I know there's a lot of nationalists on here, but is there anyone else who is an imperialist?

I know there's a lot of nationalists on here, but is there anyone else who is an imperialist?

I want to see the return of empire complete with an imperial ruler, none of this democracy bullshit.

Think about it - life was so much better then.

>British Empire
>Roman Empire
>Byzantine Empire
>Russian Empire
>Persian Empire
>Swedish Empire
>German Empire
>Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Japanese Empire
>French Empire

Multi-Ethnic states always end up in chaos

Yes...just as long as empires don't interbreed. That's when it all goes to shit.

I also forgot to say that the EU is somewhat imperialist except that they doesn't invade and instead put shills into power.

Historically it could work for you Japan, it worked with the Holy Roman Empire until it formed into Germany. It didn't however work long term for the Austro-Hungarian empire, arguably it didnt for the Ottoman's either, the only reason it lasted as long as it did was due to sheer rule of the Iron rod.

It could work if a new conqueror, or populist type figure emerge onto the scene with enough force, it's idiocy to believe something like this couldn't happen tho.

It's a Marxist Socialist control freak mess of Bureaucracy. It's was and still is build on weak foundation, one id like to see shattered.

Read Imperium by Hockey. Its great but retarded when dealing with evolution.

Man, america could have the best empire ever if you'd just get rid of democracy.

DESU I kind of agree but also don't. I think maybe with all of the humanity of our current age it might be doable.I'll admit 1700s-1800s is super comfy to me. i wish i could live in russia under Catherine

I know man, as a more libertarian leaning guy I hate the EU a lot more than your average brexit voter.


To a degree you are right, we have the land, the manpower, the technology, and quite frankly i think if the correct person where to come forward i can see the American population supporting something like that, plus we always have Mexico and Canacucks for conquest lol.

Where's the American Empire?
>Manifest Destiny
> Carry Big Stick
> Monroe Doctrine
We had some imperialistic moments.

Yes, i'm an imperialist, it is the only true path.

>Where's the American Empire?

Soon, I hope.

>Where's the American Empire?

Being overrun by spics and ruled by a nigger.

Japan should have won and conquered us

are you by chance a descendent of a nanking rape baby?

No I don't live in a shit hole like nanjing

Imperialism always fails because it leads to multiculturalism, hiring foreign armies, and spreads your armies out thin

Just be libertarian

>Mfw the Canadian empire still stands strong


why is nanking a shithole?

other then half chinese half japanese rape descendents

correction: nanjing

>Current year
Just kidding.
But really, it's not feasable anymore. If you look at Crimea and East-Ukraine, the shit storm and international media attention that alone gets, it's impossible to conquer in this day and age, unless you guys mean neo-imperialism through media and indoctrination.

End game is extermination of all non-Whites and degenerates within White Race. We would settle the differences later.

It did invade, it invaded Canada's sovereignty by allowing Spanish fishermen into our waters, sending the German navy to Canada to DEFEND Spain, and then ended with the EU proposing sanctions against Canada when we arrested the fishermen.