i have IBS irritable bowel syndrom

> i have IBS irritable bowel syndrom
> visited a lot of doctors in a span of 2 years
> nothing we can do anymore for you user, just live with it

> have it since im around 14-15 years old
> school was always hell, went to the toilette nearly all half an hour
> never got bullied, never learned, always got good grades, still liked being in school

fast forward

> be at university, everything seems "normal"
> if i had a day of IBS, simply stayed at home, maybe once every two weeks
> even had gf, but no one night stands
> alltogether just a few very bad days, mostly learned to live with it (like bourne identity style: knew every public toilet in my town, always knew where the next one was, timed my outgoings perfectly, spend 2 hours in the morning "emptying" myself with the help of coffee and so on)

> biggest concern was "what would a girl say if i stay the night over and the next day i shit so hard motherfuckers wanna fine me?!"

fast forward

> have degree now, decide that i want to go to a university of applied sciences
> hello darkness my old friend, its nice to take a shit with you again
> run to toilet every hour, have to see doctor every few days coz i need medical certificate of being ill when i stay at home

anyone on here with IBS? how you live with going to the toilet every hour or so? lets share our experiences lmao

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avoid taco bell.

But honestly, try to figure which foods cause the worse episodes and watch your moderation in how much you eat said food.

been there done that

with the classic dyel-hardcore eating style (chicken, rice and broccoli) it got a little bit better, this is tbh even 90% of the stuff i eat nowadays

everything else doesnt make any difference, if taco bell, chilli, chips, crisps, fruits, potatoes, random vegetables... its always the same

>i have IBS irritable bowel syndrome

The correct medical term is annoying asshole syndrome

Also IBS, started when i was like 15, bathroom every hour like you said. 23 now.

i've been too tons of doctors and none really have answers. I went on this ridiculous diet plan to determine my trigger foods. Turns out all foods are trigger food. dietitian is stumped.

I had one doctor literally say "I wish Doctor House was real, because i have no idea whats wrong"

Though this is really uncommon. In reality, look up the FODMAP diet, for about 2 months just follow it religiously. Then add foods back in, one at a time. It should help you figure out your trigger foods.

Most IBS is triggered by this fodmap bullshit or a dairy intolerance. or both

Had it all my life, but I don't need to shit every hour. Got a prescription for something called Amitiza from my gastroenterologist a few years back, it's really helped a lot. Also very lactose intolerant, which kinda sucks. It really sucked during high school, since it was mostly just pain and poop, so had to drop out and get a GED.

I'd suggest to not drink a lot of coffee, and try to avoid eating beans or high-fiber foods, because you'll need to shit IMMEDIATELY after finishing those. But maybe you've heard it all before. Still, good luck to you.

Sounds like you need the basics.

1) Take a food journal. Sounds dumb, but note when you wake up/sleep, exactly everything you eat and when, when you feel sick, how stressed you were that day, and what your bowel movements are like. It will only take a few weeks for a definite pattern to emerge. You'll learn what foods bother you the most and can cut them out of your diet for an immediate improvement.

2) Motherfucking CITRUCEL. Google that shit. A single glass a day will help you tremendously.

Source: i've had ibs for ~17 years now.

I had the same problems as you and the doctors told me it was IBS. When I quit smoking my weed from pipes and bongs the symptoms stopped and I have regular bowel movements from that point on.

The bongs and pipes I used were never dirty, but never 100% clean either.

Its not that bad, sometimes when you eat shit like pizza or burgers you can get fucked by your stomach, but meh, its fine.

> hello darkness my old friend
I know your pain.
NYC fag here. The fuck face docs at Cornell do fecal matter transplants, but not for ppl with IBS.
I'm trying to find a healthy friend, who will donate fecal matter to me, so I can try my own underground fecal matter transplant.

The huge intake of smoke fucks with your whole body
They recently discovered the lungs filter directly into the heart, think about what your heart goes through when all that smoke enters your lungs
I'll still take my bong rips even though it causes my abdominal muscles to be stressed, I need that sweet milkshot

> Fecal Transplants Can Be Life-Saving, but How ?

This, I figured out it's cheese and other dairy that set me off the worst and then mushrooms can make me pretty bad as well as too much breast things, a few slices is ok. It's tough going dairy free but not that bad when used to it.

