Are cigarrettes degenerate?
Are cigarrettes degenerate?
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Yes, I still smoke them socially tho
Kinda, but they're worse for your wallet.
Please mister merchant of death sir please. give me something that will stink up my breath and fry my lungs
They are only as degenerate as the person using them. If you can smoke only occasionally, then there is problem. If you chain smoke, you are being degenerate.
Cigars are bad for your health and wallet.
The people who brought cigars to the US literally jewtricked people with commercials that have lies in em.
Cigars are one of the first bluepills in the US.
meanwhile most people ive met were smokers
How much of them have cancer?
Only cool people smoke
I wasn't cool enough
oh well, muh health n' shit
No, but they're expensive and cause health problems while providing few tangible benefits. Personally I find the current cultural war on smokers to be ridiculous overkill and as far as I'm concerned if you want to smoke then go ahead and do it. However, I personally don't smoke anymore and have not particularly regretted the fact that I quit.
Marlboro smokers suck dick, real men smoke Camel Wides.
real girls smoke camel 99s
Smoking is absolutely degenerate. Your body is a temple. A miracle created through billions of years of evolution, starting with a single bacterium merging with another simple cell, reproducing nearly ad infinitum until a biological super computer yet far unmatched by science was created. And you willfully choose to destroy your personal marvel for what? Some nicotine to get a tempororay buzz?
Absolutely. Fucking. Degenerate.
Anyone who is a smoker should go ahead and kill themselves. Because dying from cancer is almost as bad as burning alive or drowning. Trust me, I watched my grandfather (smoker) go through it.
No, because lung and throat cancers are very good for you.
i care more about being cool at 15-35 than i do about living til 90
No they are redpills. If you don't smoke cigs you're a redditor
I've seen hundreds of people on their death bed dying from cancer. Most of them in their 40's and 50's. If it happens to you you'll regret this statement, my nigga.
everytime you smoke, the jew wins. that got me to stop. thanks pol
Not degenerate, just unhealthy.
Stop relying on buzzwords, gaywad?
Smoking is disgusting and gay as fuck. Only complete retards do it.
You know that people who don't smoke die too? The time from 80-90 is worthless
not like i'm gonna be out trying to get laid at 40-50 senpai
>current year
>still subscribing to the inhalable jew
cigarettes are degenerate alright but cigars and pipes aren't
You can't advertise it, you can't put brands on the packaging, you can't actually smoke it anywhere, and now it's at a point where they employ 3-5 people to stand outside the train station of an evening armed with cameras to catch people dropping cigarette ends so they can fine them £50 for 'littering'.
Gambling and alcohol ruins lives and destroys families yet they put that shit on TV like it's the only products left to sell. I fail to see why these things are more socially acceptable.
>reddit still getting triggered that cigarettes aren't le classy enough
Reminder that cigarettes surpress estrogen and restore manliness to the west which is why kikes HATE them
All these degenerate smokers trying to defend their disgusting addictions
A non degenerate society is healthy, doesn't waste money of addictions and is not a burden on the nations healthcare
Hi middle school
By your logic, the universe convened at least as much to create the cigarette as it did your undoubtedly disgusting human body.
Nothing is more degenerate than people who whine and don't mind their own business.
>I started smoking because I wanted the cool kids to like me and now I can't stop
Addiction is degenerate
This is obvious, so there is no need for a thread like this. But some people actually believe that they are not degenerate, so maybe there is a need for a thread like this. The chemicals in the most tobaccos are worst. And the nicotine in it self is shit, even if it would be pure tobacco.
>smoking cigarettes
I stopped though middle school
>thread asking a question
>answer question definitively
>"wahh you're whining"
Do you have an actual hitter on deck or was this retard of an "argument" all you to put in the box?
I only use snus
Yes, but those who die from it improve the human race by removing those susceptible to cancer from the gene pool.
I answered as definitively as you did with your bullshit platitudinous answer. As much as I'd like to smack the shit out of whoever it was that told you that you were intelligent, I think I'll just mind my own business.
Yes, but I want to die so I smoke.
Tobacco smoking is based. Nicotine is a nootropic and enhances one's cognition in several ways:
As a side benefit, smoking is liberal asshole repellant. Liberals hate tobacco socially, but also love it because they can milk tons of tax revenue from it (California, New York.)
Manufactured cigarettes are utter bullshit, a big reason why cigarettes are so harmful is because of all the additives to them. Purchase real tobacco and roll yourself, real tobacco smells fantastic and not the ass that is manufactureds. Some of the darker tobacco can smell like a campfire. A pipe is fine too, and premium cigars are great. Vaping is okay if you're not a faggot and still want the benefits of nicotine, personally I'd recommend vaping in private and smoking socially.
I find it hilarious how I'll be walking on a sidewalk and stupid motherfuckers will wave their hand / fake cough like I'm giving them a whiff of Satan or some shit, while ignoring the cars driving a few feet past them belching out chemicals that are much more toxic and much higher in quantity than a cigarette. Grills and fireplaces also aren't that good to breathe, you don't see people rallying against that. Burning incense indoors is just as bad as cigarettes but liberals don't fucking care.
>Nicotine is a nootropic and enhances one's cognition in several ways
But you don't need to smoke it, dumbass.
>Liberals hate tobacco socially
No, it's gaywads like them who smoke.
>personally I'd recommend vaping in private and smoking socially
What? How does make any sense?
>real tobacco smells fantastic
No, it doesn't.
Stop trying to justify your disgusting addiction.
Do Jews own tobacco companies? When I see anti smoking shit in jew run tv shows, I always think to myself that non jews must control the tobacco companies and the jews are mad that they aren't getting all those shekels so they launch anti smoking campaigns to hurt their business.
But I dunno, I didn't research it much. If thats the case, smoke up. Teach those jew bastards that they dont run everything in this country.
My mother smoked 2 packs a day and her boyfried would drink vodka all the time (was ok guy still). As a result I hate tabacco smell and have never drunk any alchohol (ok, i did at a funeral once). Life is kinda boring that way though.
you have to be 18 to post here
yes so is your mom
gang rapists should be banned from Sup Forums
I thought putin killed you
I think every smoker should tour a cancer ward at least once, to see just how many of the patients are dying horribly of smoking related cancers and COPD.
>Willfully start smoking for some stupid reason
>Deluding yourself that you're cool
>Deluding yourself that you need a cigarette to relax properly
>Less chance to have a social life because less and less people smoke while you go outside alone, or stay and make them alienate you
>Shelling out money to the tobacco jew
>Smell like shit
>Stained teeth
>Reduced stamina
>Decent chance of developing some ailment because you smoke
>Withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit
Literally no point to even starting it, you were better off being ignorant of what it was like
>"I-I just hate life guys, that's why I smoke"
Then kill yourself now and stop wasting everyone's time
Cigarette packs are covered in pictures of what smoking does to their body and they couldnt care less.
Yes, but I still like smoking too much to stop. At max I smoke 5 cigarettes just because I don't want to turn into one of those disgusting pack a day types.
why not? if you are a successful man like Donald you could be having your 4th kid with a hot younger woman at 60.
Did you need to make a thread you fucking fagtron?
>I still like smoking
How? What is there to enjoy about it?