
>same happens to european monuments and graves
Fuck man.
Those fucking frogs better never "commemmorate" our monument.
You tell me
what are some good ww1 books
It was the start of it all, the subversion of power and decline of the west.
goyim, they died for israel and the jewish state.
Holy shit talk about nightmare fuel
the soldiers were driven to the point of suicidal and insanity.
ww1 is crime of humanity
>dat video
With a Machinegun to Cambrai by George Coppard is decent too.
August 1914 by Solzhenitsyn is good and is one of the only books that presents the Russian side, but historical - Written in 1971.
Those men are all so above average handsome compared to the average white man today and have such good breeding across the line in the rest of the body as well.
What gets me about this war is that everything seems so alien yet just modern enough to be relatable.
As a current armyfag I hope shit never gets this bad again.
Will WW1 be remembered as the war when blacks and muds fought racist whites and won?
Every war since the late 1800's has been plagued with old fuck generals not keeping up with the times and throwing men at the problem until some tactics are developed to adapt to new technology.
WW1 took almost 3 years of having men rot away in trenches (Germans had comfy lines for the most part) before learning what to do with the airplanes, tanks and artillery.
nice meme faggot
No Hans, you're thinking of the Great European Cuckening of 2020.
But WW1 seems to be strong negroes and strong women against white males.
That's how it will be remembered in pop culture.
It will be remembered as the war that 6 million jews died for
Jesus christ
And now their greatgreatgrand kids get to stomp their graves, how nice is that!
Everyone had been predicting it for decades beforehand - it wasn't like they were totally surprised that all the new technology was going to make a bloody shambles of the continent.
A few people even got that it might be the death knell for European civilization if it happened. But nobody knew it would die of slow degradation of the spirit instead of anarchic collapse.
I can't imagine being in a war where everything is new and different. Seeing tanks,planes ,machine guns,gas attacks being used for the first time. It must've been horrifying.
I agree. It was the beginning of "modern" warfare, an in-between point where ancient military tactics and cavalry had just become obsolete due to the advent of vehicles, planes had been invented and gas was used. Huge bombs were dropped and artillery shells constantly hammered people sitting in shitty little muddy trenches for days. All that new technology was being used in warfare on a massive scale, the soldiers had no idea what the fuck was going on because unlike us, they did not grow up watching television and seeing jets,car chases, explosions, etc. from the age of 2. That's why so many were shell-shocked. It's a matter of perspective. They were just thrown into the meat grinder and faced a lot of new things they were not prepared for.
I am so angry it's getting hard to read or write.
This is such a blatant narrative hijack with these underpinnings of realism, it's no wonder the public simply doesn't care about truth.
Yes, there were a few colored troops, it was a massive conflict. But putting them in the forefront and adding narrative depth to them while underwriting the white 'antagonists' is pure subversion.
When painted into a corner by half-truths and appeals to partial accuracy, no one wants to be shrieked at, so they shut down.
Technically, they're not lying, truthfully, they know exactly what they're doing.
it was the most stupid war
>a few colored troops
americans had approximately 150,000 negros (as they were called at the time) cross the atlantic ocean... they were used primarily to dig trenches, empty latrines, cooking, and general labor. only a few thousand ever saw war or were issued weapons. in a war of 20 million white deaths... highlighting a black american man as the hero should upset anyone paying attention.
Stop reading about it, you don't want to dig any deeper than you already have
I was literally suicidal for 3 months after I went on a 2 year binge of reading nothing but things related to The Great War
Stop now before you lose your head OP. Nothing good will come of it
>it wasn't like they were totally surprised that all the new technology was going to make a bloody shambles of the continent
Spoken like someone who's talking out their ass and never really read up on much of it.
War correspondents form every corner of the world went to report on the Russian war against the Japanese, every single one of them went back home telling the leaders of their respective nations and military the necessity of using new technologies and tactics for modern warfare which had yet to enter regular use by almost every military on earth save a very select few. They all were laughed out of their meetings and told to fuck off and get back in line with everyone else.
Unless it was someone who actually witnessed that war you wouldn't find a single person who was predicting that. Even the US wasn't thinking it was going to play out that way, and we fucking invented modern warfare and got a first hand look at what the arms race could do to the land.