>have ibs
>get medical Mary Jane
>ibs gone

same here user
seen several doctors, the only satisfying explanation i've had is that it's stress related as i was tested and shown to have heightened adrenaline around the time of my 'attacks'
and it makes some sense, as i do feel the worst at time of stress or anxiety, but it's not always the case
so, i dunno
it's a fucker that's for sure
employers never understand either.
also, no dietary changes have ever made a difference for me.

On top of 5 Times a day shitting with my ibs I also have

GERD (stomach pain big time)
Essential tremor (hands, fingers, and head shake)

All I got is IMODIUM to suggest.

Whenever you feel shitty just remember it can always be much worse. A lot of people thrown into my position would probably have already killed themselves. Count your blessings.

It's important to distinguish between IBS-D(diherra) vs IBS-C(constipated).

My IBS-D started in 2nd year uni. Somehow my intestines got extremely swollen and inflammation to the point where I apparently wasn't making the required eynzimes to digest foods. Took a delayed food allergy test and it came back saying I was allergic to 280 different foods. This is how my doctor figured out it was inflammation.

Anyways, skip ahead 7 years. The inflammation is gone after a treatment regiment, but it caused lasting damage and while my IBS-D is not as bad as it once was, it's still awful.

To prevent issues:
I take Align probiotic every morning (It's important that's it's specifically the Align brand name, as after testing dozens of different types, Align has had the most success.

Before each meal I take one liquid capsule of Imodium (an anti diherra over the counter medication).
This prevents 90 percent of issues as long as I avoid major trigger foods like dairy or spicey shit.

Try fasting?

My ibs was CURED after I did a 4 day fast, under my doctor's supervision. Your body can actually fix the imbalance and repair your gut. No joke, user.

>the only satisfying explanation i've had is that it's stress related
Our digestion system is run by our involuntary nervous system,also called the parasympathetic nervous system. supposedly stress can disrupt our digestion system, thus triggering what we experience as attacks.
But there's new research about our gut biome that our gut bacteria influence our nervous system, which is why I'm interested in a fecal matter transplant.

Record your explosive diarrhea on vocaroo and post here


Dicyclomine and fasting, almost instant relief.

it gluten

It's purely psychosomatic, which is why doctors can't cure it.

You need to fix your head, not your digestion. See a psychoanalyst about your neuroses.

Try a fecal transplantation, it helps. I shit you not.

You should go and see a gastrologist (stomach doctor )

My desk is next to the toilet and i do a lot of exercice and fasting for 7 days (real fasting not a gram of food) twice a year
It's hard the first 4 days but symptoms are less pronounced for a long time afterwards

>spend 2 hours in the morning "emptying" myself with the help of coffee and so on
I do this, too. I feel you, user.

What the bros said fasting/drink water try feeling calm as anxiety about your disorder most likely triggers it, i am not a doctor.

You need to look into the FODMAP diet my brother. It's literally like a miracle cure for some people (personal experience here). Not easy to start but great results.

I've been suffering from really bad bloated stomach for about 2 years and recently started getting more constipated.

I tend to not have to take a shit for like 2/3 days but I can sometimes be really gassy and when I do eventually shit it's either sort of runny or a few small nuggets.

Also get this slight/vague discomfort in my ass like as if I'm not completely empty from time to time.

Been to see a few doctors and had blood tests, ultrasound scans and now I'm being sent to a dietition to try and work out what's causing it.

On top of that for the past 2 months I've had this weird sensation in the area between my balls and asshole which comes and goes and I'm pretty sure I have prostatitis so I'm waiting to see a urologist.

I hate my life....

Girlfriend has IBS which has been terrible for years, similar situation to you, told she must live with it, until recently she's been trying 'Intramusculat buscopan', normal buscopan is an anti spasmodic tablet I think but it doesn't get into her bloodstream due to her digestion being fucked.

So this new one involves injecting into her thigh muscle, seems to be working thus far, fingers crossed!

No shit faggot as if he had not done that.

> Vsl3 DS
Ask your doctor about probiotics. There are some very powerful kind available, but they are gentle, really. But my Nobamacare plan will not cover it.

Strict paleo diet helped a lot with my symptoms and reduced my episodes. Also started taking tumeric, which can help too.

