>be Milo
>be kike
>get bullied throughout school for being a subversive ugly kike
>get raped by a pack of niggers
>call myself gay as a coping mechanism
>get appointed to subvert the church by the JIDF
>write articles about faggotry in the catholic church
>suck at my job
>get appointed to Sup Forums by JIDF
>realise the goyim are waking up
>the elders decide to use video games to lure reddit manchildren to Israel
>GamerGate happens
>pretend to be relevant
>"Dude, it is EPIC to play video games and not behave like a functioning adult, praise Israel"
>reddit: "OMG did you hear he said it's epic to play videogames. Praise Israel indeed.
>presidential race
>all the redditors flood Sup Forums
>pretend to support Trump to lure in newfags and redpilled crossposters
>all these "some jews are cool look at milo" "at least he btfos feminists israel is fine" "there is no conspiracy by the jews Milo supports Trump" "fuck growing up and founding a family Milo said it's cool to live in my mom's basement and play video games all day" are now the majority
What did he mean by this?
Be Milo
Other urls found in this thread:
GTFo.. He has a Jewfro
Yeah worship him Alt-right/reddit
nice try JIDFddit
>not realizing the alt-right movement is funded by jews
>not realizing the alt-right spokespersons and other "icons" are jewish or heavily influenced by jews
>not realizing they controlled opposition
>not realizing they are the right wing form of sjws
>not realizing that they are ridiculous to put people off from being a conservative
>not realizing that milo faggopoulous is a plant to get younger conservative members thinking that gay shits alright and acceptable
When will Sup Forums learn?
hid hair its all gross looking there. what happened?
Jews get in on the groundfloor of every movement
this guy gets it
Uhm downvoted? Him straightening and dying his hair has NOTHING to do with hiding his kikeness. Stop asking questions goyim
>not realizing that they are ridiculous to put people off from being a conservative
Everything else you said except this is 100% right.
The alt-right is Jews trying to pull their WW2 revisionism tricks again. They'll get the goys who hate the jew-driven Marxists that comprise the current progressive left to hate the good goys that are currently leftists while ignoring and redirecting from the JQ, which leaves the door open to this whole thing repeating itself again in the future while all the kikes get off scot-free and with more shekels.
That said, I'm fairly certain Milo's usefulness will run its course soon, he's becoming too high on his powertrip and is straying from the script, as word on the street is that he named the Jew recently.
Who the fuck knows where it goes from here, but Sup Forums cannot become a a satellite platform for this bullshit, no matter how many reddit migrants show up.
shitty proxy milo
The best part of the growing anti-alt-right memeing on Sup Forums is that people thought that Sup Forums would go left-wing after right-wing thought becoming more mainstream. Instead what is happening is that Sup Forums is going even more far-right.
Its brilliant and it will only benefit the right in the end.
Why does he always look drugged up?
because he bangs rails off of black dicks all day and night
Beauty of Sup Forums is that it doesn't have to take a stand or have a 'platform,' just redpills.
The alt-right shit is in many ways a good thing, and tbf Milo is saying good shit which will lead only more normies on the path that will eventually lead them here.
GAS THE KIKES RACEWAR NOW 1488 should by no means be the rallying cry of nationalists at this point, but we can't let the consensus render the blatantly concerted efforts of Jews over the last 50 years to lead us to the disaster we're in now be left blameless, it needs to be in the dialogue moving forward. Not publicly yet obviously, but as many redpills as can be dropped should be.
look faggots, the normies have to be led somehow and Jews are just naturally gifted at being able to do this. it's better than milo is swanning around the US making progs butthurt than for nobody to be challenging them and standing up to them. it's regrettable that he does this in such a jewish black dick sucking way, but part of the reason that he does enables him to defend himself far better than any of you would in the media world he operates.
almost nobody on Sup Forums likes Milo and recognises that he is a parasitic leech and lightning rod conduit for fashionable degeneracy highly adapted to the new media environment. that's fine because he's not FOR you, he's for fucking normies and as a result of him millions more people feel more warmth to you than they do to antifa commies, so just fucking deal with it.
hahahaha its fucking milo, hes the original club kid. i still like him though. desu i think the true "alt-right" as they see themselves is never something that will never take real shape. the 'nu right' or 'nu alt right' has a lot of fucking hope as being a serious source of light for this world. im unapologeticly supportive of 'new Sup Forums' even if i miss the image-less old days
>so just fucking deal with it.
