Why is everyone talking about Communism?

Why is everyone talking about Communism?

Like... go ahead and hate it I guess but... who cares? Nobody gives a shit about it. There are no Communist supporters. On any side.

It's like getting all hyper about aceitism or Bigfoot or something... Fucking random...

Muh capitalism

There's no point in having a discussion about communism or socialism on Sup Forums since most of the degenerate retards here don't know what those things actually are.

Go ahead, next time someone starts talking about communism, either for or against, ask them what the definition of communism is. Chances are their answer will be completely fucking wrong.

The fuck is wrong with Bigfoot, motherfucker?

Doesn't seem to stop them from calling each other Commies.

A) Doesn't exist. B) He ate my babies.

equal ownership of the earth and the means of production.

Why is everyone talking about Fascism?

Like... go ahead and hate it I guess but... who cares? Nobody gives a shit about it. There are no Fascist supporters. On any side.

It's like getting all hyper about aceitism or Bigfoot or something... Fucking random...

Nice try retard.

Well you got closer than most people do.

the democrat party in the usa wants communism, conservatives want to stop them; it's as simple as that.

What the fuck are you talking about?


This motherfucker shows up like he's a Jehovah witness or some shit

Democrat, and nope.

Communism is far left, aka Authoritarian, aka Fascist. Anyone who supports Socialism, supports Communism.

if you actually believe that, i feel sorry for you. the dems are just as capitalist as the republicans.

communism = nazism

ohh boy! someone skipped the whole hitler invaded the Soviet Union class.


Not if you talk about, say, anarcho communism. There's a whole bunch of anti authoritarian branches within communism. And most of the young communists of today value personal freedom.
There's still a lot of tankies around, celebrating Stalin and fully supporting the DPRK... but I think no one's really taking them seriously.

Putting beliefs on a spectrum like that is idiotic.

That's like putting Christianity and Buddhism and Rosicrucianism on a spectrum... It makes no fucking sense.

Most retards here scream "socialism!" at the mention of taxpayer-funded healthcare, yet somehow a taxpayer-funded military isn't "socialism"


Since most of y'all know capitalism is entering its very last stage*, the question is what will follow.
Marx's critique of capitalism still holds, and the contradictions within it are getting more and more obvious.
Marx's proposed solution to the problems within capitalism is communism, and nowadays more people are starting to acknowledge that it's a valid theory, and a possible way forward.
Google David Harvey: The 17 Contradictions of Capitalism if you want a quick summary of the problems with capitalism.

One can see communism as the next step in the evolution of our economic and social structure.
Y'all really should read up on it. You have nothing to lose, but your chains.

*Earth's resources are finite, and capitalism is really starting to damage both the planet and the people. A planned (communist) economy is much better at dealing with the current problems we have.

Because they're the conservative's Boogeyman. Get out of your bubble

Also, google Murray Bookchin. A lot of great vids explaining his anti-authoritarian communism.

Yup. Just haven't been able to make it work irl yet. Maybe we're still too fucking evil

Go Team Go !!!

He doesn't need evidence. He needs "simple"

Fuck off, fascist capitalist scum.

shut up about the earths resources, we have an entire universe (possibly more if you believe in multiple dimensions) and in 100 years we will probably be able to synthesize any material we want without harming the earth so shut up and let freedom reign you %$#^& commie.

Could be. It could also be a problem with authoritarian regimes, no matter the underlying ideology.

Still, if you look at Cuba, and compare it to Haiti, Jamaica or any other capitalist state, they're doing pretty well. Healthcare, education and security is great. Even better than in the U.S. even.

DPRK on the other hand is a pretty fucked up place.
Could be that Castro simply was a lot less selfish, so the republic developed in a different direction.

Still, we're looking at authoritarian regimes, and that's why modern communism needs to be anti authoritarian.

You must have hated Christmas of 91

That's what I meant. Evil.
"Every country has the government it deserves." J de Maistre
Hopefully someday

The essential problem with communism is it diagnoses all the right problems with capitalism, and then prescribes all the wrong solutions.