Why is it, Sup Forums, that in America nearly every city/neighborhood named "East [Major city]" is a terrible shithole?

Why is it, Sup Forums, that in America nearly every city/neighborhood named "East [Major city]" is a terrible shithole?

>East New York
>East St. Louis
>East Chicago
>East LA

Many of these areas used to be nice, suburban neighborhoods. Now they are among the worst, if not the worst, neighborhoods in their respective metro area.

Why East?

All of the directions surrounding Chicago are shitholes.

no, not etc.

>east Chicago

Add east Palo Alto to the list of garbage. A fucking ghetto kept separated from 2 million dollar homes by only a freeway. When the race war starts, Palo Alto proper is going to be burned to the ground.

East San Antonio.. what few niggers live here live on the east side. And its a shithole.

>East Baltimore
>New Orleans East
>East Dallas

Yes etc.

East Portland, OR is where all the yuppies live though, OP

East London is muslim

Is there a "West" something that isn't a shithole?

West LA is pretty sweet.

Here's an idea, maybe most American cities are actually mostly shitholes with 1 or 2 actual nice areas with rich white people

West Greenwich Connecticut

Oh sure, they're not great, but they're often a mix of lower middle class to middle class families living in an urban environment. [Cardinal Direction] + [City Name] places though, almost without compare, tend to be the shittiest parts of said cities since the 60s.

I don't know about that... I think for Vegas it's North Las Vegas where the niggers live


east atlanta zone six burr burr burr

West Chicago is OK.

The only thing East of Baltimore is the Chesapeake lol

West Detroit is less of a shithole than East Detroit

probably because they were undesireable areas to begin with, downwind from the rest of the central city so they put all of the industry there. that was definitely the case for east st. louis. the south/east side of chicago is where all the steel mills are. coincidence???

In East St. Louis' case it's because it's in the state of Illinois.

(North) East Gothenburg as well.

East Chicago is the nice parts though