I'll deal with him bringing normies into the fold, but dealing with it is far different than letting the alt-right entirely co-opt the narrative.
>hahahaha its fucking milo, hes the original club kid. i still like him though. desu
>a lot of fucking hope as being a serious source of light for this world
>im unapologeticly supportive of 'new Sup Forums'
Top reddit
>that's fine because he's not FOR you, he's for fucking normies
Explain the influx of newfaggotry, then. Hopefully someday Queen Milo will stop namedropping Sup Forums and instead lead his little followers to reddit where they belong.
except he's a Catholicuck and sucked off a priest when he was 14
You are the most stupid person on the whole board.
>it's a reddit tries to fit in episode
I look at this way
Sup Forums hates Milo
But Milo attracts people to the alt-right
Those people come to Sup Forums
Already interested in the movement they are easier to convince
Milo appears to normies. Is he "really" alt-right? Who cares. If he gets too faggy and Jewwy Sup Forums and the alt-right can say we never liked him anyway
Might as well use him while we can
I hate that nigger loving kike.
Thanks Germany for this post
Is that the Channel 4 news thing?
Did he talk to David Mitchell?
>le rhetoric question
>look at that EPIC screenshot
Since he brought You here he already fucked up. Thanks for being the living proof Milofags are all redditors though.
>If he gets too faggy and Jewwy Sup Forums and the alt-right can say we never liked him anyway
Are you 12?
>GamerGate happens
>pretend to be relevant
Milo is the one who exposed the GameJournoPros mailing list which definitively proved collusion among video game journalists.
Milo didn't "join in" on GamerGate, if anything, he fucking MADE it.
>dat hair
Oooooh that's the Jew part
mhmm, im sure you'd just smash him in a debate about gay marriage, just wreck him
Why do redditors use "fucking" so inflationary? Does it make you feel tough?
Hella fucking epic
I'm Australian, Ahmed. I use the word "fuck" even more often than I do "cunt", you fucking cunt.
Prolly slams a ton of meth at his daily gay orgy.
I was here before Sup Forums decided to throw a hissy fit over some faggot pissing off lefties. He's on our side.
But keep it up. We're going to need you tards incase your whole "he's a like undercover XD" fantasy ever happens
Which it isn't, Muhammad.
Sup Forums cares more about someone's actions than whatever "identity group" you can shove them in
Milo said on the the Rubin Report that it's not Anti-Semitic to state the fact that the Jews are over represented in positions of power in the world and got a lot of shit from Jews for that. Doesn't sound like a "paid shill" to me.
So what he's a kike faggot? It doesn't make his statements untrue.
Most of the haters on Sup Forums are edgy kids trying to be edgy by not supporting anything that becomes even remotely popular.
He's a kike.
Guess you haven't been here for as long as you claim
>I was here before Sup Forums decided to throw a hissy fit over some faggot pissing off lefties
Right ;)
>He's on our side
He clearly and objectively isn't. He's on the side of video games and Israel. He's on your side because you are a redditor that's the point
And his actions are completely jewy you idiot
>if you don't support the jews you are a mussie
Why does every conversation end like this? Is it completely unreasonable for someone to dislike both?
You don't understand what a shill is sweetie. That's the whole point to fit into the group.
>See all the other jews hate him he can't be a shill
>Jews are fine Milo is cool
Come on it's not that hard to figure out
This guy gets it.
Milo is a filthy degenerate but he and others (Lauren Southern, Ben Shapiro) are helping t redpill the normies.
When we have enough support, the second coming of Hitler will be upon us and we'll have no further use for such people and into the oven they go.
they are useful to us for the time being, in fact it would be better off if Trump didn't get elected president, Brexit didn't happen etc because then the race war will happen for sure. (and we'll win)
> le Jews XD
I'm just not a retard. I don't care if he's a Jew. It does not matter in the slightest. Trump's daughter is a Jew. Is Trump "compromised"? Oh no he supports Israel too!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If that means a gay Jew is on my side for now, why not?
