Does he know about Sup Forums existing?

Does he know about Sup Forums existing?

That faggot's posted here before.

hes talked about Sup Forums retard

>says cuckservative on fox news

pretty damn obvious

wish he'd atleast respect rule #1 fucking newfag

Fuck off Milo. You fucking degenerate, gas yourself.

No way

yes, and he is a nice gay

>Mentions rare pepes

>final solution for leftists


one of us.

This. Rules 1&2 were broken and led to the faggots coming here for "le ebbin Scientology raids". All of those "anonymous" faggots came here because some broke rules 1&2. Mark my words, pol will become normie central within a year of trump winning the election.

I fucking hate that memes are mainstream now. Fuck KnowYourMeme and 9gag. EncyclopediaDramatica was the shit

hop off his dick
>he not funny
>hes not smart
>he mixes
milo is using you to further his carrer. sage


he's a jew shill but desu everybody knows about Sup Forums

I want Milo to deposit his white privilege in my ass.

Of course he does, the religion meme comes from here too


>he mixes
He can't fucking mix, he's a faggot

Him having sex with black men won't produce any fucking mixed race children you fucking retard

He's Greek

Rules 1 and 2 only apply to raids, you stupid kikes

>implying you don't have a 3 half-paki butt babies

I bet he doesn't even speak the language, typical Jew leeching onto another culture.

He just wanted their gay sex expertise.

the aids he will get is his child
>butt babies

Pakis have tiny cocks lad
I'm all about those big Nigerians

stop shilling milo
>jewish owned
>regularly takes black dick in his ass

and this is the guy you underage fags call based? you guys somehow think he can be a frontman for the "alt-right" and not have conservative values himself?

you dumbass are subscribing to the jews. the alt-right is jewish controlled oppo. all the big names are jewish or jewish owned. this faggot in particular is aimed at the younger crowd, the vidya players and the college kids. so now the jews have this fag teaching you idiots "oh see you can totally be gay, milos cool i wouldnt mind being gay, wow what a #BASED faggot i love milo". so you sit there and throat his cock over and over because of some unfathomable reason.

im not sure if its because you all are fucking stupid and think him making liberal college kids who have the emotional capacity and reasoning of a child chimp out is some kind of achievement. every fucking day its the same shit, and you fags keep shitting up the board with threads about this guy.

get the fuck out of here

Ebin trolling

He's posted here and on 8 Sup Forums before.
Sometimes he confirms ID with twitter

all of this meme garbage is on facebook

fuck off

Gas yourself faggot


>"oh see you can totally be gay, milos cool i wouldnt mind being gay, wow what a #BASED faggot i love milo"

Not really you impressionable fucking retard. He's conveying what Sup Forums is about to the mainstream while not coming off as a fringe 5th column storm weanie.

How fucking fat are your fingers that you managed to hit "m" instead of space bar ?

This was never true, although is still did apply to raids, rules 1 and 2 were global.

Breaking these rules is why Tom Green caught on so fast.

He was in a thread on 8 Sup Forums about exposing pedos. He said he'd look into it and confirmed ID with twitter.
Didn't screen shot cause it seemed pointless. Everyone knew he posted on the site on the gamergate boards

He may a be a degenerate race mixing faggot, but he's our degenerate race mixing faggot.

He is the rights ally in the current culture war that is waging against the progressive left.

Besides, le libertarian board says humans have the right to fuck whoever they want.

The mans a gay catholic who defends the family structure. Can't be that much more based for a pole smoker.

Sup Forums hasn't changed at all. It's still full of autism, the definition of autism has changed. More people becoming autistic is hardly a bad thing for Sup Forums

>talks about not only pepe but rare pepes
>has talked about dat boi repeatedly
>said whew, lad on television
>posts memes constantly on twitter
>sites Sup Forums as a conservative source
id say he's one of us.
i dont get the hate desu
Milo has done more of what we've all dreamed of doing for a long time in a much shorter amount of time. He's literally the incarnation of Sup Forums's daydreams.



Fucking australians making me take the bait


>you impressionable fucking retard

dont project you idiot. if you had a fucking brain youd understand how easily manipulated and impressionable teens and young adults are.

And no hes not conveying shit about what Sup Forums is about, you sound like a ledditor. He's goobergate tier shit.

>conveying what Sup Forums is about
>being a faggot, sucking off black dudes, and calling men daddy is what Sup Forums is about

yea maybe in fucking sweden. get fucking lost and take all your rebbit friends with you.

fuck off with this faggot, he's literally rebbit
nothing he says isn't mainstream opinion on rebbit

almost everything he says isn't right wing enough for Sup Forums

he is not Sup Forums

he is a jewish greek that gets fucked by black guys and tells everyone that nobody is actually racist and that antisemitism is just a big joke and nobody on the alt right is homophobic, racist or means anything they say at all


>being a faggot, sucking off black dudes, and calling men daddy is what Sup Forums is about

Out of each 2 hour appearance that's like 10 seconds, and that is what you remember the most? Are you insecure about your sexuality and how long have you fantasized about getting fucked by niggers? Now is the time to get it off your chest, don't worry no one will judge you.

>nobody is actually racist and that antisemitism is just a big joke and nobody on the alt right is homophobic, racist or means anything they say at all

He's right, this is only true for immature edgelords.

>Sup Forums hasn't changed at all.
Yes it has you fucking newfag. This place used to be full of holocaust denialist and other crazy conspiracy theorists, now it's just MUH FEMINAZIS alt-right babbies like you.

>Not supporting Israel
>Not having a accurate historical perspective on why Jews are more intelligent than the average person
>Not being open to befriending redpilled shitskin/minority friends
>Not wanting to see your compatriots happy even if they're faggots
>Believing in superiority memes, not only against non-whites but hierarchy bait between the European races too

Are you even Sup Forums?

he's based as fuck, cant stop watching them btfo feminists