Is there any way that men can get together and make it a crime for women to look at men or speak to them without...

Is there any way that men can get together and make it a crime for women to look at men or speak to them without permission? Some way to turn the table on them so tthat there is always a pretext for righteous indignation and lecturing?

just move to some shit hole country in the middle east user.


No. The people making the laws for feminist are the criminals who run the country aka "the jews".

I don't actually want to make it a real crime, but just to make it a hostile climate for women for a little while, like it is for white men. Not a "we've been held down for too long!" hostile environment story, but actually demonize them for a while.


It might be interesting when they finally manage to create guilt-until-proven-innocent rape laws:

Her: "He raped me! I couldn't consent 'cause I was drunk!"
Him: "She raped me! I couldn't consent 'cause I was drunk!"
Judge: "Under the law, you simultaneously raped each other. Off to prison with both of you."
Feminists: "Oops."

Because turnabout is fair play?

Not really but you could do something fun, like make blanket statements about women and wait for all the women just waiting to say, "but..but not all women!" And point out how hypocritical they are, for doing that same exact thing to men.

Just ignore them and talk to normal people only. You can't make them see their bigotry, theyll have to learn it themselves and they will, but pointing fingers wont work. Those people are not the majority although it may seem like they are, they just scream the loudest. Dont pussy out, keep your opinion as long as you see your point as the better and be yourself.

If only that worked.

Modern feminists are authoritarians and as such, they have no difficult advocating outright double standards.


Still waiting for women bringing up the scotsman in such a situation "but she no real women ya see"...

That's not entirely true and it's also not entirely false, but, I don't think you would be able to accomplish something like that hence the loud noise feminists are making, and even if you could make that possible, I'm not really sure it's a good decision.


It would be fun

Dat ass

Just ignore it and they'll go back to their caves and post on tumblr.

feminists ruin it for all women, some women seek to be desired and actively sought after

White men are top tier, that's the way it's always been and always will be. Next time laugh at the lecturing jokes because that's all they are. Any power the pussy has, it's only what you give to it user. Don't engage with that nonsense.

You are thinking of patriarchy you shitlord. It already existed and we broke it down !

The problem is right in her fucking hand !!!