He's bringing attention to the alt-right. He's bringing attention to how whiny lefties are. Seems pretty good.
yea i hate this cocksucker too
in a perfect world all these fags and transgendered ppl would be lined up and shot
lucky for them it is not my call
It was more a response to him being in Merkel's diversity breeding grounds than him not liking Jews.
>He's bringing attention to the alt-right
No he's not. He's pushing a pro-Israel, pro-faggotry, pro-tranny ideology and patched alt-right on top of it. The fact that idiots like you don't see the difference is the whole point you dumb ignorant redditor
also if u think kikes like this fag and ben shapiro are helping redpill normies u are a cancer
they are trying to highjack a movement by agreeing with certain aspects of ur ideals while attempting to soften you to their own brands of cultural marxism
also redpill is a fucking meme, people just use it willy nilly now, if u dont like the yankees u are blue pilled, if u eat fried chicken u are blue pilled, all the pill based posting on this board is just nonsensical shiter post
You are a fucking delusional moron. I bet you've just watched your first "Holocaust documentary" on how the gas chambers were fake now and you feel super edgy and think you understand the world now.
Why make it about what someone is and not about what someone does?
What has he done exactly to make him a suspect Jew "Collaborateur"?
Make thousands of people aware of the feminist and SJW issues? Make Trump appeal to voters who haven't considered him before? Make strong statements in the defense of free speech and the right to offend anyone? That certainly can't be it.
>taking pill shit seriously on Sup Forums
>taking it seriously on Sup Forums
>taking it seriously from a bunch of teens on the internet
>taking it this seriously
He's pushing a normie friendly alt-right so they get interested in it. He's funny and faggy and they like it. He tells them to visit Sup Forums and they come here.
Then they learn about how the alt-right actually is. He put out a story calling them the 1488 crowd and that they're totally a small minority, which is utter bullshit, but it makes more people okay with calling themselves alt-right. It makes more people come to alt-right forums and read all the negative shit about fags, and Israel, leftist bullshit.
It doesn't matter if he's spreading bullshit about what the alt-right is. He gets the name out, and getting more and more millenials against the left.
You don't have to like him. But at least use him.
>Why make it about what someone is and not about what someone does?
It isn't you down syndrome. The whole problem is now redditors like you are here and cry anti-semitism whenever somebody dares criticise your video game apologist.
>What has he done exactly to make him a suspect Jew "Collaborateur"?
His advertising for Israel, faggotry and tranny stuff you video gaming manchild
>You are a fucking delusional moron. I bet you've just watched your first "Holocaust documentary" on how the gas chambers were fake now and you feel super edgy and think you understand the world now.
The fuck?
No you idiot the whole board is flooded with "fags are okay milo is" "jews are okay milo is" posts. Just go back to r/gamergate for your "normie friendly alt-right"
>Blah blah blah the enemy are the real racists
get that cuck shit outta here
He's greek you moron.
Didn't Milo say that videogames are dumb?
Ok bud
Yes. He used gamergate as a career opportunity and an excuse to piss off feminists.
I kind of hate Milo but you seem to be implying that literally every jew and/or gay person has to be left wing, and that if they're right wing they must be insincere. even if he's a little post ironic like Gavin and Sam Hyde it's still a pretty illogical assumption to make.
In the book Moses To Lenin, Hitler explain that any political movement that doesn't exclude jews will be taken over by them.
No I'm not. He's outright advertising fag jew shit
>Moses To Lenin
This book:
Thanks for the suggestion pham sounds interesting
d-did i start a pasta
I shamelessly stole it because I thought it was good, user.
I don't think anyone else will though unless you shill hard, but we can keep trying.
It's pretty good
>its a Sup Forumsedditor defends milo episode
you realize him telling people to come to Sup Forums is breaking rules 1 and 2 right? or do you not even know the rules because youre a 16 year old kid who bounces back and forth from lebbit and Sup Forums
the more normies come here the more the discussion quality divebombs. And those people arent going to stay here for le ebin redpill. Theyre going to see all sorts of stupid shit with that racist green frog they know about and leave this place with an even worse idea of it.
Sup Forums is not alt-right. fuck the alt-right, bunch of fakeass jews who will turn on you the moment you call them out.
