Future Society

It is a FACT that within the next few 100 years, most, if not all jobs will be replaced by automation and we will move to a non-resource scarce society. What should our society be like then?
How will Capital owners make a profit is there is no income for the people to spend so will Marx's ideal society finally be reached?

Trick question shithead. Trump will make jobs for us all.

That doesn't make sense faggot, one of the rare times I'm not shitposting and would like genuine discussion.

Maybe my hopes are too high for pol but does anyone have any legitimate opinions on this? Would like a proper discourse

It's also a fact that Marx has been completely BTFO by actual history.

>Huu huu huu the workers of the world will unite
Didn't happen. Workers of the world rejected his gay retarded jealousy-based politics of theft.

>Huu huu huuuuu profit is theft!
Nope. Profit-driven economies have brought about the closest thing to the paradise Marx imagined as is possible. If we ever reach the society of luxury it will be because of Capitalists and in spite of Socialists. Marx's teeth have been irreversably smashed out.

>Huu huuuuu huuuuuuu you b-b-bootlickers let me take your money
Nope. Never. You deserve nothing, you disgusting, degenerate subhuman lying thief, and you will receive nothing. It warms my heart mightily to know that you disgusting subhuman Leftist filth will spend your entire lives in a state of constant suicidal depression when you realize that you will not, in fact, be allowed to steal my money.

I think it's possible. Marx's idea of a revolution was fucking retarded but he did have a point with his ideas on the evolution of capitalism towards socialism. Previous Marxist societies have failed so badly because there was so much scarcity and the economy wasn't developed properly, which probably won't be a factor this upcoming century. Then again, it's never worked before so no one is crazy enough to want to try it.

Communism is a meme ideology perpetuated by utter fucking retards who believe humans are insectoids with a hivemind.

All non-useful people will be turned into Servitors

Basic Income is inevitable.

Socialism will be the future thanks to the Globalist kikes.

No it won't.
Its a same argument marx had with industrial revolution, the new commodity will propably be ideas

There will always be scarce resources. Space, for example, and energy, and moons in the sky that don't have dicks drawn on them, and we'll always desire better lives for our kids, whether it's a farm that only floods half the year or a bigger globular cluster for them to convert to computronium.

Not that a 19th-century cult prophet has anything at all to do with that, mind.

Don't they teach reading comprehension in American schools? Are any of you cunts even out of high school, use a bit of economic sense when replying. Answer my fucking question dipshits, what will happen in a post non-resource scarce society?

Machine learning capabilities are expected to exceed human reasoning and creativity within even our lifetimes. Don't be so shortsighted, you are thinking like a horse when cars were invented.

>What would happen in this fairy tale?

Fuck off with your goofy hypotheticals. Communism does not work and it will never work.

Then its going to be land and resources

What I can say for sure owners wont just hand out money to worthelss human trash just to sell them stuff and get the same money back.

I'm so sorry you had to see this

Did Marx ever actually fight for anything?

>Basic income
Good luck paying for the basic income of 4 billions Africans in 2100.

ultimately the answer will be to extend capital to as many people as possible so that the receive a second income, or even a third if we replace all welfare + entitlements for basic income

1. Walk outside
2. Look up
3. If you don't see anything walk for a while and look up again

Those bright things are stars. In number they are virtually infinite, but the time it takes to reach them is set in stone by physics. They are resources that can be consumed by a society that is from our perspective post-scarcity. There will always be resources, stars, and there will always be scarcity, travel time. But for the people that want to I guess we'll have really good MMOs and an IV drip for free, if that's what you're asking.

>it's an OP is a dirty commie animal episode

oooh my god fpbp like how did you even do that

I'm not suggesting communism, that's just one common answer. And it's not a goofy hypothetical, try and think critically. Might be tough for some of some "cognitively challenged" friends such as yourself, but give it a shot might even surprise yourself!

>Identity is bullshit
>I identify as a worker
Lel and then there will be a "war" against white and blue collars.

>Previous Marxist societies have failed so badly because there was so much scarcity and the economy wasn't developed properly
Also, as far as I understand it, one fundamental human nature was not taken into account: greed. Pick any system, you will find people who only think for themselves and will corrupt it, let it be capitalism, or communism.

The problem is this: People are fucking shit. Selfishness is intrinsic part of our nature, and every other animal that walks this earth. It's a survival instinct each of us are programmed with. For any society to provide the best possible quality of life, selfishness should be mitigated somehow. We're almost there, but not quite.


