>americans spent millions on this """stealth""" ship
>20 fucking stories high
lel, what a scam
>americans spent millions on this """stealth""" ship
>20 fucking stories high
lel, what a scam
>argentina spent millions of dollars on these """white""" people
How does your navy hold up?
>Some tribe in the south of apeland has an opinion
lol who cares
>australia spent millions on bullets to kill some birds
I don't think it works
>talking shit about anybody's navy
Argentina is whiter than you.
>Argentina doesn't have millions to spend on anything
And the birds won.
Never forget
anyway, we sunk a chinese ship
when was the last time you sunk a chinese ship? faggot
>inb4 fishing boat
when was the last time you sunk anything?
Atleast it means they can avoid this happening.
>ITT the joke
>everyone else
go away bernout
>On 21 January 2013, Santísima Trinidad suffered a broken valve which resulted in the flooding of six compartments. The flooding was beyond the capacity of the pumps and the crew were evacuated. The ship took on a 50 degree list and sank at the moorings. Decisions are yet to be made on re-floating the vessel. Santísima Trinidad was in poor condition before she sank; the ship had been cannibalized to keep her sister Hercules operational, as the British refused to sell the Argentines spare parts after the Falklands War.
>so stealthy you can't even see it
looks like its working to me
Never. When the chines comes to collect their debt they'll have to cough it up or else China will flatten them.
>says the country with an aircraft carrier with no aircraft
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the Pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
>replies with pasta
oh, you got mad
>says the country with no Malvinas
>says the country with no Belgrano
>You are the Baltimore of South America.
Don't insult Baltimore. At least Baltimore didn't invade Delaware and get its shit kicked in by New Jersey.
Swap the casualties around.
If you misrepresent the facts again, I'll glass you right in your greasy, fat spic ass.It's one thing to make fun of slavery and the holocaust, but this...
>says the people with no london
>says the people with no white skin
>says the country with no sun
Remove straya
>no london
>muslims in london=no london
Argentinians, everynody
Now you're really reaching.
ahmed, youre gonna seriously lack vitamin D in bongland, you should go back to pakistan
Jesus Christ
Ironically, Argentina is 9% Arab and even had a Muslim Arab president, Carlos Menem. They even had two Muslim commanders in the Falklands War, Lami Dozo and Mohamed Alí Seineldín.
Just as soon as you go back to Africa.
>Argentina is 9% Arab
>muslim president
lel, if you mention his name you get cursed
there is a way to lift the curse, but I wont tell you
Why is the world still spending billions on armed sea vessels when we live in a time of satellites, missiles, and flight? Is any nation in the 21st century going to be defeated because a big ship attacked its naval infrastructure or sea side buildings? Isn't the navy obsolete?
>funny joke
>no one notices, instead shitpost and fight amongst each other
>meanwhile I lol
Fine, it's 8.65% and I rounded up to 9. So shoot me. Oh, wait, you can't because you're an Argie so all you can do is surrender.
>Isn't the navy obsolete?
lol nah
Power projection in the sea's is like having the only loaded gun in a game of laser tag..
I-I lel'd too user...
This thread is some of the greatest trolling I have ever seen.
Unless you have some way to move cargo between countries without using ships - like say a matter transport beam from Star Trek - navies are not obsolete.
I have to go shave. I'll be back in 15 minutes. Argentina, don't go surrendering while I'm gone.
>Argie so all you can do is surrender.
>surrender campaign
Usually I did jump in for the Argies, but this one is doing a decent job alone.
That right wing government is really uncuking you.
>what is combined arms doctrine
Argentina niggers BTFO. Falkland Islands are rightful British clay.
thanks peru bro
the peruvians that stay in peru are quite decent people
> Not making use of superior swan-stealth technologie
Do you even try, rest of the world ?
> comes to collect their debt
Aww thats cute that you think that will ever happen.
We don't need air rifles to beat you, Argie. We have cruise missiles and submarines for that.
If they were as good at fighting as they are at crying on Sup Forums, they might have a chance of getting the Falklands.
>implying you would shoot us
seriously, youre so cucked if we invaded again your government would just apologize for having taken our islands
That's what you thought in 1982. It didn't work very well for you.
but it is the current year now
>rare painting of goose green
You should post actual footage from the Falklands War.
gif related
Correct. In 1982, the Falklands had a garrison of 50 men. In 2016, it has a garrison of 1,000 men, a squadron of Typhoons and a permanent destroyers and submarine presence.
So, please invade. Please. We need a laugh.
>So, please invade. Please. We need a laugh.
pfff, we made you spend so much money on protecting some rocks because muh empire
we dont want war with you fags, we are trying to improve relationships with the world now
>stationing 1000 soldiers on a rock
>meanwhile british children are raped by pakis back home
>not worse than Chile
>pfff, we made you spend so much money on protecting some rocks because muh empire
Rocks that sit atop some very large oil reserves.
>we dont want war
Because you know you'd lose.
>with you fags,
If we're fags, what does it make you when you lost a war to us and are too scared to start another one? You're not just fags. You're literally our bitch.
>we are trying to improve relationships with the world now
Yeah, looks like it.
>stationing 1000 soldiers on a rock
You invaded the rock and lost nearly 700 men trying to hold onto that rock.
So, yeah. Looks like you lose. As usual.
same can be said of you spain senpai
pfff its right fucking there. what a waste of money. they should have copied that jew-ship
Spain is Just Argentina Europe flavour
>has pillars of Gibralter on flag
>doesn't own Gibralter
>'some rocks'
>Are on his currency
>pls respond D:
NOBODY CARES ABOUT GIBRALTAR. I don't know where people get this meme.
"Our" London is 45% british. You are a bitch to the arab and then the jew.
You are in no position to talk smack.
>I don't care about irrelevant rock
>has it on flag
How are you gonna bomb people if you cant get planes to counties you want to bomb without an aircraft carrier and then how are you gonna defend the aircraft carriers
>60% white.
You know what time it is bong?
It's time for a Pakistani mayor.
>repelying to the same post twice
dude, youre butthurt
I dont know why is britain so butthurt, I mean, you won the war
everytime an argentinian starts a thread about anything you british cucks come running to insult us, and youre still butthurt
the best part is that after decades of our governments using the malvinas as a distraction our new president doesnt care about it, and your media is now picking up the slack and using it as an argument to stay in the EU
we are literally whiter than you now
is relevant within the eu (more so than Italy), is white, even if people want to deny it. the map in shows that our blood is mosly homogenous. The proud part is devatable. But we are definetly better than Chile.
you always bring this up and think we live like the monkeys you are.
Remove taco
That's not a picture of the Zumwalt, that's the Belgrano.
>not posting pic related
way to waste an opportunity
>half of city is richer than his entire country
>lol ur head bus conductor is Muslim
Stay mad which ever Slav nation your flag represents