Milo in particular
>shills for fags
>shills for israel
>shills for trannies
>shills for kikebart
>lies about conservative viewpoints
and somehow this is a guy you want to lead your "movement"? top kek the only time he has a movement is when he pops that black cock out of his ass.
youre being had Sup Forumsedditor, but i really shouldnt be surprised when youre an undermeme fanboy
>lead your "movement"?
the fuck you talking about retard? comrade s4p thinking the whole world is the same as his cult?
Eternal Anglo
>im unapologeticly supportive of 'new Sup Forums' even if i miss the image-less old days
>'new Sup Forums'
> i miss the image-less old days
the alt right movement stupid cunt
I hate faggotry, but I hate feminism even more. Feminist sjw shittism is absolutely the biggest threat to Western society today. not your fucking Jew conspiracy. anyone who gives feminism shit and gets people to notice just how autistic it is gets my approval.
>reddit using "fucking" to sound tough
Every fucking time
>Feminist sjw shittism is absolutely the biggest threat to Western society today. not your fucking Jew conspiracy
That's fucking wrong you fucking retard. Fucking jews fucking push feminism you fucking idiot.
Go back to fucking reddit for your fucking meninism
>even more far right
>this is what trump cucks actually believe
As if the concept of "right" isn't completely fucking stupid, especially on this board
You're closer to communists then the Republican party ever was before Reagan
Because you're a trump cuck and you're all leftist shits
Fuck off and die
ITT Divide and conquer Hillary shills
>people worship this kike
>Sup Forums isn't far right lol
>"right" doesn't even mean anything anyway lol
>Sup Forums is communist
this is the diarrhea you have just written
>You're closer to communists then the Republican party ever was before Reagan
Seriously can you tell me what this means?
so jews act like Tzeentch??
milo is toxicity
milo is a joke of a human being
milo thinks he's funny
milo tries to justify his degeneracy by using religion
milo is a fraud who pretends to hold conferences about feminism but who turn out to be pathetic gay shows
milo is a drug addict
milo is a coal burner
milo loves to pimp heterosexuals
milo should understand that the most fabulous act he could make is to kill himself
filo the maggot
>t achmed
Israel is based, dude.
>milo is a coal burner
does it matter? he is gay
Doesn't exist. The alt-right is just the right, except on the internet.
He's right. Sup Forums used to relentlessly hammer faggoots for being disgusting, degenerate faggots and now there's a bunch of faggots showing up and talking about how "cute" Milo is and how "it's okay to be gay" and other such bullshit. Reddit is here.
He should start wearing an iron cross again
the alt right is the right but without political correctness
the alt right is the right who finally says out loud what the right thinks and that, without any kind of shame
the alt right is the intellectuallly honest right
t mehmet
that right, my bad
>The right wing is politically correct
Oh fuck off, you utter self-important twat. If you consider yourself "alt-right" then you're a faggot. No two ways about it. You're a faggot.
t. a faggot
Thanks for proving my point, by the way.
>Be krautfag
>Post on 4chins
>Bitch about video game
>Repeat feminist narrative
>Shitpost on 4chins while white women are being raped.
>Germany Yes.
One less nigger dick to be impregnating white women with.
and what about white males who are turned to homosexuality by a gigantic faggot who pretends to not be a lefty
>I don't think shariah bloody allows homosexuality!
t. still a fucking faggot
You're not welcome here.
Paid shills arguing with each other
I think he's lying about being Jewish. There are less than4000 Jews in Greece. Almost nonexistent. He is a clever boy because he knows if he calls himself a Jew they can't condemn him as a racist white man. Jew my ass.
I know I'm not, because I'm not muslim
>Implying that happens
>Implying we aren't using him to normalize anti semitism and racism.
Divide and conquer. They know they're not welcome, so they try to alienate the people who are already here and make them the targets of ridicule. You see it all throughout life and now it's leaked into Sup Forums thanks to that faggot Milo.
There are 2000 muslims in my entire country (I'm not in GB because you sperg out like the uneducated yank faggot that you are). There are more people on the planet than muslims who loathe you faggots. Enjoy the HIV.
Yeah this was my thought exactly. He plays up the fag thing too. With that much social capital and victim hood capital he can get away with almost anything