I have an opinion too.
My opinion is civilisation won't see the end of the 21st century, so your point is moot

Isn't calling for all workers to unite a call for assimilating into your culture?

marx would have loved hitler

>implying they'll get any

or alternatively

>implying fiat currency ever needed justification for just printing more


>automation replaces all jobs
>nobody can work
>nobody has any money to spend on goods produced by automation
>owners of automated means of production can't turn a profit because nobody has any money
>the people start underground economy free of automation
>fully automated businesses largely ignored, since underground economy uses its own currency not accepted in the mainstream
>owners of automated production give up
>capitalism picks up right where it left off
At least, I hope that's how it goes down.

I hope you're joking.
You hope people would sooner forsake all automation and join underground antiestablishment hamish deathsquads than adopt basic income and/or focus on jobs that can't be automated, like anything that requires human physical interaction and so on, yer a fookin looney m8

"hur dur workers of the world unite!! xDD"
jesus christ, kill yourself

Everything we have comes, ultimately, from solar light. Solar light is what makes plants and so animals and pretty much everything we need to live.

Now, every inch of our planet absorbes a limited amount of solar energy each day. Which means that it doesn't matter how many jobs we automatize, we will ALWAYS live in a scarcity system.

Add to that that we keep increasing our global population by 74 millions a year, and the scarcity is gonna get worse in the future, technological advancements or not.

commies are faggots, kill yourself nigger.

resources will be even more scarce and work will have little or no value.

fascism will be a must if we are to survive.

This post made my day. Thanks for that.

The logical conclusion of automation is the end of consumerism. The human worker, now useless, faces the dismantling of human society that previously provided the means for his survival. The rich withdraw into their fortresses of luxury, protected by technological superiority and a select few privileged human workers who enjoy a modest replication of their masters' lifestyle in exchange for performing the few tasks that machines are not capable of. The rich can produce what they need directly, in much smaller and sustainable quantities now that they are the sole owners of all availabe resources. There's no need to produce things for sale, since no one outside of the rich elite has money or assets left.

Everything that existed to maintain a base of skilled and healthy human laborers will be left to rot without funding. No schools, no hospitals, homes and roads no longer built or repaired, shops closed, power plants shut down, farmland taken over by wild nature. Billions of people will be left to survive without modern tools or knowledge.

>this is what finnish people actually hope for

>we will move to a non-resource scarce society

Resources are limited and human wants are limitless. This will literally never happen.

fuckin ultra kek, БЛЯ

Humour me here, assuming machine learning reaches a point where Artificial Intelligence far surpasses anything we'd ever be capable of, what happens when methods are found to lead to unlimited resources? This is full science fiction territory though.

The more relavent question though is what happens when automation is more viable than human labour for say 90% of the population? Will we become a society like the other anons suggested or will there be a some sort of universal income or something to keep the economy going. And for how long?

Obviously in practice it will be different, all of world is going to look like a third world supercity where the core is rich and developed and surrounding it is a ring of pre-industrial shantytowns where laborers can periodically be drafted from. Outside of these cities will either be sites of production like farms and mines, or wasteland where production exhausted the environment.

we should create robot minds that preserve the all organisms from earth and expand to space, sending us to a bigger planet and watching us as gods (humans will be dead in the process)

Total annihilation is our only future. This planet cannot sustain us nor can it support our waste and toxic habits. The stars are truly our only hope. If we manage to master interstellar travel then we will end up expanding our definition of scarce to include precious elements that don't exist abundantly in our new homes. At which point the Jews in space will hoard them and capitalism will continue. At which point we will be bartering moon rocks for Jewium the rarest alloys in the universe.

Stocks/assets based economy

>cucking on an interplanetary level
as expected from sweden

Our stupidity and indifference will kill us before we have the technology to regularly ship extraterrestial resources to Earth. If that can even ever become viable, that is.

This cartoon was drawn by someone who is far removed from the reality of poor niggers.

The writer probably wishes that the workers of the world have no idea how money is printed and loaned into society/existence.

That knowledge takes Commie power away too. Someone still has to run everything. Even in an alleged utopia that likes killing off dissenters by the 10's of millions.


>Someone still has to run everything
Like the underpaid third world poors? You can't even design a power plant until some poor african or sickly asian digs up the crap that your computer needs to run.

>still dreaming of a post scarcity world
No such thing. Never will be.

>take identity politics to the trash
>usurp a fundamental aspect of human nature

Good luck faggot.

Universal basic income seems to be the most likely, possibly with the means of production still privatized.

Automation wont be abandoned, but the cost of their produced goods will be so low their fees are almost entirely to just cover the material cost.

And in return, any jobs that require human input in the slightest will have such overinflated value it will seem alien to us.

Think pre-apocalypse Judge Dredd style, 8 hour work weeks that are considered "inhumanly harsh" for them.