Video of neighborhood watch in Germany smacking around a refugee trying to steal two wine bottles.
There is still hope.
Video of neighborhood watch in Germany smacking around a refugee trying to steal two wine bottles.
There is still hope.
>There is still hope.
Delusion is not a pleasant state to live in
It's something
who's this qt?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Hans.
>Actually hearing a Germanbro use the insult "schweinhund"
Wtf was he doing with wine anyway? Haram af goat fucker
>neighborhood watch wearing black
>not brown
you had one job, Hans
Who is that MAGA Saga
>viewing liveleak for anything
Maybe 5 years ago, but not anymore. Stay cucked on your reddit tier websites.
I want to pump her for Trump.
liveleak yes
>Rape of nanking 2
>Wtf was he doing with wine anyway?
Muslims are the biggest fucking hypocrites in existence.
>flee your own shithole because it really fucking sucks
>as soon as you arrive elsewhere you pretend it was the best thing to ever exist and try to change your new host country into being more like your old one
>endlessly complain about pig meat
>get drunk every weekend
>wear a headrag to fake modesty
>paint yourself like a fucking whore
I was told that somebody was doing it.
>Germans have become uncucked!
Wow slow down there buddy this is just one incident, post again when this is the general consensus.
I think you were told no one did it ever
I have stolen tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothes, incalculable amounts of food and quite alot of elecronics and high end liqour, and bicycles
Theft rules
try an stop me yu fucking nerds
jej step it up
fuck the only thing that would make that more satisfying is if there were english subtitles.
good job germanbros, watching the uncucked version of you remove kebab is inspiring.
He was probably taking his goat out on a date.
The German is in jail now right? Or did they just execute him on the spot for being intolerant? I'm so fucking sorry for what this cunt started Euro Bros.
What can one man do against such reckless faggotry? The majority of people on the planet don't want to think for themselves. Even asking them questions sets them off in an angry rant.
Even my own mother went as far to call me a nazi for not wanting to take in "refugees", despite knowing large parts of my father's side of the family were killed in Dutch-Indonesia during the Japanese occupation.
Allowing women to vote was a mistake.
>speaks german
sure, sure.
>implying german women won't attack them for being racist
To bad they'll all be jailed and executed in ten years
He just spoke his allah akbar language at them
>Someone tells the employees to call the police and the female one answers that the police was already at the store 2 times that day.
This store is putting their customers and staff at unnecessary risk and they need to hire security instead of having to rely on the police/neighbourhood watch, who would probably turn up and not do much more than a competent security guard could do anyway.
>refugee trying to steal two wine bottles
I thought wine is illegal for Mudslimes. Are they just stealing it to sell to infidels, like how the Juden would steal and then sell to goys?
I thought that was German? All Germans I meet are always going allahuakbar all over the place.
>A bunch of proles toss around some nigger thief
>They'll propably have trouble for "racism"
>rapefugee won't even be deported
>it changes literally nothing
> Germany
> Uncucked
Pick one. And that's literally a one off occurrence
Any good stealing tip you can give.
I've found out that ''Don't get caught'' usually works quite well
Can you guys confirm that what it says above the video is what is said during the video? Does the girl at the end say 'it's sad we have to rely on vigilatees' ?
i want to see more strong german men beating up refugees
this is good but we need more