Takes a bit to get used to and to work to prevent IBS, but I haven't had an episode in months now.

Not saying it's a panacea, but it worked for me. Worth a shot IMO.

IBD is now suspected to be most likely an inflammatory autoimmume response.

This is probably caused by having too much of the wrong bacteria in your colon and not enought of the right type.

Nobody knows how to normalize the bacteria in the colon, as probiotics and prebiotics don't seem to effect this. This is why even drastic measures like fecal transplant is done. Fecal transplants = transplants of normal gut bacteria.

Sorry user, fix your bacterial balance and you will fix your IBS. I don't know how.

>This is why even drastic measures like fecal transplant is done.

Not the OP. I have been looking into this. But the Gastro Dept. at Cornell won't do a fecal matter transplant on me, bc it is not approved for IBS. My only option is to do it to myself. I have asked a few friends about needing this, to prompt them to see if the will donate their healthy shit to me. But it grosses ppl out when I mention the subject.

What do I do to get healthy shit from ppl ? Post on Craigs List ?

>What do I do to get healthy shit from ppl ? Post on Craigs List ?
Ask on craigslist if somebody wants to send you their shit because it's your fetish, then when you get it ask the doctor if he can test "your" shit.

> because it's your fetish
This is a very plausible solution. But what if the CL donor has venereal diseases ? Should I trade in IBS in exchange for a VD ?

That's why I was mentioning the subject to friends. I have a best friend, who healthy, except for stress and anxiety. He is very slim and fit, bc his gut bacteria gives him a healthy body. I want his gut bacteria the most, but he changes the subject when I bring up my IBS and my desire for a fecal matter transplant.

Let me reflect on what to do. I guess CL is my best option to get somebody's shit. It shouldn't be hard to do in NYC. I just want it to be healthy shit. If I do it, I will tell my doc at Cornell what I did.

This. FODMAP saved me.

you have destroyed your bacteria flora with antibiotics and now there are only shit bacteria left or some yeist or something growing in your boewls instead, you need a shit transfer, they take shit from healthy person's bowel and put it to your bowel and problem should go away.

i have many cats and a few have ibs, and i sympathize. it's a wretched thing with no cure. they keep saying, try a novel protein, and i've tried about everything but rabbit, and i plan to buy a frozen rabbit soon and try that. for cats they sometimes give steroids to reduce the gut's immune reaction but steroids suck for cats, even more for humans.

I had a sickly cat, and I think he was making my environment sick with his bacteria. I was kept trying to keep the house clean, but I count not ever disinfect everything.

Our gut bacteria is a function of our external (habitat) bacteria. That's why mothers are encouraged to have natural childbirth and to breast feed, and why kids are encouraged to play in dirt, etc. You need external bacteria to come into your system. I went to Niagara Falls a few years ago. Whilst I was there, I breathed in as much mist as I could stand. I wanted the exposure to the bacteria. I look at everything from this vantage point now, sadly.

>> hello darkness my old friend, its nice to take a shit with you again

could be worse user, at least you havent needed your entire colon cut out and have to wear a bag for the rest of your life

> could be worse
True, but IBS is severe enough for ppl with severe cases. For me, it is debilitating. If I am having an attack, it can last 3-5 hours. When it is the worst, it feels like all my intestines are slithering and are spasming. I can feel stuff that we should normally not feel in our guts/abdomen. Also, my entire digestive bacteria is out of whack, starting from my mouth to the other end. I have bad breath, which I think is a condition of all the intestinal gas I burp, and I know my oral bacteria is out of whack, bc my throat feels very dry. I have to constantly drink liquids.

I've been to gastrointestinal docs at Cornell, Lenox Hill, Beth Israel, and in private practise from Fifth Avenue to Queens Blvd.

Make sure it is really IBS
>I had IBS-like symptoms for several years
>Doctor later determined I was diabetic
>Once my blood glucose was under control; the IBS symptoms went away

ProTip: see an endo

>anyone on here with IBS? how you live with going to the toilet every hour or so? lets share our experiences lmao

I've had IBS and its subsequent diseases it results in for the past 19 years. My life sucks and I cannot work. I was kicked out of university for being too sick. I'm planning on killing myself when my parents die. AMA

Jesus nigga are you me?