>you will never clear a trench with your M1897 trench gun
paschendale is a good song and fits ww1, iron maiden kinda hit the high water mark with that song
there should be more songs that cover ww1
Hey Dan
I hate niggers so much. I'm sick of them. I'm sick of seeing them, hearing about them. I just want to forget they exist. That's pretty hard when the leftist media pumps out niggers 'WE WUZ KANGS' shit and Sup Forums constantly puts up cuck threads. Maybe I should be a hermit, but then when I'm the last white man on earth they'll still bother wanting my stuff and money for reparations. Stupid fucking lazy-ass, smelly, dark-skinned porch monkeys!
It blows my mind to think a majority of the people going into this are used to older methods of warfare, the industrial age was fucking terrifying.
>Hear the whistle blow
>You and your entire regiment grab your rifles and prepare to jump the wall
>Every single one of you run as fast as you can only to be mowed down by machine gun fire.
>You just died to obtain nothing.
So maybe the one on the cover was one of the few thousand you speak of. What if he was ambushed while emptying a latrine? That's a good campaign level right there.
I hate niggers, gypsies and muslims so much.
I'm sick of seeing them, I'm getting physically repulsed by their dumb subhuman faces.
But german women are bent on destroying this country.
There is nothing you can effectively do, other than going inawoods.
It pisses me off on so many levels.
At this point I hope for a full-blown civil war, at least in the larger urban centers like berlin.
In retrospect, it really makes you appreciate modern diplomacy of civilized nations.
75 years ago, current trading partners were trying to wipe each other off the map.
To be more specific, USA and Japan are now bros, but it wasnt that long ago that for the only time in history, USA used nuclear weapons, and it was on them.
Makes you wonder about the mud countries, where tribes have been pelting each other with rocks and pointy sticks for hundreds of years with no resolution in sight.
They arguably could have seen this coming with the Russo Japanese war but the Germans were arrogant as shit, in a lot of respects they were justified in feeling as such when it came to minute things but it didn't stop them from having to throw millions straight into the line of fire, the twentieth century was arguably the century of unparralleled arrogance of nation states, which led to complete disaster
To be honest, WW1 was also a way of population control by getting rid of surplus males.
Same for WW2. If you have 4 women per one surviving male, they are more likely to be more obedient.
At this moment in western countries (due to third world male migration) we have too many men and not enough women.
So basically the best cure would be all-out trench warfare or something.
I'd prefer a more logistical solution (put all brown, muslim and nigger men into trains and drop them into volcanoes) but whatever works best I guess.
it was a complete disaster for both sides
Iron Maiden named it after the battle for a reason... they definitely had their high water mark here.
WW1 was worse for the soldiers.
WW2 was worse for the civilians.
I think you'll do well here, user.
If anyone is interested in war books, check out Donovan Webster "Aftermath , Remnants of War" , to this day in France thousands of acres of land are still roped off because there are millions of unexploded artillery shells, grenades, as well as bodies and everything else that was left behind after the war. The French government literally just roped it off for like fifty years because it was to dangerous to do anything. There are still vast Swathes that have been untouched for the past 100 years with shells scattered everywhere. also goes on about the hundreds of thousands of dead German and Russian skeletons scattered all over the Russian steppe, crazy book, highly recommended.
>millions of the greatest men in history thrown away for nothing
Shit gets me every time
Why waste time building camps where you have to feed them when you got perfectly fine active volcanoes in italy? Just build fucking railroad tracks into vesuv mountain and rollercoaster them right into the lava.
Alpine front was the most brutal
>WW2 was worse for the civilians
>invented modern warfare
Your ingenuity would've been very useful about 70 years ago.
The best way to honor these men is to remember horrors of war and keep the peace. But you idiots never learn...
I dunno mate, you would have to look at the arguments between soldiers who fought in south korea and soldiers who had to fight in north korea to find who had shit worse out of the mud and dirt or the ice and snow
Fucken have an argument of why you think instead of a shitty response like that.
Give it time user. The xeno purges will be our generations Great War.
WW2 wasn't just limited to, "worse for civilians", it was a horrid war for everyone involved.
> Be Amerifag
> Storm the beaches of Iwo Jima
> Quiet or so for a couple of minutes upon landing
> Get absolutely raked by Japanese machinegun fire and have so many casualties on the beach
> Be Gerfag
> Stalingrad
> Get encircled by a bunch of slavs
> Either die in a freezing cold camp or get murdered by the same slavs
> Not many Gerfags returned home
> Even the ones that did are most likely in despair from Germany being a wreck after the war
what has happened
>C96s were extremely popular.
>Blacks didn't get to be officers.
>Regular infantry doesn't get pistols unless they bring their own.
>Blacks are notorious for looting
It's no suprise to see a black american with a german made pistol.
>Another Eurocuck not knowing anything about The American Civil War
Why am I not surprised
I'm going to bed because it's late as fuck, I only responded to try and get him to think a little bit since I'm not sticking around to have a conversation about it. The Great War is literally my favorite historical subject, believe me if I had the option I could debate that for hours. But i have to get up in 5 hours
Vimy Ridge is the best Allied monument.
Thanks for the rec, I'll add it to my wishlist on amazon
They can't even make up shitty hash tags right
Then just saying "debatable" and going off to sleep isn't going to do shit. Might as well not comment.
So what exactly could the generals of WW1 have done to make the war play out differently and make use of their new weapons?
I spend a bit looking at my image folder andI can't find anything that sums up how fucking angry I am.
No wonder modern males are so feminised. We NEED another war
Henry Williamson - How Dear is Life
Vera Brittain - Testament of Youth
Robert Graves - Goodbye to All That
Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel
Bernard Adams - Nothing of Importance
And these are just the first hand accounts.
Confederates were fighting for slavery. Only about 2% of the South owned any slaves, so they had to trick everyone else with states rights and fear monger about the "nigger-loving North." Their cause was objectively shit.
The powers in WWI fought for national survival, except Britain which feared it might lose its hegemony to a Germany which dominated Europe.
le born in le wrong generation face
>send in the 3 tanks they had at once
War over before lunch and the old ways are retained.
Good show old chap
The Bastards that started the war are still kicking our asses that's what
Nigger Ameericans saw almsot 0 action on the ground, they saw mor action as volunteers for the french air crops a year before we entered the war and even then it was very limited service at all.
France used blacks but mostly for munitions carrying and when they ran out of other groups to send forward to the trenches. Germans by far had the most blacks see action(mostly in Africa) and they actually kicked major ass comparable to the Boers even during their war.
Look up Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck and blow your mind, he's so badass I bothered to remember his entire fucking name
Dude, sometimes war is needed to keep peace. That war was obviously not the case, the same way the WW2 was fucking avoidable.
t. future military fag
This is a stupid meme, the generals knew how bad the situation was but had no idea what to do, or physically couldn't do what was necessary. Everyone was confused, communication across the battlefields was impossible, a mile march could take upwards of 10 hours. They were literally living in hell, no amount of good generalship could change that.
Read my post that was responded to.
The poster you're responding to adds great insight.
That same shrunken perspective that you're defending poisons the actual historical event. This is a narrative attack, denying that is disingenuous. Stop going after a part of the argument that adds to another without acknowledging the overarching thought.
Someone redpill me on why WW1 happened.
>tfw you'll never shoot ottomans on camel back after being bum raped by them
>Dude, sometimes war is needed to keep peace. That war was obviously not the case, the same way the WW2 was fucking avoidable.
War is foremost a great way to get rid of surplus males.
Theres always an economic boom after every great war. Unless you are a worthless shitskin and your countries have been shit for millennias.
It's always the Jews, remember that.
jew banking probaby
literally what every war has been over
No, Jews ended ww1, Slavs started it
It was the beginning of the end of Western civilization. It was the crux moment that meant nothing.
>civil war impossible in urban centers like berlin
you're right, as long as they retain reliably connected electrical service, civilization and calm will reign.
It's a fucken fictional videogame,anything can happen. Chill the fuck out.
The next war will be the last one. But i think we all deserve it.
>Kill millions of brave strong men in WW1
>Kill millions more in WW2
>Wonder why we have the world we got today
There was a lot of unrest in Europe for various reasons, usually people against their own government.
They were forced into a war against other Europeans to make them stop.
It was the most pointless war in history.
>Slavs started it
Because jews riled them up.