GERD, tremor, sliding hiatal hernia and of course the demon that is IBS

PPI's as well? That will give you alzheimer's? So much to look forward to!

> PPI's as well?
Not that user, but I took PPI's for several years. I blame my old gastro for ever starting me on it. I think it made it difficult for my body to digest food, and I think the altered acidic environment led to changes in gut bacteria composition. Our digestive systems are very delicate. I just took a radical course of antibiotics to kill off bad bacteria, and now I'm trying to reset my gut bacteria. I will report back if I ever get the courage to do the CL's thing.

Yeah mine too has become so bad that I'm not sure if i have celiac or gluten intolerance or meat allergy or diverticular disease. I definitely need to see an endo.On low-fodmap, gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free and alcohol free diet to live comfortably. Problem is I have major inflammatory reactions when I take antibiotics. Rash on my dick's glans and my back.

TRY ...KRATOM ...it will help with the pain and it will help regulate your bowel movements ...your welcome

infect yourself with worms
no joke, there are studies that show hookworms/roundworms can help

Does intermittent fasting help people with IBS? I suppose you can't shit if you don't eat...

>>have ibs
>>get medical Mary Jane
>>ibs gone

If not gone, certainly mitigated, I've smoked on and off for 9 years now and can attest that it certainly helps with the discomfort and can even bring it down to normal shitting periods but not all people react the same, had a friend who had ibs as well and smoked the same amount of time and he shit his guts out everyday no matter what, probably affected by his weight and activity level as well though, diet wasn't very good and when I eat worse than normal my shits increase in severity too, so it's a mixed bag of your individual symptoms and triggers

try weed buddy


Find out your trigger foods. I can eat dairy so I eat like 3/4 yogurts a day and it has helped me a lot. Fried/greasy/spicy food are a no go. Make sure it's not a gluten issue. I only eat a turkey and cheese sandwich, chicken, no red meats, frosted flakes, special k cereal. Oats mess me up too. Water, no soda/coffee. I still have flare ups from time to time but not as bad.

>1: get your cortisol under control ie exercise
>2: diet. Cut out lactose + gluten for 30 days. Slowly reintroduce
>3: supplement psyllium fiber. Costco its like $20 for two huge things. Life changer right there.

Report back here in 45 days with weekly updates leading up to it

I go 1 heaping soup spoon per glass of water. I lake sure to drink 40 oz water per day minimum. Fiber needs water to work.

>How do you deal with it

I just became a neet. Now i just sit at home in my room in my parents house (im 34), smoking weed and playing endless videogames.

You should try it OP.

How do I contact you because this is basically me. We're the same age. Need a bro who understands the struggle.

oogaboogabooga98 at gmail

OP you either eat plants or suffer. Its your choice

compared to a well planed plant based diet the consumption of any amount of meat is self harm

What is a well planed plant based diet ?

see Gerson Therapy

at least now you cant say you were not told how to fix yourself

I feel ya man. I’ve got IBS (not as bad as yours), GERD, and diverticula. There’s only very little things I can eat. It gets tiring of eating the same stuff over and over. If I bend over to pick something up, I’ll have heartburn the entire day. Recently had my gallbladder removed bc it was eating itself. Acid reflux has gone down a little bit since then. Doctors don’t know what to do with me either. They just give me a bunch of pills. I don’t take them unless I’m really hurting.

Fortunately for me my ibs is mostly under control. Excessive alcohol consumption tends to be my main/only trigger. I find weed and peppermint capsules to be really helpful in managing it.

aloe vera op. it helps alot

I believe gerd and ibs are linked somehow. If i have a flare up of one the other seems to follow.

GMOs and herbicides will destroy your gut.

>Diagnosed with stress induced IBS upon exit of military
>I get stressed easily
>Also, spicy food makes me poop for days
>I love spicy food
tfw I will likely die on the toilet

This : our food is poison.

regarding all the mentions of weed/MJ, it probably helps, bc it acts as a stress reducer, which probably helps the brain slow down the spasmic seismic waves to the gut. I am so poor, but I will see if one of my friends can help me find a way to buy some. I have never bought it, but i am desperate to try it.

I will try MJ and the CL thing. I will report back how it goes.